Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 232 Hidden Dragon Talent!

"Leng Jiaoxi, please wait a moment!"

The middle-aged man in black robe walked quickly with the young man and stood ten meters away on the left side of the high platform. "Leng Jiaoxi, have you accepted the document that the Academic Affairs Office sent you a few days ago?"

"It's Academician Xia!" Leng Jianfeng grinned, touched his beard on his chin and said, "Haha, I should have received it..."

Xia Zhengtao frowned, glanced at Leng Jianfeng, and said with a frown: "Leng Jianxi, I'm not talking about you, you..."

Xia Zhengtao saw all the students on the field and sighed softly, "Forget it, I've brought them to you anyway. This is the ninth son of Taiwei Li's family, Li Bufan. He missed it because of some things before. I have passed the entrance examination selection, and the ten 'Hidden Dragon Talents' have already been sent to that place, so I will temporarily arrange them to be in your East Campus, is that okay?"

"Li Bufan..." The devil teacher narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy next to Xia Zhengtao. There was a trace of amusement on the corner of his mouth: It seems that there are more and more perverts in this year's yellow-labeled disciples.

"Nephew Bufan, this is the instructor from the East Campus, Leng Jianfeng. From now on, you can train with the students from the East Campus." Xia Zhengtao turned to look at Li Bufan, with a hint of asking for advice in his voice.

As Xia Zhengtao, he was an academician of Tianwei Academy with a high status, but he still wanted to consult this young man's opinion. It can be imagined that this person's background was by no means simple.

In fact, Xia Zhengtao just said that this Li Bufan is the ninth son of Taiwei Li's family.

The Tianbai Empire implemented the system of three ministers and nine ministers. Among the three princes, they are: the prime minister, the Taiwei, and the imperial censor.

This Lieutenant Li is among the three princes, which shows how prominent the Li family is.

Li Bufan raised his eyes and glanced at Leng Jianfeng, and said calmly: "Weak people are not qualified to teach me! If you defeat me, I will stay!"


Before he finished speaking, the students below took a deep breath.

This student is so arrogant that he doesn't even take Leng Jianfeng seriously!

When Leng Jianfeng heard this, instead of getting angry, he burst out laughing, "Boy, you are so arrogant, I like it!"

"So, are you going to accept my challenge?" Li Bufan's voice was cold, indifferent, without any emotion. It was like ice that has not melted for thousands of years, cold to the bone.

"Boy, you are too young to fight with me." Leng Jianfeng pointed at Ling Feng and grinned, "You must at least defeat him to be qualified to fight with me!"

For a moment, countless pairs of eyes looked at Ling Feng.

"Is this Mr. Leng actually using me as a shield?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, his eyes burning with fighting intent!

He had a hunch that this Li Bufan was by no means a simple person, but a monster worthy of his true strength!

Academician Xia Zhengtao, who brought Li Bufan over, couldn't help but his eyelids twitched: Are you kidding, Li Bufan, he is a real "hidden dragon talent"!

The so-called hidden dragon talents are the super geniuses who are ranked in the top ten in various comprehensive talents when freshmen enter each year. They are fundamentally different from ordinary students.

If Li Bufan hadn't received a great opportunity during the entrance examination and slept for a full month, he would have been listed among the top ten hidden dragon talents and been sent to the secret place of Tianwei Academy for special training. .

And Leng Jianfeng actually wanted an ordinary genius to fight against a hidden dragon talent.

Xia Zhengtao shook his head and thought to himself: It seems that Leng Jianfeng has no idea how terrifying the hidden dragon talent is!

Li Bufan followed Leng Jianfeng's fingers and looked at Ling Feng.

The next moment, the corner of his mouth curled up, "You are indeed qualified to fight me!"

In full view of everyone, Li Bufan stepped onto the high platform step by step, stopped a hundred steps away from Ling Feng, and stood still.

The two young geniuses stood facing each other, and they were fiercely clashing with each other with a strong aura!

"That's right, that boy wants to fight Chief Ling!"

"It's such a terrible momentum, I feel like I can't stand still!"

The students in the audience all turned pale and their hearts trembled under the crazy pressure.

Even the elites selected by Leng Jianfeng on the stage couldn't help but take a dozen steps back, not daring to get close to the range where the two men's momentum was clashing.

"Li Taiwei, Ninth Young Master..." Liu Yunfei was thoughtful. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He turned to look at his cousin Qin Wanwan and said in a deep voice: "I know, this Li Bufan is the so-called Little Sword God. That Li Bufan! The little swordsman of Taiwei Li’s family!”

Qin Wanwan blinked her beautiful big eyes and suddenly realized, "Huh? It's him..."

Li Bufan!

He learned the sword at the age of six, realized the sword at the age of nine, and understood the sword's intention at the age of twelve!

This person is a young genius who is famous in the imperial capital, a swordsman monster known as the "Little Sword God".

His name may not be as resounding as that of Yan Jinghong, who is known as the "Legend of the Empire", but in the imperial capital, no one does not know the name of the "Little Sword God", and Li Bufan is a member of the Taiwei Mansion. Proud to be regarded as a training target for the next head of the family!

A blush appeared on Qin Wanwan's face for no reason.

She suddenly remembered that when she was eleven or twelve years old, there was a cold-hearted young man who appeared in Jiangdu and became famous in one battle.

That boy was Li Bufan, the one she had always had a crush on when she was in her prime...

"Cousin, this guy is really the little sword god, isn't that you..."

Before Liu Yunfei finished speaking, Qin Wanwan reached out to block him, "Liu Yunfei, if you are not afraid of death, just keep talking!"

Liu Yunfei quickly shook his head, pulled off Qin Wanwan's little hand, took a few deep breaths and said, "Cousin, you are too cruel!"

"Hmph!" Qin Wanwan folded her hands in front of her chest and pouted, "Anyway, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

"If you don't say it, don't say it." Liu Yunfei looked at the center of the high platform again.

While they were talking, Ling Feng and Li Bufan had slowly drawn out their respective swords and stood at the corner of the high platform.

a long time! a long time!

Finally, Li Bufan moved, and the corner of his mouth curved, "You are indeed an opponent worthy of letting me draw my sword!"

"You're not bad either, take action!"

Ling Feng felt that the fighting spirit in his body had been completely ignited, turning into a raging fire that could not be contained.


A dazzling cold light suddenly shined out from the high platform.

A sword strikes, as if the sword god has arrived, and that bit of cold light is like an antelope hanging its horns, unpredictable!


too fast!

All the students, even Leng Jianfeng, secretly admired how evil this teenage boy was!

"Little Sword God" Li Bufan, with his body like a ghost and his body movements so fast, he could catch up with Ling Feng's carefree sword steps!

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!


There was an explosion and the two swords clashed. The two young geniuses took one step at a time, turned around suddenly, and their eyes met.

This sword is evenly matched!

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