Celestial being

Chapter 295 Tracking

As another high-pitched scream came from the dark clouds, the originally surging thunderclouds became much more violent, and silver thunder and lightning flashed wildly.


Accompanied by the sound of dense thunderbolts, more than twenty thick thunderbolts shot down from mid-air, like a forest of thunder and lightning, hitting a jungle a hundred feet away.

The lush trees were instantly reduced to nothing, deep pits were blasted out of the ground, large swaths of soil were blown away, the entire jungle area was more than two feet shorter than other places, and the ground was scorched black.

Yuan Ming looked shocked. The destructive power of thunder and lightning summoned by Thunderstorm has exceeded the scope of second-level monsters. Even third-level monsters may not be able to do it. Is the thunder and lightning summoned by Winged Bird so powerful?

He thought for a moment and realized that most of the thunder and lightning forest just now were naturally generated thunder and lightning in the Yuxu Swamp. In addition, on rainy days, the Winged Bird occupies an advantageous environment. If it relied solely on its own demonic power, it would never be able to send out such a terrifying lightning strike. .

Leiyu emerged from the dark clouds, and his size suddenly became much larger. His body length reached 1.5 feet, and the purple thunder patterns on his body were even brighter. He looked extremely powerful, and he completely possessed the style of a second-level monster.

Yuan Ming raised his hand, and Thunderstorm spread its wings and swooped down. In the blink of an eye, it stopped on Yuan Ming's shoulder and let out a cheerful chirp, as if to show off to Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming naturally encouraged him, and then told Lei Yu to show off his various abilities.

After breaking through the second level, Leiyu's flight speed was much faster than before, his endurance was greatly increased, and the power of the lightning strikes from his mouth also increased greatly.

In addition, his intelligence seems to have improved a lot, and he can already convey some relatively complete information.

Yuan Ming secretly nodded. At this moment, Leiyu can be regarded as his right-hand man.

He put Thunder Rain into the spirit beast bag, raised the white jade shuttle, and headed straight to the northwest.

Yuhe City is a medium-sized city in the southernmost part of Zhao State, bordering the Jin Dynasty.

After Yuan Ming arrived in the city, he made some inquiries and found the location of Xu Xinyang's shop.

He gave his name and was led to the back room by the waiter in the store, where he met Xu Xinyang.

Xu Xinyang didn't say anything after seeing Yuan Ming, and waved his hand across the table next to him.

A red light flashed, and three more magic weapons appeared on the table, which were a black needle, a white jade belt, and a brilliant golden shield.

Yuan Ming took a short breath, first picked up the black needle and swept it with his spiritual consciousness. His eyes quickly became happy, and then he picked up the white jade belt and golden shield, and his face became even more joyful.

The black needle has become a top-grade magic weapon, and the white jade belt has obviously been repaired. As for the golden shield, although it is only a top-grade magic weapon, it looks quite good.

Although he previously hoped that the other party could help him refine two top-quality magic weapons, he actually knew that this matter was not easy. Otherwise, with the other party's weapon-refining skills, he would not have been able to refine only eleven top-quality magic weapons so far. It is very rare to have a successful one nowadays.

"This black needle is good at speed and stealth, but its offensive power is a bit insufficient when encountering strong enemies or powerful defensive weapons, so I added the 'Armor Breaking' rune and made it the tenth in my weapon refining career. They are two top-quality magic weapons. As for the two gems on the white jade belt, I have re-sacrificially refined them to restore their spirituality, and re-engraved the two runes of 'Blast Wind' and 'Broken Wind' on them," Xu Xinyang said.

"Thank you so much, Master Xu! Being able to refine all three magical weapons in just twenty days is beyond my expectations. Master's weapon-refining skills are truly extraordinary. I only know the wind rune, but I don't know the breaking wind rune." What's the use of writing?" Yuan Ming thanked him hurriedly, and then asked curiously.

"When a person moves quickly, the faster the speed, the greater the wind resistance. The wind-breaking rune can break through the airflow obstruction caused by high-speed movement, allowing you to go even faster." Xu Xinyang explained.

"So that's it. Thank you Master Xu for your advice." Yuan Ming nodded slowly.

"I actually put the most thought into this dragon scale shield. This scale should be a golden dragon scale. The metallic spiritual power is extremely abundant. Unfortunately, the person who removed this dragon scale used wrong techniques and damaged the foundation. I'm looking for Eight pieces of high-grade metallic spiritual materials were blended into it, but there was no guarantee that the fourth rune would not be damaged after being engraved on it, so I only made one top-grade shield, but its defensive power is almost as good as the top grade." Xu Xinyang added.

Yuan Ming was overjoyed when he heard this, thanked him again, paid the remaining six thousand spirit stones, and left.

He did not stop at Yuhe City and immediately went straight to Wangyue City.

Wangyue City, like Xiaohu City, is a city of monks. It got its name because it is backed by the Wangyue Mountains.

The Wangyue Mountain Range is a large mountain range in the north of Zhao State, stretching for thousands of miles.

The Kingdom of Zhao is rich in minerals, and the same is true here in the Wangyue Mountains. Several large-scale spiritual stone mines and spiritual material mines have been discovered in the mountains, but they were all mined more than a hundred years ago.

Through continuous logging from ancient times to the present, the Wangyue Mountain Range has been riddled with holes. Its value is no longer great, and its spiritual energy is gradually lacking. Therefore, it has long been abandoned by the immortal cultivating sects in Zhao State. Only some casual cultivators still enter occasionally. Exploring treasures in this mountain.

Although the mineral deposits in the Wangyue Mountains have been exhausted, after all, they are richer in the aura of heaven and earth than ordinary mountains. Moreover, this place is far away from the sphere of influence of the major immortal cultivating sects in Zhao State and belongs to a zone of no concern. Many casual cultivators choose to settle in the Wangyue Mountains and open up new areas. Cave.

In a cave somewhere in the mountains, there is a stone chamber space about thirty or forty feet in size.

A white eagle stood on a stone pillar, closing its eyes and meditating.

There is an altar-like platform arranged here, about two or three feet high, with about ten stone steps on each side. A black magic circle is engraved on the platform, and in the center hangs a two-foot-long sword that looks like a sword but not a sword. A black blade that looks like a sword but not a sword.

Around the magic circle, eight black spiritual trees were placed according to the Bagua directions. Strands of Yin Qi surged out from the black spiritual trees and converged on the strange black sword.

The black sword energy was suffocating, and it looked extremely psychic, as if it had spiritual intelligence.

"The Soul-Destroying Sword Qi has initially stabilized. All my years of hard work have paid off." Shahao stood in front of the magic circle, carefully observing the black strange sword suspended in the circle, and said to himself.

As he spoke, he took out a few black Yin wood from the storage bracelet to replace a spiritual wood with thin Yin Qi in the formation. Then he took out a silver-white bell from his arms, which was the soul-catching bell, and pointed it at the black monster. In the direction of the sword, shake it gently.

As a faint bell rang, a smog-like soul force filled the air from the soul-stirring bell, as if being pulled by some invisible force to escape into the magic circle, and wrapped around it like a thread. On the strange black sword.

After the smoke touched the strange black sword, it submerged into it like a mud cow entering the sea. At the same time, the black sword body trembled slightly and emitted bursts of cheerful clearing sounds.

There wasn't much soul power in the Soul Seizing Bell, and it was quickly sucked dry, and the strange sword became silent.

"The souls of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage are still too weak. It's all because of Ha Gong who ruined my good deeds. Otherwise, with Lu Shen, Bai Ye's spiritual soul supplement and a few Foundation Establishment Stage souls, the Soul-Destroying Sword has been completed long ago! Now the appearance has been revealed, Even Changchun Temple is chasing after you!" Sha Hao put away the soul-catching bell and said angrily to Bai Ying beside him.

"It's a pity that the tracking of the soul-locking beads can only last three days, otherwise Naha Gong must be killed. With such a powerful soul of soul cultivation, my soul-destroying sword can be perfected!" Sha Hao took out the soul-destroying sword with cold eyes. Play with a white ball.

The white bead revealed a faint fluctuation of Yin Qi, with three light spots suspended inside.

"It seems that these three guys won't appear in a short time. There is a lot of tracking at the moment. Go patrol around the cave to see if there are any suspicious people." Sha Hao said, turned and left the stone room.

The white eagle soared into the sky and flew out of the stone room.

At the same time, in another hidden valley more than ten miles away, Yuan Ming was sitting cross-legged in a cave, closing his eyes and meditating.

Yellow light flashed on the ground, and heads of flower branches popped out.

"Is the investigation clear?" Yuan Ming asked directly without opening his eyes.

"I asked my subordinates to thoroughly explore the ten-mile area around Shahao's cave. There was nothing abnormal. It seems that Shahao was very conceited and did not think that he would be discovered, so he did not prepare any means to deal with the enemy. It's just the white eagle. It has been patrolling in the sky, but it will not doubt it." Huazhi said.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he nodded slightly.

Shahao is indeed hiding here. If he hadn't been possessed by the black incense, it would be extremely difficult to find him here.

"Only under the ground of Shahao's cave, there is a powerful demonic beast. I took the risk to investigate and found out that it is a second-level demonic snake with the ability to escape from the earth. It should be Shahao's spiritual beast and is responsible for guarding the cave." Huazhi added.

"A second-level demonic snake that can escape from the ground? Then I'll leave this beast to you, and follow the plan first." Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"Master, don't worry." Huazhi was full of confidence, sneaked into the ground again and disappeared.

"Sha Hao... must be removed, otherwise there will be endless troubles." After Huazhi left, Yuan Ming opened his eyes and murmured.

After speaking, he stood up, changed into black clothes, took out the Qianji Mask and put it on.

His appearance changed rapidly, and after a few breaths he transformed into a middle-aged man with a square face.

He used Zang Yuan's technique again to collect his breath and flew towards Shahao's cave.

Yuan Ming had been in Wangyue Mountains for a few days. With the help of the possession of Black Incense and the help of Huazhi's inconspicuous little monsters, he successfully found the specific location of the cave where Sha Hao was.

It's just that Shahao is very powerful, so he didn't come rashly, but made detailed preparations here first.

Sha Hao and himself have already formed a life-and-death feud, and his identity as a soul cultivator has also been known to the other party. This hunting must not be missed!

In the cave, the power of spiritual consciousness surrounding Sha Hao rises and falls suddenly, as if he is practicing some kind of secret method of the soul.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the underground and echoed in the secret room.

Sha Hao opened his eyes, took out a blue round mirror from his arms, and pinched it a little.

A hazy blue light shone on the round mirror, revealing the figure of a middle-aged man.

"Huh? This person looks familiar. He seems to be Manager Liao from Wulei Pavilion in Wangyue City. Could he be following me here? No wonder I had a vague feeling that someone was following me when I came back from Fangshi yesterday." Sha Hao murmured to himself, his eyes turning. cold.

"Don't worry about the Five Thunder Sect. Since you have delivered it to your door, I will accept your soul without mercy." He gave a cruel smile, got up and walked outside.

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