Celestial being

Chapter 297 Soul-Destroying Sword Qi

Yuan Ming didn't know if Soul Collision could break the illusion, but at this moment, it was a matter of life and death, and he would not hesitate even if his soul was seriously injured, so he did not hold back at all, and controlled the soul crow to hit his soul with all his strength.

A sharp pain that almost exploded hit him, and his soul power of consciousness was suddenly knocked away by 30%, but the illusion in front of him also disappeared after this stimulation.

Yuan Ming quickly composed himself and let out a sigh of relief.

Soul Crash is indeed very effective in breaking through illusions, but the force seems to be too strong. According to his estimation, half of the power of Soul Crash should be able to break through Sa Hao's illusion.

While the thoughts in his mind were spinning, he did not stop and continued to dive underground. He quickly came to Huazhi's side, waved his hand and put it into the spirit beast bag, and then continued to escape forward.

He didn't use the Soul Collision to wake up the two beasts. Firstly, because the Soul Collision was too powerful, if he wasn't careful, it would cause irreparable trauma to the souls of Huazhi and King Kong. Secondly, Soul Crow's move consumed a lot of soul power, so he had to save it. For use.

According to previous experience, Shahao's illusion has a distance limit. As long as he escapes further, the illusion of the two beasts will be automatically released.

Sha Hao sensed that Yuan Ming had broken away from his illusion, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes. This was because he did not hesitate to use up his soul power to activate the hallucinogenic soul waves emitted by eight blood bats. Even if he was hit, it would be difficult for him to break free. , originally had the idea of ​​​​killing Ha Gong with one blow, but it failed.

Shahao's eyes were solemn. This was an unprecedented enemy since he had completed his foundation building, and the murderous intent in his heart was even stronger.

At this moment, a ray of black light penetrated the white mist and landed steadily in his hand. It was the strange black sword.

Very good, you are qualified to let me use the Soul-Destroying Sword!

Sha Hao held the black sword, and the blade of the sword shot out a dark sword light that was about ten feet long. There was a faint aura of wildness permeating the air. He slashed downward into the void, and the black sword let out a ghost-like scream, followed by a black light. In a flash, the sword shot out a black sword energy that was about three feet long and sank directly into the ground.

There were no traces left on the ground, and the soft soil and gravel remained untouched. The black sword energy was like a phantom, fleeting.

Deep underground, Yuan Ming moved forward quickly, and soon he was seventy or eighty feet away from Sha Hao. Both King Kong and Huazhi showed faint signs of waking up. He felt a little relieved and continued to move forward while thinking about what to do next. To fight back, since he was here today, he had no intention of returning without success. At this moment, the light suddenly brightened in front of him, and Yuan Ming escaped from the soil and landed in a tall mine.

This mine covers an area of ​​more than four to five hundred feet and is more than ten feet high. It is covered with dust everywhere. It has obviously been abandoned for many years. Shahao's cave is built in this vein. There are several underground mines nearby. Normally, he didn't pay attention and was about to find a direction to move forward.

At this moment, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a vague premonition. He hurriedly turned his head and looked back, sensing a sharp breath approaching quickly from behind. His heart trembled, and he hurriedly released his consciousness. However, As soon as his consciousness came into contact with the sharp aura, it was immediately crushed into pieces and then forcefully swallowed.

Yuan Ming felt a stabbing pain in his head and was startled in his heart. He hurriedly withdrew the remaining consciousness and turned to look behind him. Golden light flashed in his hand, and he took out the dragon scale shield and blocked it in front of him.

Soon enough, there was a flash of black light on the cave wall, and a black sword energy shot out from the cave wall and struck directly at the door in front of him.

When Yuan Ming saw this, he activated his dragon-scale shield to meet him. At the same time, he made a mistake in his steps and moved sideways to dodge.

However, the dragon scale shield was also penetrated by the black sword energy in a flash, and it did not play any defensive role. The black sword energy seemed to have eyes, and the direction was deflected and continued to attack Yuan Ming!

Yuan Ming was shocked and turned pale. He activated the white jade belt with all his strength, and even performed the Shadowless Step under his feet, turning into several blurry afterimages.

But the black sword energy was not affected at all and came straight towards his body, getting faster and faster, and soon forced him into the corner of the cave.

Yuan Ming had no way to retreat, so he swung his hands outward, and more than a dozen mid-level talismans flew out of his hands, turning into fire snakes, water swords, thunder and lightning and other spells, hitting the black sword energy.

Fire snakes, water swords and other objects also had no effect at all. Only the thunder and lightning spells hitting the black sword energy could give it a slight pause, but it was far from defeating it.

Yuan Ming's eyes were filled with joy, and three silver talismans appeared in his hand, and he cast a spell to activate it. These three talismans are called Tianlei Talismans, and they are first-level and upper-level talismans purchased in Xiaohu City.

With a loud crackling sound, three silver thunderbolts as thick as the mouth of a bowl suddenly appeared, like three silver thunder dragons, rushing towards the sword energy with their fangs and claws open.

Dazzling silver thunder runes also appeared around the silver thunder, illuminating the entire mine with black sword energy.

"Boom" thunder exploded, and most of the black sword energy was defeated.

The remaining sword energy still shot forward tenaciously, finally catching up with Yuan Ming and striking him on the head.

Yuan Ming's head was safe and sound. As soon as the remaining black sword energy touched his body, it immediately entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness and chopped off his soul!

An aura that made his soul tremble enveloped him, and his entire soul felt like it was being crushed and then sucked away.

In desperation, Yuan Ming thought in his mind, and black light flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Three soul crows condensed into shape, lined up in a row to face the black sword energy, and simultaneously used the soul-colliding magical power.

boom! boom! boom!

With two loud noises in a row, the two soul crows collided with the black sword energy, and were crushed by the sword energy one after another. The black sword energy also quickly shrank and weakened, and was finally crushed by the third soul crow's soul-colliding magical power, but the third one The soul crow also collapsed and dispersed.

Yuan Ming's complexion suddenly turned as pale as paper.

With his current level of soul cultivation, he could only gather six soul crows in a battle. Now he has used four and has two left, which cannot be replenished in a short time.

His soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness was also greatly depleted, less than 30% of the original.

The black sword energy can actually attack the soul. If its power were stronger, Yuan Ming might really have to answer here.

Yuan Ming was still frightened, so he took out a recovery pill and took it, then started running the Ming Yue Jue, and his agitated soul calmed down a little.

At this moment, a stream of heat flowed from the incense burner mark on his arm and poured into his sea of ​​consciousness. His thin soul power quickly recovered, and most of it recovered in the blink of an eye.

Yuan Ming finally felt a little calmer.

At this time, in the spirit beast bag, King Kong and Huazhi woke up from the illusion one after another.

Although the black sword energy released by Shahao was too weird and shocking, even more powerful than the silver ball, he was already poisoned. The newly made seven-step weapon was astonishingly powerful. The poison must be eroding his internal organs. Difficult to recover.

However, his soul power is recovering quickly due to the Stealing Heaven Cauldron, and with the help of Huazhi and King Kong, the situation is still in his hands.

Yuan Ming pondered for a moment, then released the flower branch, activated the Earth Escape Talisman, and turned back the way he came.

At this time, Shahao was sitting cross-legged on the ground, blood flashing on his face, using all his strength to drive away the poison, but the strange black sword was nowhere to be seen.

Next to him, there was a huge yellow python with its head straight up and two khaki snake eyes scanning the surroundings alertly.

During his escape, Yuan Ming had observed the existence of the giant yellow python through the soul crow.

The viper is not an ordinary snake monster, but a heterogeneous monster snake. Like the golden flower poisonous python, it has the potential to transform into a dragon.

It's just that the snake is an earth-attribute monster, not as poisonous as the golden flower poisonous python. It is famous for its strength and toughness, and it can also display various earth-attribute magical powers. It is a rare spiritual beast.

Judging from the demonic aura of this snake, it has reached the second level.

Yuan Ming's thoughts were whirling in his mind and he immediately communicated with Lei Yu.

In mid-air, Thunderstorm was still chasing the White Eagle.

When Leiyu was still a level one monster, his speed was faster than that of White Eagle. Now that he has broken through level two, his speed is even faster than his opponent. However, in a head-to-head confrontation, they can only be considered evenly matched, so he has been entangled with Baiying in the sky.

Sensing Yuan Ming's voice transmission, Lei Yu shook off the white eagle and flew back above Sha Hao, letting out a scream.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, the wind suddenly rose, and the sea of ​​fog below also surged, and soon there was a rumble of thunder.

White Eagle quickly caught up with him, but the thunderstorm was already hiding in the dark clouds. From time to time, there were wisps of lightning flashing through the black clouds. White Eagle did not dare to enter it and could only circle around anxiously.

The snake looked up in the air, showing some fear. Its body surface glowed with an earthy yellow light, and most of its body dived into the ground. It seemed that this could make it feel at ease. Snake monsters were born with yin energy, and they were all afraid of thunder and lightning.

Sha Hao was naturally aware of the situation in mid-air, but he was at a critical moment in suppressing the poison in his body and could not be distracted.

The dark clouds in the sky thickened rapidly, and soon it began to rain heavily. Bolts of dazzling thunder and lightning began to move in the clouds, which were much smaller than when they used their magical powers in the Yuxu Swamp.

The next moment, the dark clouds suddenly lowered, and five or six silver thunderbolts fell down, striking at Sha Hao and Viper.

Sha Hao mentally sent a message to the snake to help him resist for a while.

Just as Viper was about to suppress his fear and take action, he felt a destructive aura emanating from the silver thunder and lightning. His body "chirped" and instinctively burrowed into the ground.

Sha Hao was so frightened and angry that he had no choice but to suspend his exercise to expel the poison, and waved his hand to sacrifice a gray umbrella-shaped magic weapon.

The gray umbrella opened above his head and turned around. Dazzling golden light bloomed from the umbrella surface, instantly forming a substantial golden shield to protect Sha Hao below.

Several rays of silver lightning hit the golden shield, splashing out clouds of dazzling silver light, but the golden shield remained motionless.

Murderous intent flashed in Sha Hao's eyes, and he didn't care to continue expelling the poison. A black light flashed in his right hand, and the strange black sword emerged again. He took a deep breath and slashed down somewhere on the ground behind him.

With a "chila" sound, a black sword energy that was slightly smaller than before was slashed out.

Just when the sword energy was less than three feet away from the ground, a figure jumped out from below and flew towards the distance. It was Yuan Ming.

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