At Leng Jianfeng's urging, a yellow-letter disciple named Dongyuan each picked up a piece of armor and put it on.

This kind of armor is made by very excellent craftsmen. Although it looks hard on the outside, the joints are very flexible. When worn on the body, it does not affect running at all.

However, without stimulating the true energy, the weight of five hundred kilograms is a considerable load for most students on the field.

Not to mention running a hundred times around the Yanwu Square with a heavy load!

This martial arts square covers a huge area. If you go around it in a circle, it is exactly four thousand meters!

No, as soon as they put on the armor, some students started complaining. How could it be possible to run a hundred laps in this state?

"Little bastards, what are you waiting for? If you don't finish running today, you won't be allowed to eat for three days! You won't be allowed to sleep!"

Leng Jianfeng kicked the big guy standing at the front firmly on the buttocks and started shouting loudly. This scared all the students to the point where their hair stood on end and they immediately started running around the martial arts arena.

A lap of four thousand meters, a load of five hundred kilograms, and you are not allowed to use your true energy!


When a group of students came back from running the first lap, they were all sweaty.

Some female students were so tired that their legs were shaking. They couldn't help but want to activate their Qi, but they were stopped by the students next to them.

Just kidding, if one person activates his Qi and everyone runs an extra hundred laps, this is "involvement"!

"It's too slow! It's too slow! Didn't you fucking eat?"

Leng Jianfeng stood on the high platform and cursed with dissatisfaction on his face, "Are you still a genius? You can't withstand this test, go back to raising pigs!"

Under Leng Jianfeng's vicious tongue, the students immediately gritted their teeth and forced themselves to continue running.

Ling Feng was in the middle of the team, his breathing and steps were very steady. He had practiced "Rock Body" before. Although it was not a powerful exercise technique, he still had some foundation. Secondly, the Qi Forging Hunyuan Lock was originally a secret method of suppressing the true energy for cultivation. His body was also tempered during this process, far beyond that of ordinary people.

Jiang Xiaofan also showed extraordinary abilities in this test. This guy's body really looked like an animal, running with a load of 500 kilograms, but he still had more to say.

Ouyang Jing looked a little embarrassed. In terms of physical fitness, this guy was far inferior to Jiang Xiaofan and Ling Feng.

Second lap...

The third circle...

On the tenth lap, people began to fall.

However, the ruthless teachings not only lacked any sympathy, but also forced those students who fell down to get up within twenty breaths, otherwise if they lay down for one more minute, everyone would have to run one more lap!

Eleven laps...

Twelve laps...

By the time they reached the thirtieth lap, more than half of the students in the team began to lose their strength. They couldn't control the center of gravity of the armor and fell all the way.

Some people get up once, but fail to run a few steps before falling again.

Unable to use their true energy, their bodies fell solidly to the ground, with their skin and flesh torn open and blood flowing freely.

"It's only thirty laps! Don't think that I can't count. There are already thirty people who got up after more than twenty breaths. All of you have run thirty laps, so even if you run, it means you haven't run! Come on, I'll continue. !”

Leng Jianfeng's cold, judge-like voice made the students who were on the verge of exhaustion scream in agony.

Half of them have reached their limit. Let alone running another hundred laps, it is very difficult to even stand up.

"Jiaoxi, I can't do it! I really can't do it!"

"What kind of teaching? He is simply a devil!"

Leng Jianfeng chuckled, "I've told you a long time ago that you will soon forget me for the rest of your life! Get the fuck up and stop pretending to be dead!"

Leng Jianfeng took out a soft whip and whipped it in the air a few times, "Keep running!"

Thirty-one rounds...

Thirty-two laps...

Thirty-three laps...

Time passed by, and the students who were still persisting finally reached the 40th lap!

However, more than half of the students fell to the ground and were unable to get up. Even Ling Feng began to have some breathing disorders, and the muscles all over his body ached.

In this situation, it is simply impossible for everyone to complete a hundred laps.

On the high platform, Leng Jianfeng narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "Most of the people have run forty laps, which is not bad. There are still a few who haven't breathed out after running forty laps. This year is really special." There are so many people who can’t stand it!”

It turned out that Leng Jianfeng had no intention of asking all the students to complete a hundred laps. He just wanted to see everyone's physical fitness, and at the same time, suppress the arrogance of these "geniuses" and let them know that they had arrived at Heaven. In a school, no matter how talented you are, you still have to start from scratch!


Leng Jianfeng whipped his whip several times and said with a look of disdain: "How are you? A bunch of trash! You're lying on the ground and can't run anymore? I didn't even ask you to run a hundred laps according to the rules. Who cares? How can you show me how to finish a hundred laps? If one person completes a hundred laps, you can reduce the punishment by one day and change it to two days of less food and two days of sleep! If three people finish the race, the punishment will be waived! "

"But..." Leng Jianfeng looked at everyone with a mocking look on his face, plucked his ears, and said disdainfully: "In my opinion, none of you soft-footed shrimps can persist!"

The faces of those students who fell to the ground and could not get up were filled with unwillingness, but they were unable to hold on.

At this moment, less than thirty people were still running.

It is worth mentioning that the unruly young lady Qin Wanwan was actually among these thirty people.

"Humph, Professor Leng, don't look down on me!" One of the tall boys clenched his fists tightly, "I, Wang Yishan, have to climb a hundred laps even if I climb. Who else can join me!"

"And me!" But it was Jiang Xiaofan who shouted, "Leng Jiaoxi, we are not useless!"

After saying that, Jiang Xiaofan suppressed his eyes red, opened his legs and ran as fast as he could.

"And I!"

"And I!"

The four or five students gritted their teeth and refused to make steamed buns to fight for their reputation. They must not be looked down upon by this "cruel" and "ruthless" devil instructor!

"Bah, you are just talking big words! If you are capable, run a hundred laps!" Leng Jianfeng looked disdainful, but there was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He suddenly discovered that this "devil tutor" who kept yelling that everyone was useless seemed to be ruthless, but in fact, he successfully aroused the competitiveness and fighting spirit of the teenagers.

"Sixty laps to go!"

A blazing fire flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. How could he be defeated so easily in the first test from Tianwei Academy?

The next moment, Ling Feng also accelerated suddenly, catching up with the group of teenagers in front of him, running hard towards the finish line!

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