Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 233 Evenly divided?

" is this possible?"

Xia Zhengtao, who was standing under the high platform watching the battle, was completely stunned. He didn't expect that among the disciples with yellow characters in the east courtyard, there was actually another one with a hidden dragon talent!

A young swordsman who is as equal as the "Little Sword God" Li Bufan!

Xia Zhengtao was even a little angry. What did the admissions staff do? How could such an evil monster be classified as an ordinary student with yellow letters!

You know, if Li Bufan is selected as one of the ten Hidden Dragon Talents, he will definitely be among the top three. Doesn't this mean that Ling Feng also has such talent!

"Your sword is very fast!"

Li Bufan held the sword in his right hand, pointed the sword's edge diagonally at the ground, stared at Ling Feng, and said in a cold voice: "My name is Li Bufan, who are you? Tell me your name!"

"Ling Feng!"

"Okay! I will join the East Campus." Li Bufan stood with his hands behind his hands and said proudly: "But before that, you and I will finish this battle first!"

"I think so too!"

Ling Feng stared at the cold-faced man and vaguely demonstrated the "Breaking Mystery from All Directions" sword skill that Yan Cangtian gave him.

Facing Li Bufan, he had realized that even the Xuan level swordsmanship such as Blood Lotus Sword Song and Yihua Jade Burial Sword would be inferior.

"What a scary guy, he can actually be on par with the chief!"

"Chief Ling Feng can easily beat all Xuanzi disciples to the ground!"

The students looked at each other with deep awe in their eyes.

"It turns out that Brother Ling is so powerful!" Liu Yunfei swallowed hard. He had known how terrifying Li Bufan was since he was a child. He never expected that after six years, this Li Bufan had become a tower that could only be looked up to. mountains.

Similarly, Ling Feng's strength also made him look up to him.

As for Qin Wanwan, when she saw the two sides fighting, she felt a little confused.


The sword edge trembled, and Li Bufan launched another strong attack!

The sword swept across, killing eight with one sword!

Eight sword flowers bloomed in an instant, like a spiritual snake spitting a message, piercing Lingfeng's eight major acupoints!

"What a great Li Bufan!"

An extremely dazzling light burst out from Ling Feng's eyes. He stepped forward with his Xiaoyao Sword Step, sideways, his wrist trembled, and in the same way, he killed eight with one sword!

Dang, Dang, Dang! …

There were eight consecutive explosions of sword clashes. The red sword flowers and silver sword flowers collided crazily, causing little sparks to fly in all directions.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the two swords clashed, and dangers abounded!

In this kind of fast-paced sword fighting, unless you have absolute confidence in yourself, one wrong move will result in bloodshed!

Everyone was dazzled. It didn't look like a battle between Huang Zi's disciples. Even if it was said to be a confrontation between two swordsman masters, there would definitely be people who believed it.

"This kid turns out to be deeper than I thought! And his true energy can actually explode to such an extent in an instant!"

Leng Jianfeng narrowed his eyes, stared at the two sides of the confrontation, and thought to himself: Good boy, who are you?


Although Jiang Xiaofan couldn't quite understand the speed of the two men's swords, he still couldn't restrain his excitement and started shouting crazily.

"Beautiful! So amazing!"

"Excellent swordsmanship, you deserve to be the chief!"

"And the new one is also very powerful!"

The young people in the audience cheered for a while. Seeing such a dazzling swordsmanship duel, they even sighed deeply, this is called real swordsmanship!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

A series of sounds of sword clashes could be heard endlessly.

On the stage, figures flickered like ghosts, sometimes flashing with red light, sometimes with dazzling silver light!

When everyone was dazzled, they had no idea how many times these two young geniuses had fought.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

A full half an hour has passed, and the confrontation between the two is still continuing!

Leng Jianfeng frowned. He had already seen that the gap between the two was only a millimeter. Unless he killed the other party, it would be impossible to end the battle.

"Hey!" Leng Jianfeng shook his head and sighed, his whole body flashed with bright golden light, his figure flashed and he rushed directly into the battle circle.


A huge pit suddenly exploded on the ground, with rocks and rubble flying everywhere wildly.

The next moment, everyone only saw Leng Jianfeng in the center of the high platform. He grabbed Ling Feng's sword blade with his left hand and Li Bufan's sword blade with his right hand, firmly holding the two of them in place.

"Okay, if we keep fighting, it will get dark, and I still have to go to class!"

After saying that, Leng Jianfeng swung his hand, and a huge force swept wildly, directly throwing Ling Feng and Li Bufan away.

The two of them took dozens of steps back before they could stabilize their bodies.

Li Bufan looked at Leng Jianfeng and found that Leng Jianfeng's right hand trembled slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that at the last moment, when Leng Jianfeng caught his sword move, it was his own attack that slightly gained the upper hand.

However, he did not see that there was a bloodstain on the palm of Leng Jianfeng's left hand that was carried behind his back!

——Those are the sword marks scratched by Ling Feng’s Shi Fang Annihilation!

Strictly speaking, this last sword strike was still Ling Feng's, slightly better.

However, Leng Jianfeng did not point out these subtle details, so this competition ended in a draw.

Seeing the unfinished expressions of the students below, Leng Jianfeng stared at the students below with a dark face and cursed: "What the hell are you doing standing around like that? Do you want another fifty laps?"


The yellow-lettered disciples below were so frightened that their hair stood on end. They quickly put on the six hundred kilograms of iron armor, "knock-knock-knock-knocked" around the martial arts square, and ran with all their strength.

"You kid, you're not bad at all." Leng Jianfeng looked at Li Bufan and curled his lips and said, "See if you can perform well, just join them in the second phase of training."

Li Bufan nodded slightly, glanced at Ling Feng, and immediately walked aside without saying a word.

This person really cherishes his words like gold and is as cold as ice!


Academician Xia Zhengtao waited aside for a long time. Finally, when the competition was over, he exhaled a long breath and said calmly: "Since the extraordinary nephew is willing to stay in the East Campus, then Professor Leng will be more worried about you. I still have some things to deal with." , I won’t stay.”

"Congratulations to Academician Xia."

Leng Jianfeng watched Xia Zhengtao walk away, slapped him twice on the back, and muttered in his heart: Old-fashioned, there are so many bullshit!

After complaining for a few words, Leng Jianfeng turned around, looked at Ling Feng and the others, and curled his lips and said: "You guys, come with me!"

Ling Feng took back and destroyed all directions. In the previous battle, except for the "Tian Zhuang Sword Art", he could be said to have used all his methods, but he still didn't get any advantage. This guy named Li Bufan is really amazing.

And this also made him realize that in this vast continent, there are countless geniuses like crucian carp crossing the river. If you just sit in a well and look at the sky, thinking that you are invincible, you will ultimately be just a frog at the bottom of the well.

There are so many geniuses, but if you want to become a person at the top, you still have a long way to go!

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