Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 204 His name is Ling Feng!

Time passed by minute by minute.

One after another, the students who vowed to run to the finish line finally lost their strength and fell down heavily.

And every time a student fell, Leng Jianfeng would scold those who were still persisting.

It has to be said that his ability to attract hatred is quite powerful. On the first day they met, almost everyone already regarded him as a "devil" and wanted to attack him in groups and kill this "bastard"!

On the sixtieth lap, Ouyang Jing finally couldn't hold on anymore. He was able to reach this point only by relying on his strong willpower. When he fell, he couldn't even feel his legs. .

At this moment, there are only the last ten students who are still persisting!

Leng Jianfeng narrowed his eyes and curled his lips, "Anyone who can persist for more than sixty laps in this kind of training for the first time can become a seed player, and we will focus on training."

However, the expression on his face was still very cold, and he cursed in his mouth, "You are saying that you have to run a hundred laps, but you can't do it after sixty laps? You are indeed the worst class of students I have ever taught! "

The students who were scolded were blushing, and some even struggled to get up, but they couldn't run a few steps and fell down again.

At this moment, all their hopes can only be pinned on the remaining ten students.

If there are not more than three students who reach the finish line, and they are exhausted and do not eat or drink, and have to participate in follow-up training, it will definitely cost lives!

Seventy laps!

Eighty laps!

Fall down! Fall down! …

One student after another, exhausted, collapsed on the way to the finish line. Only the last three people are still holding on: Ling Feng, Jiang Xiaofan, and Wang Yishan!

Qin Wanwan finally collapsed on the seventy-seventh lap.

Liu Yunfei also fell down on his back at the eighty-second lap, his mind going blank.

He secretly competed with Ling Feng, but he was completely exhausted, but Ling Feng still persisted.

"Come on! Come on!..."

Those students who could no longer hold on looked closely at Ling Feng and the others. If one of them fell down, their punishment would definitely not be offset.

"Humph, there are only three people left! Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Leng Jianfeng stretched out a finger and shook it, "It's not that I won't give you a chance, it's that you guys are not good enough!"

"Hmph, Leng Jiaoxi, don't underestimate people! They will definitely persevere until the end!"

"Yes, they can persist until the end, for sure!"

A series of expectant eyes were all looking at Ling Feng and the others, and everyone's hopes were pinned on them.


After falling down, Jiang Xiaofan fell heavily to the ground. Ling Feng, who was beside him, stretched out his hand to pull him up. The three of them were still continuing!

Everyone almost held their breath. Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared, except for three running shadows.

Eighty-eight laps!

Eighty-nine laps!

Ninety laps!


Jiang Xiaofan fell down again. This time, the fall was harder. Even with his animal-like physique, the fall was so severe that he could not even get up.


On the other side, Wang Yishan was also in trouble. He held his stomach and vomited for a while, then fell to the ground, convulsing all over!

"What's wrong? How's it going?"

One by one, the students quickly gathered around and hurriedly helped Jiang Xiaofan and Wang Yishan up.

Leng Jianfeng swooped over, flew to Wang Yishan's side, touched his chest and forehead a few times, and said with a cold expression: "Humph, if you can't do it, don't hold on! Everyone spread out, everyone spread out! Let him Take a few breaths, you won’t die!”

"Leng Jiaoxi, you are so cold-blooded!"

A female student couldn't help but burst into tears. Although Wang Yishan and the others did not persist until the end, they fought for everyone. Although they fell, their persistence moved everyone!

"Cold-blooded? The path to martial arts is full of dangers at every step! I'm going to be merciful to you today, but when you leave the school and get killed someday, you'll know what it means to be cold-blooded!"

Leng Jianfeng snorted, stood up and shouted to Ling Feng: "Boy, you are the only one left, there is no need for you to hold on any longer! Everyone is not allowed to eat or drink for three days, and no rest is required!"

Ling Feng's footsteps slowly stopped.

He also began to lose strength, and all the muscles in his body began to become numb.

The five hundred kilograms of weight on his body seemed to have turned into five thousand kilograms, fifty thousand kilograms, and he couldn't breathe.

He turned back resolutely and said word by word: "It's not over yet! The two of them still have ten laps to go, plus my ten laps, I will run another thirty laps! Is that okay?"

"Oh?" Leng Jianfeng's eyelids twitched. When he saw Ling Feng's firm gaze, he felt his soul tremble.

What a pair of firm eyes, how could he have such eyes at such a young age, as if he had the vicissitudes and perseverance to see through everything in the world.


All the students looked up at Ling Feng. Compared with Jiang Xiaofan and Wang Yishan, this young man looked quite thin. But it was him who persisted until the end. Even at this moment, he was still working hard to accomplish the almost impossible thing.

"who is he?"

There are many people who don't know Ling Feng.

"He is my eldest brother, his name is Ling Feng!" Ouyang Jing's face was filled with immense pride.

"Well done, Ling Feng!"

"Come on, senior brother Ling Feng!"

Screaming one after another, Fazi's heart is extremely sincere!

"This guy..." Qin Wanwan bit her lip and looked at Ling Feng. She didn't know when her eyes had begun to change subtly.

She pursed her lips and thought to herself, "Humph, it's still so annoying!" "

"I'll run another thirty laps, okay?"

As if he thought Leng Jianfeng didn't understand, Ling Feng repeated it again.

His voice seemed a little tired and weak, but it was very firm!

As firm as steel!

"Okay! I'll give you a chance!" Leng Jianfeng stood with his hands behind his hands, a trace of teasing hanging from the corner of his mouth, "If you can run another thirty laps, everyone's punishment will be exempted!"

"Thank you for teaching me!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, turned around slowly, took a deep breath, and continued walking.

Time passed. It was still morning when everyone gathered, but now, it was already sunset!

Torches were lit all around, and the fire burned brightly, lighting up the night sky red.

Everyone gathered around, looking at the figure on the martial arts field, their eyes flashing with great respect. There were even many female students with tearful eyes, clenching their fists, and shouting: "Come on, Ling Feng!"

There were also some students who had recovered their physical strength, following Ling Feng, following his footsteps, moving forward step by step calmly and powerfully.

"This class of students is really interesting."

Leng Jianfeng clasped his hands on his chest and stood on the high platform with a smile on his face.

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