Celestial being

Chapter 292 Auction yourself

When he heard the final transaction price of the lot, Yuan Ming, who was sitting in the audience, showed a faint smile and moved his palm slightly away from the bidding token he had just used.

This kind of bidding token is a specially refined magic weapon. As long as a little mana is injected into it, even if the bidding is triggered, there will be no performance on the surface, thus protecting the privacy of the bidder.

Three thousand spirit stones cannot be said to be high for a piece of thousand-year-old spirit wood, but it is not a small amount. It is almost the entire possessions of an ordinary foundation-building monk, and can be exchanged for at least two high-grade magic weapons.

To most people, the Water Crown Tree Spiritual Wood seems quite useless, and most monks will not bid after a moment of consideration.

But for Yuan Ming, he doesn't mind whether the spiritual energy contained in the water crown tree spiritual wood conflicts. As long as it is old enough, he can use it to make incense, which can greatly increase the duration of the spiritual incense possession.

Yuan Ming estimated that if this spiritual tree was made of other wood-attribute spiritual materials, it would be one of the best choices for monks in the alchemy stage to refine magic baby embryos. If it went up for auction, he would probably have to spend more than tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Only then can we hope to win it, even if it is still priceless in the outside world.

Now this price is the monthly profit of his Lingxiang shop. For him, if he can buy it, he will naturally make a profit.

Yuan Ming finally had something to gain. While he was excited, he also had new expectations for the next auction.

As the auction came to an end, Puppet Jiu finally took out the first auction item that could be called the finale.

"When it comes to formations, the first thing you think of is the Chenkun Sect of Chu State or the Red Lotus Island in Southern Xinjiang? There have been many opinions on which of these two families is the best in formations, and there has never been a conclusion. However, If we just talk about which formation is the most outstanding when dealing with foundation-building monks, except for Master Xiao Zhang’s Sunda Wind Illusion Demon Formation from Red Lotus Island, I’m afraid there is no second answer.”

"Today, our store is fortunate to receive an auction commission from Master Xiao Zhang, and we would like to introduce to you the master's latest masterpiece - the Melting Gold Water Breaking Formation."

"This formation integrates offense and defense. After it is deployed, except for those who hold the formation tokens, as long as they take out the magic weapon, it will be burned by red fire. Once the spell is cast, it will attract weak water and strong irrigation, and the fire melt magic weapon will be attracted. , the water draws spiritual power, hence the name 'melting gold and breaking water'."

"After testing by our store, once trapped in this formation, even the Lian Dan monks will be tripped up and need to spend some twists and turns to escape, let alone the ordinary foundation-building monks. The value of this item is self-evident. This is the introduction. , this formation will start from three thousand spirit stones."

Before Puppet Jiu finished speaking, impatient monks immediately began to quote prices. The price of the magic circle kept rising, and soon passed the five thousand mark and went straight to eight thousand.

After hearing the introduction, Yuan Ming was a little moved, but then he thought about it. He already had two sets of formations, and although he was rich, he had not yet found the best magic weapon. Buying this set of formations might help him. It will affect subsequent purchases of top-quality magic weapons.

In the end, the Melting Gold Water-Severing Formation was successfully auctioned for eleven thousand spirit stones, and the atmosphere at the venue became more and more lively.

Puppet Jiu struck while the iron was hot and came up with another masterpiece.

"The next lot is a top-quality magic weapon, the Flowing Cloud Ruler, which was personally refined by Master Xu Xinyang of the Zhao Kingdom. It has four runes of rapidity, concealment, indestructibility and Qianjun. When activated, the speed is extremely fast, and there is no trace of it. The shadow disappears without a trace, and the attack is powerful. Not only can it easily destroy magic weapons of high quality and below, but it can also avoid falling behind even if it collides with top quality magic weapons of the same level."

"Everyone should be well aware of the level of Master Xu Xinyang. He has refined a total of eleven top-quality magic weapons so far. Each one is of the highest quality, and eight of them have even been refined into magic weapons. .The starting price for this Flowing Cloud Ruler is six thousand."

Under the stage, Yuan Ming looked at the white jade ruler in Puppet Jiu's hand, with a tangled look in his eyes.

This magical weapon is very much in line with his wishes, but when it is actually used, it has a very similar effect to the black needle. It uses a hidden weapon shape and takes an unexpected approach.

Therefore, if he buys this top-quality magic weapon and continues to refine his black needle, he will have two top-quality magic weapons after success.

However, while he was thinking for a moment, the price quoted by Puppet Jiu increased to 10,000 spirit stones, and it was about to increase. In the box above the venue, a middle-aged man with a strong build and a thick appearance suddenly stood up. Opening his mouth, without even using his magic power, the sound spread to every corner of the venue.

"Among the fellow Taoists who are interested in this treasure, if there are spiritual trees that are more than a thousand years old and are willing to exchange, we will use the current quotation of 8,600 spiritual stones, deducting the value of the thousand-year spiritual wood, and refund the excess spiritual stones and make up for the less. This magic weapon belongs to you."

Yuan Ming raised his eyes and saw this man with a tiger face, eyes as wide as bells, a mouth as wide as the palm of his hand, and a head full of black hair that stood up and connected with the beard on both sides of his face. It looks like a fierce look on his face.

Listening to his words, it seems that this person is the Xu Xinyang mentioned by Puppet Jiu.

At this time, Xu Xinyang's ears suddenly moved, as if someone was transmitting a message to him. After a while, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, fellow Taoist's bid is very fair. Who is that? Puppet Jiu, right? There's no need to bid for this one. Hurry up and get another item."

On the high platform, Puppet Jiu looked bewildered and froze on the spot. It seemed that such an abrupt interruption of her auction process was not part of her plan, which caused an uproar among the monks present.

Puppet Jiu also stopped there and did not move. It was not until seven or eight breaths passed that he returned to normal as if he had received instructions from the owner of the venue, and said: "Senior Xu has given us such an order, so we should obey it. We should follow it carefully." Move on to the next lot.”

As Puppet Jiu spoke, she suddenly left the hosting platform and stood in the center of the high platform. Beside her, eight more figures slowly rose up.

Just when everyone present was a little confused as to what the last auction item was, Puppet Jiu continued to speak:

"This second-to-last lot, as you can see, is a spiritual stone puppet. My brothers and sisters and I are all produced by Baijimen. There are nine of them in total. They are made of high-quality materials and their strength is equivalent to the initial stage of Qi refining. "

"The important thing is that each of us has simple intelligence. As long as the supply of spiritual stones is sufficient, we can do various tasks under the control of the master."

"The nine spirit stone puppets have a starting price of 4,500 spirit stones. With us, we can assist the master in related work, and have a certain ability to protect themselves. We can also ensure that the master's secrets are not leaked." Puppet Jiu said, Suddenly he smiled playfully, winked at everyone in the venue, and said: "A slave in the Qi Refining Stage in Southern Xinjiang costs three thousand spirit stones. We are indeed worth every penny."

As soon as Puppet Jiu's words of "auctioning oneself" surprised everyone, the atmosphere in the venue also became weird. Although everyone present knew that these were puppets from Baijimen, they There was still an illusion that the monk slaves were being auctioned.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming was immediately moved. These puppets had such preliminary intelligence. If he could buy them back and teach them how to make incense, he would no longer have to worry about the incense in the store.

However, he quickly gave up this idea, mainly because the safety of the cabin he rented was not guaranteed. If someone took away the puppet, the secret of his incense making would be known to others, which would be more than worth the loss.

If necessary in the future, you can go directly to Baijimen to buy it. The current spiritual stones should still be used for top-quality magic weapons.

In the end, the nine spirit stone puppets were sold for around 5,000 to 6,000 spirit stones.

After the auction was completed, the other eight spirit stone puppets descended again, leaving Puppet Nine standing on the high platform, continuing her final mission as the auction host.

"Next, the last item is here. It is a magic weapon that we spent a lot of money to collect at the auction - the Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear. This treasure is the natal magic weapon of the Danjie monk Long Xinghe. He once used this gun to Donghai achieved great fame, but it was a pity that God was jealous of Yingcai. He suddenly died in a conflict, leaving only this magic weapon."

"There are rumors that Long Xinghe told his disciples before his death that he discovered an ancient secret treasure based on this magic weapon, and this magic weapon is the clue to a secret treasure in the East China Sea. However, after so many years, The Purple Star Nine Dragon Spear changed owners several times, and the whereabouts of the "Star Reaching Technique" he majored in are also unknown. After all, there is no news about the secrets he talked about. "

"After identification by our store, this gun is indeed a remnant of Long Xinghe. The talisman array on it is intact, and the magic weapon itself is not damaged at all. It can be used again with just a little sacrifice. The starting price is 20,000."

The magic weapon of a famous alchemy monk actually appeared in this auction. Many monks in the venue suddenly became excited, and they were even more excited when they saw the purple spear behind Puppet Jiu.

However, the starting price of 20,000 yuan is really not something that most monks can come up with. The only ones who can really bid are the VIPs sitting in the box.

At this stage, those pill-forming monks or representatives of the sects were too lazy to bid with tokens, and shouted out the price one by one, without letting anyone give in.

For a time, the Five Thunder Sect and the Shengye Sect all made bids.

"We have 31,000 spirit stones in Changchun. Do you want to increase the price?" After a fierce bidding, Zuo Qinghui suddenly stood up, stroked his beard, and looked around coldly.

Wang Chongshan on the side whispered to Yuan Ming: "I knew it would be like this. Changchun Temple always suppresses others with force."

After Zuo Qinghui stood up, Puppet Jiu waited for a moment, but no one else increased the price. Seeing this, Puppet Jiu immediately raised his hand to him: "Congratulations to Senior Zuo for taking this treasure. So, so far, all the lots in this auction All have been sold, please leave the venue in an orderly manner. Fellow Taoists who have taken photos of the lots please wait in the lobby downstairs for a moment, and someone will take you to hand over the lots later."

The auction ended and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Beside the small lake, in front of a huge window, Zuo Qinghui looked at the lake and ordered a disciple: "Go and find out where this Hagong came from and where he studied under? What magical weapon does he use? Special It’s the details of the fight with Pu Zhengqing.”

"Yes." One person replied.

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