Celestial being

Chapter 293 Pushing the envelope

That night.

As soon as Yuan Ming returned to his residence, he immediately took out the water crown tree spirit wood that he took today, carefully cut off about one-tenth of it, ground it into powder, mixed it with other incense-making materials, and added the precious spirit wood. Zong's incense ashes were used to quickly create a brand new black incense stick.

Then, he took out the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, inserted the prepared black incense into it, calmed down his mind, and tried to possess Sha Hao.

Not long after, Yuan Ming's vision changed and he possessed Sha Hao again.

However, the surrounding scenery did not change at all from when he was possessed. Shahao seemed to have roots on his legs, still sitting in the stone house practicing silently.

Yuan Ming was accustomed to such scenes, and was not impatient. Instead, as usual, he silently sensed the flow of spiritual power in Sha Hao's body.

Half a quarter of an hour later, just when Yuan Ming thought that this time he would be in vain, Shahao suddenly opened his eyes, took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag, and poured it into his palm, but nothing was poured out. come out.

"Hey, it's gone so soon? It seems that I have to go to the market to buy some this time." Sha Hao muttered.

Then, he stood up and left the stone house.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Ming was shocked and quickly concentrated on observing the surrounding scenery while Sha Hao was out.

The place where Sha Hao is located seems to be a remote mountain range, surrounded by towering ancient trees, and there are birds chirping and beasts roaring from time to time, but there is nothing special about it.

After he left the cave where he lived, he took out a token and waved it, then sailed away in a flying boat.

Along the way, Yuan Ming never saw anything that could identify Shahao's location, and his originally calm mood gradually became a little disturbed.

If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know when the next time I bump into Shahao will be.

Yuan Ming was anxious, but he had no means to influence Sha Hao. He could only pray silently that the city where Sha Hao was going was not far away.

His prayers had no effect. The city that Shahao chose to go to did not seem to be close to where he was hiding. But luckily, because the thousand-year-old water crown wood was added to the new incense, his possession time was Much longer than before.

After an unknown period of time, Yuan Ming finally saw a city appearing in the distance. As the distance got closer, Yuan Ming discovered that the architectural style of this city was completely different from Leizhou and even the entire Jin Dynasty.

As Sha Hao lowered the flying boat, Yuan Ming also saw the plaque on the city gate, which read the name of the city - Wangyue City.

Before entering the city, Shahao deliberately put on a disguise. After entering the city, he went straight to the store selling elixirs without coming into contact with anyone else. It can be said that he took the word caution to the extreme.

However, Yuan Ming, who was attached to him, clearly saw all the shops and pedestrians he passed along the way.

On the street, the monks walking around were all wearing brocade robes and hanging various magical weapons on their waists, and the slang that occasionally came out during their conversations was Zhao Guo's slang.

The shop signs along the road use fonts with slender lines and rounded outlines, which are also the characteristics of Zhao's writing.

The most important thing is that among the shops that Shahao passed by, there was a huge sign hanging outside the door, which read:

"The Northern Desert Sandworm is new to our store. If you want to buy it, hurry up."

From this point of view, Wangyue City should be a city in the north of Zhao Kingdom.

Yuan Ming made an inference in his mind. At the same time, Sha Hao also crossed the street and stepped into the elixir shop.

And at this moment, Yuan Ming's possession time happened to be exhausted.

Two days later.

In a private room of Sixiang Tea House, Yuan Ming met the weapon refiner recommended by Song Huitong as he wished.

To his surprise, this person was actually the master Xu Xinyang at the auction.

Song Huitong noticed Yuan Ming's surprised eyes and explained with a smile: "In terms of the craftsmanship of refining the best magic weapons, Master Xu is ranked among the top figures in the entire Zhao Kingdom. Even I have a magic weapon on my body. It was promoted from the top-quality magic weapon he refined."

"Senior Song is ridiculous. I only have this little weapon refining skill, but it's actually of little use. I feel a little ashamed to be called a master." Xu Xinyang waved his hand and said in a rough voice.

"Most of the top-quality magic weapons refined by Master Xu can be refined into magic weapons. Even many fellow Taoists who form pills flock to them. How can they be said to be useless?" Song Huitong said.

"Sigh, Senior Song also knows that my cultivation talent is limited, and it is very difficult to advance to the level of alchemy. No matter how high the level of weapon refining is, if I can refine the best magic weapon, I will be as good as the sky. If I can't refine the magic weapon, I can't spy on the higher level. His scenery is really not that of a master." Xu Xinyang shook his head.

"I remember that Master Xu once proposed an idea, which could balance the fifth rune with the other four runes to form a pseudo-talisman array and directly refine the magic weapon. Isn't this path feasible? ?" Song Huitong asked.

"That is only theoretically possible, but in fact it is extremely difficult. Based on my years of research, I have tried no less than ten times, but have failed. It seems that apart from the accumulation of elixir fire in the body of the elixir-forming monk, there may not be any good My idea of ​​easing the conflict and rejection between the five runes is just empty talk. Alas, let’s not talk about it anymore. You invited me this time, saying you wanted to introduce me to a fellow talent, but that’s it. Human?" Xu Xinyang said with a bitter smile.

Hearing this, Yuan Ming immediately raised his hands and said, "I've met Master Xu in Hagong."

"Master Xu, you must have heard of his name in the past few days. He fought a bloody battle with Pu Zhengqing and saved my disciple, but he also lost most of his magical weapons. I feel sorry for him, so I found you. I don't know, Master Can you give me a favor and help him refine a high-grade magic weapon in his hand into a top-grade one?" Song Huitong said.

Xu Xinyang stared at Yuan Ming for a moment and shook his head: "Senior Song, it's not that I don't want to give you this face. It's actually that I have a top-quality magic weapon waiting to be refined recently, and I can't spare it for the time being. So, , the shop under my name is opened in Yuhe City, Zhao State, and is run by my eldest brother. His craftsmanship is not bad, and he has also refined several top-quality magic weapons. Fellow Daoist Hagong can go to him for help, saying that I asked you to Go."

This was a polite refusal, and Song Huitong sighed helplessly. She didn't have a close relationship with Xu Xinyang, and now it was hard for her to act like a senior and force him to agree. All she could do was see if Yuan Ming could convince him.

Hearing Xu Xinyang's words, Yuan Ming was a little disappointed, but he was prepared for it. He immediately said: "Master Xu, I accidentally obtained a rune in the early years. I have never been able to figure out the origin and effect. Master Xu has seen a lot. You have a lot of knowledge, can you help me shed some light on this?"

After saying that, Yuan Ming handed over a jade plate that had been prepared.

Xu Xinyang knew that Yuan Ming wanted to exchange a rune for the weapon refining, but he had been immersed in the art of weapon refining for many years and had seen most of the world's runes. He didn't think Yuan Ming could come up with any precious runes, so he just scanned them casually. He glanced at the jade board, but just this glance made him sit up straight in an instant.

He took the jade plate directly from Yuan Ming's hand, with a pair of leopard eyes wide open, and carefully observed the runes on the jade plate. He was fascinated by it, and he studied and pondered by himself. There were even other things in the room. Both men ignored the past.

Engraved on the jade plate that Yuan Ming gave him was the corpse-controlling rune obtained from the portrait of the ancestor Bayin, the lord of Tiehu Town. Although this rune was used to make talismans, it was useless for use on magical instruments. No.

After a long time, Xu Xinyang came back to his senses under Song Huitong's constant urging. He looked at Yuan Ming and Yuan Ming in the room impatiently. Then he recalled the topic just now and said directly: "This is what you said. I haven't seen the runes very often, and I still need to study them. In this way, you can leave the magic weapon that you want to refine, and when I finish studying it, I can help you refine it. Keep this communication talisman, and in twenty days I will notify you to come and get it."

Yuan Ming nodded and took out the black needle, dragon scales, and the white jade belt that had been put aside for a long time: "Master Xu, my black needle has been refined once, just help me add another armor-breaking rune. In addition, if you can, please help me refine this dragon scale into a top-quality shield, and this white jade belt, please help me see if it can be repaired."

Xu Xinyang put down the jade tablet and looked at Yuan Ming with an unkind expression: "Fellow Taoist, are you trying too hard?"

"Master, please bear with me." Yuan Ming said and handed over another storage bag.

Xu Xinyang took the storage bag with a hint of sarcasm on his lips. As a master of weapon refining, he had seen a lot of spiritual stones in his daily life. It was a fool's errand for a foundation builder to persuade him with spiritual stones.

While thinking about it, he opened the storage bag and was stunned when he saw the bright pile of spiritual stones inside.

With just a rough count, he found that there were six thousand spirit stones in the bag.

"I don't know if the master is satisfied with my wishes, but this is only half. When the master is finished refining, I will immediately offer the other half of the spirit stone with both hands." Yuan Ming cupped his hands and said.

These spirit stones were almost all the spirit stones he could produce. Although he had made a lot of money through the spirit incense shop over the years, most of them were spent on buying pills to improve his cultivation.

But he didn't feel distressed at all, because he could make more money from spirit stones, but he missed this opportunity in front of him. This village may not have this store anymore. Besides, he had calculated that if the other party could agree, he would still make money according to the market value. A lot cheaper.

Xu Xinyang coughed twice and put away the storage bag: "Since fellow Taoist sincerely asks for help, I should help you with all my heart."

As he said that, he put away the three things that Yuan Ming took out one by one. But when he came to the white jade belt, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he took the belt in his hand and observed it repeatedly.

"Interesting, using gems as the carrier of runes instead of weapons is also an idea to avoid rune conflicts. However, these gems...are sea coral stones? No, sea coral stones do not transmit spiritual power so fast. But...where did Fellow Daoist Hagong find this magical artifact?" Xu Xinyang became more and more confused as he looked at it, and in the end, he turned to Yuan Ming and asked about the origin of the magical artifact.

"I got it from killing an enemy when I was traveling in southern Xinjiang." Yuan Ming didn't hide it either.

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