Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 253 Old friends from the past!

"I'll pay, forty thousand!"

Just when everyone thought that Old General Deng Xian and Deng would definitely take the Sword Enlightenment Stone, an extremely discordant voice suddenly sounded.

The sound came from Ling Feng's box. It was Yan Cangtian who picked up the bidding auction and shouted the price loudly.

This voice immediately made Ling Feng's private room a target of public criticism!

"Damn it, even Mr. Luo from Nancheng withdrew from the bidding because of his respect for General Deng. Who are you? You don't know how high the sky is!"

"What an idiot. I, Ye Tianchen, am not acclimated to the local environment, so I will accept your ignorance and fearlessness!"

The other guests attending the auction couldn't help but stare at Ling Feng's box, pointing, and even worse, they cursed loudly.

"You don't know how high the sky is, even General Deng dares to disrespect you!"

"Get out of the auction house, garbage is not eligible to participate in the auction!"

"Yes, get out!"

For a moment, the auction house became a little out of control, and some speculators took advantage of the chaos and shouted: "We can't let this scum steal the Sword Enlightenment Stone. I'll pay four thousand one!"

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. General Deng Xian and Deng did indeed have a very high prestige in the empire. He was a famous general who was loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

Even though Ling Feng was just a traveling doctor before, he had heard the name of General Deng Xian before following his grandfather Ling Kun around the world.

At this time, there are indeed some people who should not give face to this veteran general who has been in the army for half his life and continue to bid.

"Mr. Yan, otherwise..."

Although Ling Feng was a little reluctant to part with the Sword Enlightenment Stone, he didn't want Yan Cangtian to be stigmatized because of this matter.

"Hehe, just leave this matter to me!" Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard, "Then Mr. Deng owes me a favor, so I just want to take this opportunity to pay it back."

"This..." Ling Feng took a deep look at Yan Cangtian and was secretly grateful.

Yan Cangtian actually asked General Deng Xian to return his former favor for his own sake. You know, for strong men of this level, the favors between them are not so easy to repay...

"Compared to my life, a mere favor is nothing." Yan Cangtian smiled faintly. If it weren't for Ling Feng, he would still be an old lunatic, and he might not be around for long.

Although Yan Cangtian didn't say it, he already regarded Ling Feng as his junior in his heart.

He had no relatives, no children, and no children. In his heart, Ling Feng was considered half a grandson.

In the VIP box No. 3, Deng Xian frowned slightly. In fact, he was not very willing to use his identity to pressure others not to continue to participate in the auction, but he had already put up with this old face, and there were still people. Without giving face, no wonder the old general would be unhappy.

"Grandpa, keep increasing the price, keep increasing the price!"

Next to Deng Xian, there was a young woman about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing emerald green clothes, hugging Deng Xian's arm, pouting and saying: "I must get that Sword Enlightenment Stone! "

Deng Xian sighed lightly. If his granddaughter hadn't pressed him every step of the way, he wouldn't have bothered to wade into this muddy water.

Others may give him a thumbs-down, but he doesn't want to use his identity to force others.

After all, auctions are meant to be a place for fair bidding.

"You girl, you are still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from realizing the complete meaning of the sword." Deng Xian glanced at the unruly granddaughter, "Forty thousand high-grade Yuan stones have almost exceeded the value of the sword enlightenment stone. "My grandfather has been honest all his life. Apart from his salary and the rewards from His Majesty the Emperor, he doesn't have much wealth to squander."

Of course, Deng Xian is not really poor, he just hopes to teach his granddaughter some principles of life through words and deeds.

"I don't care, I don't care, I just want it!" Deng Yongshi raised her lips and her eyes suddenly turned red, "Grandpa, you don't care about Xiaoshi at all!"

Deng Xian felt helpless, sighed, and had no choice but to raise his voice: "Forty-two thousand low-grade Yuanshi. My friend, this price has exceeded the value of the Sword Enlightenment Stone itself. I hope you won't act on your whim."

"Hehe, this old man Deng's temper is still as gentle as before." Yan Cangtian grinned, "If it were other generals, they would have scolded me long ago!"

Ling Feng's lips twitched as he cursed...

Can a powerful person at the level of Shenyuan Realm actually curse like a street shrew?

"Boy, this time for you, I have to offend my old friend!"

Yan Cangtian laughed loudly, and there was clearly no trace of shame on his face. Instead, he laughed loudly and said: "Speaking of Mr. Deng, is it possible that you can't even hear my voice? To tell you the truth, this old man Wu Sword Master Shi It’s settled, if you’re not afraid of being accused of being ungrateful, you can continue to fight with me for 45,000!”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the guests below all jumped wildly.

Is there another twist in this plot?

Could it be that the guy who bid against General Deng Xian turned out to be Deng Xian’s benefactor?

In the VIP seat No. 3, General Deng's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this.

"If you think about it carefully, this voice is indeed quite familiar..." Deng Xian touched his long beard and thought for a long time, then a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Could it be him!"

He couldn't help but swallow hard, "Isn't it said that this old guy has gone crazy?"

Deng Xian suddenly felt a storm in his heart.

Speaking of which, that happened more than forty years ago. He and Yan Cangtian were classmates who joined Tianwei Academy in the same class. Later, Deng Xian embarked on the road of military service, while Yan Cangtian stayed in the empire and devoted himself to Study the path of alchemy.

One year, Deng Xian was seriously injured in a battle with the demon clan. When he was sent back to the empire, several Taoist doctors were already at a loss. If Yan Cangtian hadn't cracked an ancient elixir recipe and refined the elixir himself. After removing the demon poison for him, his little life would have been dead long ago.

And where did Deng Xian, the great general from Yingyang, come from today?

"That old madman!" Deng Xian said with a smile on his lips, "Hahaha, you old boy! You have to return this favor!"

Hearing grandpa murmuring to himself, Deng Yongshi had a bad feeling in her heart, gritted her teeth and said, "Grandpa, you can't give up!"

"Xiao Shi, grandpa can promise you everything else, but this is your grandpa's savior. I will take you to visit grandpa's old friend later." Although Deng Xian has not seen him for almost twenty years Yan Cangtian passed away, but when he thinks of Yan Cangtian, the past is like flying through his mind.

"Damn it, you are an old friend, you are just an old bastard. You are robbing a little girl like me. You are a bad guy, a big bad guy!" Deng Yongshi angrily pushed Deng Xian away, full of grievances.

"Asshole!" Deng Xian raised his eyebrows and glared at Deng Yongshi, obviously angry, "Yongshi, that's grandpa's best friend, how can you curse people casually!"

It was the first time that Deng Yongshi saw her grandfather so angry. Tears immediately filled her eyes. She lowered her head and said, "Grandpa, Xiaoshi said the wrong thing. Xiaoshi will never dare to do it again!"

Deng Xian took a deep breath, stepped forward and stroked the back of his granddaughter's head, and sighed softly: "It's my fault, grandpa. I'm used to being arrogant towards you, so I developed such a bad temper like yours!"

With that said, Deng Xian picked up a sound transmission crystal on the table and shouted: "I give up this Sword Enlightenment Stone! Please also look at my face and don't compete with the friend just now. I am very grateful." All!"

(Tenth update!)

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