Celestial being

Chapter 296 Fighting Shahao again

The Manager Liao of Wulei Pavilion in Wangyue City that Sha Hao mentioned was naturally Yuan Ming who had incarnated here.

At this time, he was wandering around the Shahao Cave, seemingly looking for the entrance to the cave. A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and his whole figure blurred slightly, turning into a phantom and shooting forward.

As soon as he stepped out, a black sword shadow shot out from nowhere, and it was a wide-edged dagger that was nailed to the place where he just stood.

The fierce sword energy suddenly erupted, and the ground suddenly collapsed, creating a large crater about ten feet in size and three feet deep.

Sha Hao's figure suddenly appeared near the pit, sneering slightly. His consciousness had already locked onto Yuan Ming's figure, and he was mumbling something, as if he was performing some kind of magic.

Yuan Ming had just jumped out more than ten feet. He paused slightly and a confused look flashed in his eyes. However, he immediately returned to normal, activated his white jade belt to speed up, and continued to escape into the distance.

"Eh!" Shahao looked surprised. The aura of the man in front of him suddenly changed to the foundation-building stage, and he easily cracked his own illusion. This had never happened before.

And the other party has already touched the vicinity of his cave, so he must not stay!

Sha Hao took out a talisman and crushed it into pieces. A layer of green light suddenly appeared around him, and he chased after Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was not very fast, and every time when Sha Hao felt that he was about to catch up, he would use sudden acceleration and other means to distance himself, causing Sha Hao behind him to grit his teeth.

The two sides chased and escaped, and soon came to a small valley.

Sha Hao saw that Yuan Ming was escaping to a pool not far ahead. The water was crystal clear and the edge was covered with pebbles. The environment was quite quiet. However, he vaguely felt that there was a threat to him here and suddenly stopped.

Being able to detect crises from such a long distance shows that Shahao's combat intuition is really strong. Yuan Ming noticed the situation behind him and sighed secretly. While communicating with the flower branches with his mind, he summoned the Tiantian Cauldron, held it in the palm of his hand, and quickly lit two spiritual incense sticks in the cauldron. It was Wu Xiang and the newly made Qi Tian. Fall down.

As Yuan Ming ran forward, wisps of white mist suddenly spread out in the air, filled the valley, and dissolved into the air.

When Shaho saw a vigilant look on his face, he turned around and rushed back. However, the ground at his feet suddenly exploded, and purple-black vines as thick as a bowl rushed in like pythons, blocking all retreats in all directions.

Several feet below the ground, there were flower branches lurking here, covered with Yuan Ming's gray cloak, blocking out all the aura.

"Hagon, it's you!" Shahao understood everything immediately when he saw the purple and black vines.

However, he did not panic. He slapped a talisman that he had already held in his hand against his body, and a thick yellow light curtain appeared around him. The purple and black vines hit the yellow light curtain and were immediately knocked back.

Sha Hao used his consciousness to explore the ground, preparing to use illusions to subdue the flower branches again. However, the surrounding white fog gradually became thicker, and an invisible force filled it. It was so dense that his consciousness could not leave his body.

Shahao's heart skipped a beat and he immediately raised the silver ball. The four runes on the ball were activated and shot out a dazzling silver light that quickly swept around his body. He also raised the black broad-bladed dagger. Circling around the body, he slashed out more than a dozen sharp sword energy, slashing at the surrounding vines.

Although the vines on the flower branches were tough, under the attack of the silver ball and the black dagger, all the vines were cut off in the blink of an eye, and the branches were cleared away.

Shahao knew that the Hagong in front of him was very capable, and he might have fallen into his trap. He did not dare to stay here. As soon as he cleared away the vines, he immediately continued to fly back towards his cave.

At this moment, King Kong's figure flashed out from the mist in front of him, punching Shahao's chest with both fists, as fast as thunder, and the air rippled with waves visible to the naked eye.

Sha Hao was caught off guard and had no time to use his defensive weapon. He could only use the silver ball and black dagger to block it in front of him, and his body suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light.

There was a loud "bang"!

The silver ball and the black dagger were blown away from a distance, the yellow light curtain shattered, and an overwhelming force came. Shahao was also knocked out and hit the ground hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Before Sha Hao could jump up, the nearby ground cracked open again, and more than a dozen thick vines burst out of the ground, tightly wrapping around his body and tying him into a rice dumpling.

Yuan Ming had already flown to the water pool and activated the Thousand Knot Water Rope Array. Twenty or thirty crystal water ropes quickly condensed and shot toward Sha Hao like arrows.

Shahao was entangled in the vines of the flower branches. Wherever he could escape the water rope, he was immediately tied tightly by the water rope and could not move at all.

King Kong's tall body leaped into the air and took out the Voldemort's Pestle. The yellow light from the Voldemort's Pestle exploded and hit Sha Hao's head.

"Smelly monkey, don't even think about taking the credit!" The underground flower branches let out a roar, and used the green sword technique. The tops of the dozen vines that tied up Sa Hao turned into green wooden swords and stabbed at various parts of Sa Hao's body.

Facing such a dangerous situation, Shahao showed no panic on his face. A layer of blue light suddenly appeared on his arms. He twisted like a soft snake and broke free from the imprisonment of vines and water ropes. He opened his palms at the same time, and the palms of his hands were hidden. There was a flash of blood.

The flower branch lurking in the ground suddenly bloomed in front of its eyes, and an endless sea of ​​fire suddenly appeared around it, shrouding it. Its body seemed to be under a restraining spell, and all the vines were fixed there.

King Kong also instantly fell into the illusion, his body also became stiff, his jumping body softened, and he hit the ground with a "plop".

It only took a few breaths from the moment Sha Hao noticed the abnormality and stopped the pursuit to the moment he subdued Huazhi and King Kong.

A black soul crow's head poked out from behind a large rock nearby.

Under the cover of the mist, Sha Hao could not disperse his spiritual consciousness at all. How did he perform the illusion? Yuan Ming showed a look of astonishment, and then he discovered the abnormality through the soul crow's vision.

From the palms of Sha Hao's two palms, there were two faint blood-colored ripples shooting out. They were so subtle that they could not be seen from a distance.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming turned over his hand and took out an Earth Escape Talisman, and his body sank into the ground.

After Shaho used illusion magic to control the Vajra and flower branches, he quickly recited the incantation, and a layer of blue light appeared on his body, and he broke free from the vines and water ropes with a twist.

At the same time, two blood bats flew out of his sleeves and circled nearby, seeming to be on guard.

Shahao's steps were obviously staggering when he landed, and there was a hint of green energy on his face. He took a strong breath, took out a blood-red pill and drank it. He raised a hand and made a move in the direction of his cave, and an obscure word sounded in his mouth. The sound of a spell.

In the Shahao Cave Mansion, the strange black sword in the magic circle suddenly became powerful, broke free from the constraints of the magic circle, and shot out.

A yellow light flashed on the ground in front of the cave, and a huge yellow python with a length of more than ten feet appeared. Its whole body was covered with palm-sized yellow scales, and several thick yellow bone spurs grew on its forehead and neck. It looked extremely vicious. .

The yellow python's body circled, twisted its body quickly, and headed in the direction of Shahao.

The blood-colored elixir that Shahao took was unknown, and a burst of blood appeared on his face, dissipating a lot of the green energy on his face.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and made a soft point with his right hand.

The silver ball flew back, the four runes inside lit up, and a dazzling silver light shot out, hitting King Kong's head hard.

In the previous fight with Hagun, after he trapped the white ape with illusions, he failed to kill it in time and suffered the consequences. This time, he would naturally not make the same mistake again.

At this moment, a golden shadow flashed past, and a golden shield stood in front of King Kong.

"Bang, bang," a loud and ear-piercing crash resounded in all directions.

The surface of the dragon scale shield flashed with golden light, and an obvious dent was made on the shield surface, but it finally blocked the silver light.

A piece of green light emerged from the ground, covering King Kong and the dragon scale shield. They both disappeared in a flash, but it was Yuan Ming who lurked here from the underground and rescued King Kong at the critical moment.

Shahao's illusion was so weird that he didn't dare to stop at all and immediately fled to the flower branches.

Seeing this scene, Sha Hao was not surprised but overjoyed and commanded the two blood bats to face the ground, opening their mouths as if they were about to spit out something. Two thunders suddenly sounded in the air above their heads, and two purple thunders tore through the white mist, splitting To the two blood bats.

The blood bats are the incarnations of Shahao's soul and are very afraid of the power of thunder and lightning. Shahao hurriedly controlled the two blood bats to avoid the purple thunder attack.

He looked up at the sky, and saw the shadow of a black bird flashing past in the mist, with streaks of purple lightning surrounding it, moving at an unusually fast speed.

Knowing that it was Yuan Ming's spiritual bird, Sha Hao snorted coldly and whistled loudly. A white eagle rushed from the sky not far away and pounced on the thunder-winged bird in mid-air.

Sha Haomo used his soul power, blood flashed between his brows, and eight blood bats flew out in succession, all of them opened their mouths and sprayed them towards Yuan Ming's position.

Large blood-colored ripples spurted out and rushed into the ground like waves.

With the time gained by the winged bird's surprise attack, Yuan Ming was already about to escape to the flower branches, and when he was about to arrive, he ran into the blood-colored ripples spitting out from the blood bat.

At this moment, Yuan Ming felt his eyes blur and found that he appeared in a fiery world.

Sure enough, as long as the body is touched by the blood-colored ripples, it will fall into an illusion. Different from the last illusion, in this illusion, Yuan Ming lost his freedom, and his body was tied to a wooden cross about ten feet high, with his hands and feet They were all tightly locked by chains, unable to move at all. Tentacle-like flames swept over from all directions, licking his body.

Yuan Ming's skin was immediately burned and turned black. Waves of bone-shattering pain eroded his will, and the power of his soul weakened rapidly.

Yuan Ming knew that he had to escape from the illusion as soon as possible, otherwise his soul would be greatly damaged. His thoughts suddenly moved.

A black shadow suspended in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly rushed towards his soul, and it turned out to be a soul crow.

He planned to use the soul-colliding magical power on himself.

Among the classics I purchased before, in addition to explaining the principles and methods of illusion, they also provided some tips for deciphering illusions.

After being possessed by a hallucination, all five senses are controlled by the opponent. If you want to break free, you need to stimulate yourself enough.

Yuan Ming had bitten the tip of his tongue and used the excruciating pain to break free from Sha Hao's illusion.

It's just that physical stimulation is not very effective in breaking illusions. It can only restrain some ordinary illusions. It is useless when facing powerful illusions. A stronger influence is needed, such as stimulation of the soul.

And the only way he can shake his soul now is the soul-colliding magical power.

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