Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 231 Fighting intention! Mysterious boy!

" can't be right?"

"Oh my God? Is that Li Erdan acting? Are you so cooperative with Jiang Xiaofan?"

"Shadow! Shady! Yan Fang punches too hard!"

The students who were shouting below were all dumbfounded. Although Li Erdan was nothing special, he was still at the seventh level of the Pulse Condensation Realm!

Jiang Xiaofan is only at the third level of pulse condensation!

What's more, Jiang Xiaofan doesn't look like the kind of genius who can leapfrog the battlefield.

Even Yang Jun, Feng Mo and He Yiming who supported Jiang Xiaofan were dumbfounded.

"When did Xiaofan become so powerful?"

"Gulu, Xiaofan..."

Do not believe! Do not believe! Still don’t believe it!

A guy who everyone thinks is an idiot is actually a hidden master?

On the stage, Devil Instructor Leng Jianfeng's mouth curled up: A bunch of little bastards, do you know now? Do you question the way I look at people?

Even though he keeps saying that he looks down on these students, in fact, he knows the situation of every student very well in his heart.

In Tianwei Academy, in addition to being famous for his venomous mouth, his eyes are also very venomous!

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled without saying a word.

I often gave Jiang Xiaofan pointers, helped him train, and taught him martial arts. This was not in vain.

He saw Jiang Xiaofan's efforts. As the eldest brother, he naturally helped as much as he could. Moreover, Jiang Xiaofan's talent was actually not bad, and he was born with supernatural powers.

What Ling Feng did was just help him bring out his own advantages.

Qin Wanwan turned to look at Ling Feng, and when she saw Ling Feng's "treacherous" smile, she knew that all this must be related to Ling Feng.

"You bastard, you just know how to be a good person!" Qin Wanwan gritted her teeth, feeling a little strange in her heart. Most people in this world have begun to become selfish and ruthless.

Why does Ling Feng seem to have a special kind of appeal that can infect people around him?

Even I seem to be affected by him, and I seem to always think of him for no reason...


Qin Wanwan shook her head fiercely and thought to herself: I must be crazy!

"Xiaofan, well done!"

"That's it!"

Zhou Kai and Ouyang Jing laughed loudly. Among the fifteen places, they occupied four in Tianshu East Campus. It was a great honor!


Li Erdan stepped firmly on the ground to steady his body, and the smile on his face had completely frozen.

This guy is simply a ferocious humanoid beast!

"How's it going? Are you convinced now?" Leng Jianfeng chuckled, "Let's go down?"

"I don't believe it!" Li Erdan gritted his teeth and walked a few steps in from the edge of the high platform. He gritted his teeth and said, "Humph, I was just careless just now. I will never give him another chance this time!"

"Oh?" Leng Jianfeng shrugged, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy! Erdan, you are still young anyway, so it's better to take a few more blows."

Li Erdan's forehead went black, he squeezed the mysterious treasure tightly, and shouted: "Jiang Xiaofan, get out of here!"

This time, Li Erdan no longer dared to be too aggressive and directly launched an attack with all his strength.

Although Jiang Xiaofan's brain doesn't react very quickly, his long-term sparring with Ling Feng has allowed his limbs to adapt to Ling Feng's attack rhythm, and his limbs react even faster than his brain.

He stepped aside, swung his sword to block, and then used a basic swordsmanship move called "Splitting Huashan"!


Li Erdan was directly hit by the violent and surging force, and was knocked dizzy. He bent his legs and half-knelt on the ground. With a "click", the bluestone floor tiles shattered!


Absolute crushing!

It turns out that Jiang Xiaofan’s true strength is so terrifying!

Even Jiang Xiaofan himself was a little surprised and looked at his hands in disbelief.

However, with his limited wisdom, he still figured it out. During the sparring with Ling Feng, he had made a huge leap forward in both his reactions and body movements.

Jiang Xiaofan, who was looked down upon by others, became famous in one battle!

Li Erdan, on the other hand, became a laughing stock.

Let you show off?

In the audience, the students all looked at Jiang Xiaofan standing on the high platform with fearful eyes. No one dared to laugh at him anymore.

Because, if Jiang Xiaofan is an idiot and a fool, wouldn't they be worse than a fool?

"I really envy Xiaofan!" Yang Jun looked at Ling Feng for the first time after seeing Jiang Xiaofan win the competition. With that grateful look, he still didn't understand everything.

It is precisely because of Ling Feng's guidance that Xiaofan is able to achieve what he is today!

"Senior Brother Li, I accept." Jiang Xiaofan reached out to pull Li Erdan, but was slapped away by this guy.

"I don't need your sympathy!"

Li Erdan gritted his teeth, "If you lose, you lose, Jiang Xiaofan, I won't lose next time!"

Li Erdan got up on the ground, but he did not lose his fighting spirit because of his defeat at Jiang Xiaofan's hands. This was considered an advantage of this guy.


Devil Instructor Leng Jianfeng nodded secretly. Students from Tianwei Academy need this kind of character that never admits defeat in order to become stronger and stronger!

"It seems that you don't have any other opinions now, right?" Leng Jianfeng curled his lips and said impatiently: "I had known this, why bother? It's a waste of time!"

The students in the audience lowered their heads one by one, and had to secretly admire this devil instructor, his eyes were really vicious!

"Jiang Xiaofan, come to the team!" Leng Jianfeng waved his hand. Jiang Xiaofan nodded excitedly and quickly ran to Ling Feng and others.

"Xiaofan, congratulations!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you, brother, for your usual guidance!" Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and laughed innocently.

"Xiao Fan! You can do it! So you are so powerful!" Ouyang Jing laughed.

"Good guy, I knew you could do it!" Zhou Kai punched Jiang Xiaofan in the chest. This was the way the two muscular men greeted each other.

Several other students, including Liu Yunfei, Wang Yishan and others, also congratulated Jiang Xiaofan, and even Qin Wanwan nodded and smiled at him.

So many people were so enthusiastic about Jiang Xiaofan, which made this honest and simple young man feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, please calm down!" Leng Jianfeng coughed a few times and said with a cold face: "Except for the fifteen people I selected, the rest will continue to carry out weight training, six hundred kilograms, one hundred and ten kilograms lock up!"

The students in the audience sighed, lamenting that they usually didn't work hard enough.

Everyone was naturally curious about the "mysterious" second phase of training, and they were really envious and jealous of those guys who were selected!

"You guys, come with me!"

Before Leng Jianfeng finished speaking, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, followed by a handsome young man with a cold expression, striding towards the martial arts field.

That young man was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and he was very majestic. However, his expression was extremely cold, like ice that would never melt for thousands of years. There was no trace of emotion on his cold face.

When Ling Feng saw this young man, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

This young man actually aroused an uncontrollable fighting spirit in his heart!

At the same moment, the young man also raised his head, crossed the crowd, and pointed his cold eyes directly at Ling Feng!

PS: Some people keep saying that my updates are slow. Is it about to be released? Let me just say that it is impossible to be free forever, and it will not be put on the shelves now. It depends on the arrangement of the website. In case someone says when it is put on the shelves later, wasn’t it agreed to be free? I'm sorry, I really didn't agree with you... Moreover, those who have read my old books will know that not only am I slow in freeing, but I won't get any faster once I put it on the shelves. The speed is there, and there is nothing I can do about it.

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