Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 205 Chief! hero!

"It's been a long time since I've had this kind of exciting feeling, damn these little bastards!"

Leng Jianfeng cursed secretly in his heart, but couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "Hey, you are so damn old!"

"Oh? Does Leng Jiaoxi, who always thinks that his youth is burning, also feel that he is old?"

At this time, a soft voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Leng Jianfeng turned around and found that Su Qingxuan had been standing beside him at some point.

"Instructor Su!" Leng Jianfeng touched the beard on his face and said with a smile: "Why is Instructor Su also interested in coming to see me train these bastards? Could it be that he came to see me specifically? Hehe, happiness comes a little bit. suddenly!"

Su Qingxuan rolled her eyes at him, with frost on her face, and frowned: "Leng Jiaoxi, you can never control your mouth!"

"Instructor Su is right." Leng Jianfeng laughed and said, "Instructor Su hasn't told me yet, so why did he suddenly come to the martial arts arena?"

Su Qingxuan did not answer, but simply said: "Isn't it a bit too much to train so hard on the first day?"

"Teacher Su, you are the conscience of heaven and earth! It's really not me this time. Did you see the boy leading the team? In order to help everyone avoid punishment, this boy actually decided to run a hundred and thirty laps!"

Leng Jianfeng shook his head and said: "I think back then, I was known as the number one disciple of our generation. When I trained for the first time, I only lasted a hundred laps. This kid has run a hundred laps now. Twenty-six laps! Hey, I’m convinced!”

"One hundred and twenty-six laps..." Su Qingxuan looked at Ling Feng from a distance with her eyes like autumn water.

At this time, Ling Feng had almost reached his limit, his sweat was almost dry, his lips were cracked, and all the bones in his body seemed to fall apart before he even took a step.

He had never experienced this feeling before, and his consciousness was almost blurred. He relied on faith to persist until the end.

"This boy has such a stubborn look!" Su Qingxuan pursed her lips and said calmly: "Leng Jiaoxi, you should want him to be the chief, right?"

"He is more than enough to be the chief, and most of the students are already convinced by him. They don't need me... Ahem, I don't need to say anything more."

"Okay, you can talk about me if you like. It's not the first day I've met you. You're made to be a gentleman."

Su Qingxuan pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, "Okay, I'll leave first. I'm also very satisfied with Ling Feng. I have no objection to him being the chief."

"Let's go slowly, Teacher Su. Goodbye, Teacher Su..." Leng Jianfeng's eyes gradually drifted away along with Su Qingxuan.

This guy has been in love with Su Qingxuan for more than a day or two, but he has never dared to tell her.

Despite his rough and uninhibited appearance, he is actually an innocent old virgin at heart...

Finally, the students on the martial arts field cheered loudly, "One hundred and thirty laps! One hundred and thirty laps!"

"Haha, Ling Feng did it! He finished running!"

Leng Jianfeng turned around and saw Ling Feng falling heavily at the finish line. Countless students immediately supported his body and hurriedly untied his armor, as if welcoming a victorious hero. Usually, throw him up high, catch him, throw him up, catch him...

He is everyone's hero!

"Oh, I really asked him to finish it!"

Leng Jianfeng was a little shocked, and a feeling of admiration suddenly arose in his heart.

"Funny boy!"

Leng Jianfeng smiled faintly, immediately spread out his body skills, flew in front of the excited students, and shouted: "Damn it, you are trying to kill this kid, and you actually threw him up. I was fine now. I’m going to fall apart for you all!”

Only then did the excited students realize their mistake. One after another, angry female students rushed out and angrily stared at the students who threw Ling Feng, "You idiots, you want to kill senior brother Ling Feng." !”

"That's right, let go!"

The female students squeezed to the front, looked at Ling Feng with concern, and greeted with distressed expressions: "Senior Brother Ling Feng, are you okay?"

The other male students looked at each other, not only confused, but also with a kind of deep envy...

However, Ling Feng's consciousness was completely blurred. In addition, after being thrown away by everyone just now, he completely fainted before his eyes.

He has completely lost his strength!

"Ah, Senior Brother Ling Feng, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

The female students were all at a loss what to do. When Qin Wanwan saw Ling Feng surrounded by a group of young girls, she didn't know what she felt in her heart. She snorted and cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of shameless vixens!"

"Ah? Cousin, what are you talking about?" Liu Yunfei had recovered a little, and when he heard Qin Wanwan's muttering, he couldn't help but ask.

"I didn't say anything!" Qin Wanwan rolled her eyes at him and gritted her teeth: "Cousin, don't you still have a few of the Liu family's Tianyuan Great Return Pills?"

"Oh, yes, haha, I'll give it to him right now!"

Liu Yunfei slapped his forehead, quickly took out the elixir, and suddenly looked at Qin Wanwan in surprise, "Huh? Cousin, don't you hate him the most?"

"He...he is not talented for all of us..." Qin Wanwan was so angry that she stamped her foot repeatedly, raised her jade foot and kicked Liu Yunfei's butt hard, "Anyway, just send it to him!"

Liu Yunfei shook his head and smiled. He knew that his cousin would always have a sharp mouth and a tofu heart!

When Ling Feng woke up, he found that he was not in his room, but in a bathtub.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and an unpleasant smell of medicine hit his nostrils. He looked at the dark bath water he was soaking in, and suddenly realized something in his heart.

"It turned out to be a medicinal bath." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. He was completely exhausted at that time. If he wanted to recover quickly, medicinal bath was indeed a good way.

However, after Ling Feng discovered the formula of medicated bath, he couldn't help but frown.

"This kind of medicinal bath completely wastes the medicinal properties of those precious medicinal materials, and the proportion of the medicine is completely wrong!"

He gently raised his hand. Although the effect of the medicinal bath was not very good, his physical strength was restored quite well.

After all, Zifeng's life sharing ability can actually help him recover his physical strength in the shortest time.

In fact, if he uses Zifeng's ability to "cheat", even if he doesn't use his true energy and runs ten thousand laps with a heavy load, he won't even be able to breathe. It's just that Ling Feng doesn't want to. If he uses Zifeng to cheat, this kind of training will be meaningless.

He jumped out of the bathtub, and his clothes, spiritual rings and other things were all on a table next to him.

After quickly putting on the clothes, Ling Feng suddenly discovered that his body seemed to have become much stronger, and the strength contained in his movements had increased by at least 20 to 30%.

Moreover, his third pulse door actually opened automatically while he was in a coma!

This is obviously not a benefit that can be brought about by one weight-bearing training, but by that bucket of medicated bath!

You know, Leng Jianfeng, that stingy guy, hesitated for a long time before he was willing to throw away a piece of thousand-year-old purple blood ginseng for Ling Feng to use as a medicinal bath.

At this time, the door opened with a clang, and the cold "devil" instructor Leng Jianfeng walked out of the door. Seeing that Ling Feng had already gotten up on his own, he was a little surprised and said: "Hey, you kid, I woke up very quickly!”

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