Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 252 General Ying Yang!

The auction will begin soon, and Ling Feng's goal is very clear, which is naturally the "Sword Enlightenment Stone" used to improve his understanding of the sword.

There are more than a dozen items in front of them, all of which are various weapons and armors, and even some precious secrets on martial arts.

The most outrageous thing is that the tenth auction item is actually a living person!

It is not entirely correct to say that she is a human being. She is a naked woman. Different from a normal human woman, she has a pair of pointed ears on her head and a furry tail behind her, covering her body. key parts.

However, this alone is enough to make the blood of many male warriors boil.

This is a fox girl with mixed blood of human race and demon race. She has been raised as a slave girl since she was a child. Phenomenons like this are not uncommon in the gold-selling caves of the imperial capital.

After a while, the fox girl was auctioned off for a high price of 6,000 high-grade Yuanshi. She was just a female slave, and the price was comparable to an ancient elixir. It has to be said that human desire is indeed a kind of Pretty scary stuff.

Finally, a solemn look appeared on the face of the auctioneer on the stage, and he laughed and said: "The items to be auctioned next are the real treasures tonight, and their value is absolutely extraordinary."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. The real good thing was just about to be unveiled.

"I won't whet everyone's appetite. The next auction item..."

The bidder could make a longer voice, and then clapped his hands. Soon, a muscular man walked up to the high platform holding a tray.

On the top of the tray, there is also a piece of red cloth covering it, which makes people very anxious to get angry.

"Hey, kid, pay attention, this is the Sword Enlightenment Stone you want." Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard and smiled lightly.

With his insight, a small piece of red cloth could not isolate his perception.

"Sword Enlightenment Stone?" Ling Feng held his breath. He was determined to get this treasure.

"Haha..." The auctioneer on the high platform waved his hand, lifted the red cloth on the tray, and said with a smile: "That's right, I believe many people have guessed it, this is the famous Sword Enlightenment Stone!"

"As we all know, there is only one dangerous place in the Tianbai Empire. It was because a swordsman in ancient times opened up a huge canyon with one sword, so it was named Tianjian Canyon. Since then, within the Tianjian Canyon, there has been For thousands of years, the sword intention of the sword master still lingers. These sword enlightenment stones are collected from the Tianjian Canyon. For warriors who are good at swordsmanship, they are definitely treasures not to be missed! "

The auctioneer reached out and raised the tray high, laughing and saying: "Look, everyone, this Sword Enlightenment Stone is seven inches long. It is definitely the largest Sword Enlightenment Stone that our Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce has collected in the past ten years. So, I don’t think I need to say more about the value of this Sword Enlightenment Stone?”

Before he finished speaking, the audience became agitated.

"I, Master Luo from the south of the city, am determined to get this Sword Enlightenment Stone!"

"I am Ye Tianchen, a native of the Imperial Capital. Whoever dares to rob me, Tianchen will accompany me to the end!"


A group of people were making all sorts of noises, not enough to see where they were seated. None of them were even ordinary VIP boxes, they were all a bunch of clowns!

However, the seven-inch Sword Enlightenment Stone is indeed enough to arouse the ideas of those real bosses.

"Boy, it seems that the competition this time will be quite fierce." Yan Cangtian also did not expect that the Sword Enlightenment Stone bid for this time would reach the seven-inch level for the first time. If Ling Feng could absorb it, he would definitely be able to stabilize it. Transform the sword embryo into sword intent.

"Then are my 120,000 high-grade Yuan Stones enough?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Let's see." Yan Cangtian raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "If there is no one to fight with you, 120,000 is definitely more than enough, but there are exceptions to everything, just in case any of that guy wants to buy it back for them "

"I hope my luck isn't too bad."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. No matter what, the Sword Enlightenment Stone was something he was determined to obtain.

On the high platform, the bidding officer saw that the atmosphere on the court had become lively, and immediately said with a smile: "Everyone should know something about the preciousness of the Sword Enlightenment Stone, so I won't say more nonsense. This seven-inch long stone The starting price for the Enlightenment Sword Stone is five thousand high-grade Yuan Stones, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred high-grade Yuan Stones!”

Before he finished speaking, someone immediately gathered the bidding cards and shouted: "I will offer six thousand high-grade Yuan Stones!"

"You want to get this Sword Enlightenment Stone even if you have six thousand? I'll give you eight thousand!"

"Eight thousand and five!"

"Eight thousand six!"

The bidding sounds came one after another, and soon exceeded the 10,000 mark.

The seven-inch-long Sword Enlightenment Stone contains more than three times more swordsmanship insights than the ordinary three-inch-long one. For those who are about to comprehend the sword's intention, or whose sword's intention has reached a critical point. , for a swordsman who can break through immediately, it is natural that he wants to get the treasure even if he breaks through it.

"Eighteen thousand! Everyone, give me Nancheng Luo Shao some face!"

"Young Master Luo from Nancheng is such a loser! I, Ye Tianchen, will pay you 19,000!"

The price soared to 19,000. Finally, the big guys sitting in the VIP box became restless and joined the bidding.

"Thirty thousand!"

The speaker was an old man in the top VIP box on the top floor. His voice was slightly deep, but it had an irresistible intimidation.

This person's cultivation is absolutely terrifying!

The auctioneer looked up at the box over there, quickly bowed his hands, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be General Deng. It seems that this year General Yingyang's mansion will produce another swordsman wizard!"

It turns out that the person who just spoke was Deng Xian, a veteran of the dynasty!

General Deng has been killing enemies on the battlefield and suppressing the border for more than ten years. No matter the enemy country or the demon clan, they can't cross the thunder pool. He is a famous general in the empire and is named General Ying Yang.

Deng Xian wanted to bid for the Sword Enlightenment Stone, so naturally it would not be for his own use. Therefore, the auctioneer deduced that the Deng family had a swordsman prodigy. Although it was a bit of a flattery, it was not a big mistake.

"Everyone, I, Deng Xian, hope you can give me this face. I would like to remember you as a favor!"

Of course, these words of General Deng were addressed to the other VIPs who were also in the top VIP seats. General Deng had served in the military all his life, and all the princes and ministers in the court would give him three cents of noodles, so even if others wanted to participate, I can only give up on the bidding and do it as a favor.

"General Deng has made great achievements in battle. Well, I, Mr. Luo of Nancheng, will give you face, so I won't raise the price!"

"Well, although I, Ye Tianchen, don't agree with anyone, I will only obey you, General Deng, and I won't bid you any more!"

The surrounding guests all twitched their mouths and stared at these two idiots with caring eyes.

I was secretly curious in my heart, how did these two idiots, so shameless and so good about themselves, live to be so old?

However, with the words of General Deng Xian and Deng, there was silence for a while, and no one continued to increase the price.

Just when everyone thought that this Sword Enlightenment Stone would definitely end up in General Yingyang's Mansion, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"I'll pay, forty thousand!"

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