Celestial being

Chapter 291 Water Crown Tree

After listening to Puppet Jiu's introduction, Yuan Ming was immediately surprised. He didn't expect that the auction had just begun and an item like "Red Fire Heart Technique" would appear on the auction block. It was also the core technique of a sect.

Yuan Ming remembered that when he was possessed by Ulu, he saw that the task he received from the clan was to steal the "Red Fire Heart Technique".

Uru has done it again!

At the same time, he was worried about Wulu. Although he didn't know much about Huo Yuan Sect, at least it was a sect with a rich ancestor. Now, a core skill was openly auctioned by the Tianxiang Auction House. Aren't Ulu's family afraid of getting angry?

Just as he was thinking this, in the box, a red-faced old man wearing brocade clothes suddenly stood up, raised his hands toward the entire venue, and said loudly:

"I am the elder of the Huo Yuan Sect. The Luo Tian Sect is unfortunate. Not long ago, a traitor appeared and stole my sect's skills for auction. I also ask all fellow Taoists to reward me with the next portion of thin noodles. Don't bid. Afterwards, my sect will also give you a small gift. superior."

"Hey, no wonder this Tianxiang auction will adopt anonymous bidding. It turns out that they are planning to trick Huo Yuanzong. Now there is something exciting to watch." Wang Chongshan chuckled, looking like he was watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. He turned around and said to Yuan Ming:

"I once heard that the city lord of Xiaohu City had a grudge with the Huo Yuan Sect before he entered Yuanying. The specific reason is unclear now, but it is said that with the rapid decline of the Huo Yuan Sect, he There was a lot of effort behind the scenes, and this time too, he was the real person in charge behind the Tianxiang auction. He specially put the Huoyuanzong skills in the first auction, not only to heat up the atmosphere, but also to disgust Huoyuanzong. But I estimate that in the end it will only cost the Huo Yuan Sect a sum of money, and the skills will not fall into the hands of others, otherwise if other sects harm others, the life of the city lord will be difficult."

"According to what Fellow Daoist Wang said, the Huo Yuan Sect's skills were probably sent by the city lord to steal them." Yuan Ming asked knowingly.

"Most likely, but if we really investigate, it definitely has nothing to do with the city lord. Fellow Daoist Hagong may not see many things like this. You know, no matter where it is in the Central Plains, there will never be a shortage of people who do dirty work. , outsourced layer by layer, and in the end, the people who actually do the work probably don’t know what they are doing, and even if they are caught, they will not be able to tell who is the mastermind." Wang Chongshan said.

On the other side, Luo Tian's statement was obviously of no use. The price quoted from Puppet Nine kept rising and almost never stopped. Luo Tian's face also became gloomy and ugly little by little, and he just kept bidding. .

"...Twenty-one thousand and four hundred spirit stones. Is there anything higher than this price?" After Puppet Jiu quoted another price, he looked around and waited for a moment before nodding and placing the wood. The box was closed and placed back on the stone platform.

Seeing this, Luo Tian let out a sigh of relief, turned around and left the box, obviously not wanting to stay here for even a moment longer.

The price of 21,400 spirit stones is to buy a book that can be used to practice alchemy. Yuan Ming doesn't know whether this price is expensive, but for the Huo Yuan Sect, no matter how many spirit stones are spent, it is still worth it. I definitely don’t want the technique to spread.

But a sect paid a price far beyond the normal price to buy his own technique. Once the Tianxiang auction is over and this news gets out, many people will definitely laugh out loud because of it.

The move of Lord Lu of Xiaohu City could be described as a conspiracy, trampling on Huo Yuanzong's face and reputation, and his strength in the Nascent Soul stage made Huo Yuanzong dare not speak out in anger.

In the world of immortality, one must ultimately rely on strength to speak for itself.

Yuan Ming sighed and returned his attention to the auction.

"Next is the second lot of this auction, three pieces of moon-covered cold iron, which are taken from..."

On the stage, Puppet Jiu took out each of the auction items with their own characteristics, including spiritual materials, elixirs, and magic weapons and talismans. No matter which item it was, she was so excited about it, as if not buying it would be a shortcoming in life. .

Under her auspices, many auction items were sold at prices at least 20% higher than the normal price. It was obviously a secret auction and no one was bidding in public, but the atmosphere became more and more heated. Yuan Ming was quite surprised to see it.

But soon, Yuan Ming discovered the clues.

Every time Puppet Jiu makes a bid, the sound he uses will be slightly different. It sounds like different people are bidding. Moreover, there seems to be special magical instruments arranged in the auction venue, and string music is constantly playing outside. , connecting Puppet Jiu's voices together without leaving any gaps, obviously interfering with people's normal thinking and making the atmosphere in the venue more and more lively.

However, Yuan Ming never got carried away. Occasionally, he took a fancy to a few lots and participated in the bidding. He only clicked until the price exceeded his expectations. He would stop immediately.

So it was until halfway through the auction that he didn't buy a single item.

However, as Puppet Jiu picked up another auction item from the raised stone platform, Yuan Ming suddenly sat upright.

"The next lot is from the Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop in Xiaohu City."

"The three incense sticks I have now are secret incense made by Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop. The materials are extremely rare. What's rare is that there is no spiritual energy fluctuation after the incense is lit, and it is completely silent."

At this point, there was a soft cry in the audience, and some people began to whisper.

"As long as the smoke of this incense is inhaled, even the foundation-building monks will fall into a coma in a short time and be slaughtered by others. The only disadvantage of this incense is that it is not effective when used in open places. How to use it specifically , it depends on your performance. At the request of the owner of the Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop, a total of three sticks will be sold in this auction, with the starting price of each stick being one hundred spirit stones. Due to limited materials, this incense is not sold in the store. "

As soon as Puppet Jiu finished the introduction, his expression changed and he immediately said: "Okay, now there are Taoist friends who have bid for one hundred and ten spirit stones. I don't know...it seems that many Taoist friends are interested in this incense. The price has gone up." When it comes to one hundred and twenty spiritual stones, no, one hundred and fifty spiritual stones, are there any fellow Taoists who need to bid?"

Yuan Ming gradually smiled as he listened to the constantly changing prices in Puppet Nine's mouth.

Soon, the three sticks of incense that Yuan Ming took out were all auctioned, and the prices were higher than expected. Excluding the commission, Yuan Ming gained a total of nearly 600 spirit stones.

Yuan Ming took out the incense for auction, and it worked well in actual combat. He took it out at this time to test the value of his incense. The second reason was to earn an extra amount of spiritual stones. The main reason was to take advantage of the gathering of monks in the city to completely start the mystery. The reputation of Hualing Incense Shop.

On the high platform, Puppet Jiu finished auctioning Yuan Ming's incense and took out the next item without stopping.

"The following lot can be said to be the most special lot in this auction."

Puppet Jiu said, opening the wooden box containing the auction items and displaying the contents.

Lying in the box is an emerald green wooden stake. Although it has been cut down, it does not show any signs of decay and withering. On the side of the tree stump, there are still several small buds of different sizes growing, exuding a faint fragrance. The brilliance looks quite magical.

"This spiritual tree used to be parasitized by five purple mushrooms that grow with the spiritual wood. Not only does this spiritual mushroom itself have outstanding medicinal properties, but the spiritual wood it parasitizes will also undergo some special changes when it is infiltrated by it, making it Full of strong vitality. The Purple Mushroom that relies on the wood has now been taken away, and after special treatment, this spiritual wood is also an extremely good high-grade spiritual material, very suitable for refining wooden magic weapons. The most rare thing is , after identification, this is a piece of thousand-year-old spiritual wood." Puppet Jiu introduced eloquently.

This was the first time that a millennium-level spiritual material had appeared in this auction. At this moment, all the monks turned their attention to the item in Puppet Jiu's hand. With eager eyes, they wanted to swallow the wooden stake upright.

But at this moment, an old man's hoarse voice came from a private room: "I'm afraid the introduction to this lot is not complete, right? If I'm not mistaken, this spiritual tree comes from a thousand-year-old water crown tree. The water and wood spiritual energy contained in it conflict with each other, and it is impossible to use it as the main material for refining magic weapons!"

"Senior Song really has a good eye. However, after all, this spiritual wood has gone through thousands of years. Even if it cannot be used as the main material for refining weapons, if it undergoes some special treatment, it still has a certain value as an auxiliary material when upgrading high-grade magic weapons, and everyone present is aware of it. Elites from all walks of life may have better uses, but it is still unknown. In summary, the starting price of this auction is set at three thousand spirit stones, which can be said to be very fair." Puppet Jiu admitted frankly, and then After some explanation, the starting price was quickly quoted.

After listening to her words, the monks in the venue regained their composure and started talking one after another.

Yuan Ming learned through everyone's discussion that the water crown tree is a very special spiritual tree. As the old man surnamed Song in the box said, it possesses the two spiritual energies of water and wood at the same time, and they are always in conflict with each other. Therefore, although it has accumulated for thousands of years, its value is not high when used as the main material for refining instruments. Often, magical instruments will be easily scrapped during the refining process, and its medicinal value is not high, and the thousand-year-old spiritual wood It is also too luxurious as an auxiliary material, and some other auxiliary materials are used as substitutes.

Puppet Jiu started the auction after everyone's discussion gradually stopped, but this time it was unexpectedly quiet, and no one bid for a long time.

"It seems that fellow Taoists are not very interested in this spirit tree. It doesn't matter. There are more treasures waiting for you later. Then I announce this auction... Wait, someone bids three thousand spirit stones! Three thousand spirit stones The first time, are there any other fellow Taoists who bid? Three thousand spirit stones. The second time..." Just when Puppet Jiu was about to announce that the auction had failed, he suddenly paused and then said.

However, Puppet Jiu's last efforts did not work. Except for the unknown monk who offered the lowest price at the last moment, everyone at the scene watched indifferently and no one followed the quotation.

In the end, this thousand-year-old water crown tree spiritual wood was sold at the lowest price of three thousand spiritual stones.

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