Celestial being

Chapter 256 Settlement

The document Yuan Ming took out was the contract he had found from Xu Changqing. It clearly stated that the Guangli Alliance must kill him within the agreed time limit. But now, the time limit has passed, and he is making trouble in the capital of Jin Dynasty again. With such a big movement, everyone knew that not only was he still alive, but he had also become a monk in the foundation building stage.

Now, he pretends to be a disciple of Changchun Temple and comes to collect debts. He has solid evidence and no one can find fault with him.

What's more, even if they want to find Xu Changqing who holds the document to verify the authenticity, unless they can find the body in Yuan Ming's storage bag, who can say that he is not a disciple of Changchun Temple?

Not long after, Zhang Luhe came back with the paperwork, and the smile on his face seemed much more sincere.

"I have confirmed with the alliance leader that the documents you have written are genuine. However, why didn't your master come in person?"

"He said he doesn't want to deal with you anymore." Yuan Ming said calmly.

Zhang Luhe squeezed the hand holding the document tightly for a moment, but after a moment, he put it down again and took out a storage bag from his waist.

"Haha, we did make a mistake this time. According to the contract, this is a compensation of 1,500 spirit stones. In addition, there is a deposit of 500 spirit stones in advance. Please accept it."

"That's pretty much it." Yuan Ming nodded calmly, put away the storage bag, said no more, turned around and left the Guangli Alliance Station.

After Yuan Ming left, a figure flashed in the side room, and a man in a white robe appeared in the room. Looking at the direction Yuan Ming left, he asked: "Brother Zhang, this business has suffered a big loss."

"Oh, there are always times when we make mistakes. Unexpectedly, that Yuan Ming actually escaped the pursuit. After returning, he killed the old Taoist Yuhu at the ceremony of passing the throne. Fortunately, we did not meet him. If we did, our colleagues in Southern Xinjiang would also They are all dangerous, I have said it many times, we must prepare intelligence, but they were blinded by the spirit stone." Zhang Luhe sighed.

A street away, Yuan Ming thought that he had two thousand more spirit stones in his storage bag, and he could no longer hold back the smile on his face. With this spiritual stone, you can naturally exchange it for a lot of elixirs for cultivation and materials for making spiritual incense.

Just as he was thinking about it in his mind, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Yuan Ming looked sideways and saw a unique-shaped building not far away. The lower part was still a normal pavilion, but the upper part looked like a huge fine iron sword, thrust straight into the building. In the pavilion, it looks quite impressive.

There are only three characters on the plaque in front of the gate - Casual Religion Society.

Yuan Ming was quite curious. When he entered the door, he saw a vertical obelisk facing the door. The top of the obelisk was written with the three words "Evil Cultivator List", and below it was written in blood red. Dozens of names were written on the ink, and the cultivation level was marked after the name, and behind the cultivation level, there was a number written, which seemed to represent the number of spiritual stones for the reward.

Yuan Ming looked up and saw that at the top of the obelisk was a monk named "Old Demon of Youquan". He was impressively at the peak level of pill formation. The reward at the end was as high as 500,000 spiritual stones.

At the bottom of the square stone is a foundation-building monk named "Pu Zhengqing". His specific strength is unknown, but he is also a soul cultivator. The bounty is actually one hundred thousand spirit stones, but there are two small words at the end - Captured alive.

After reading the list, Yuan Ming couldn't help but marvel, and he also knew how much he was worth.

It seems that in the Great Jin Immortal World, where cultivation resources are relatively abundant, the number and strength of casual cultivators are not comparable to those in small places like the Southern and Northern Territories. There is such a list, but the evil cultivators in it are not. It's hard to say if it's not really full of evil.

Look at each of the names on this list. Behind them are monks with truly outstanding abilities. Even if you think about it, they are not something that you can deal with right now.

I was originally complacent, thinking that I could be invincible at the same level with my soul cultivation methods, but now it seems that I am too optimistic.

There is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. With his own cultivation strength, he has just escaped from the lowest level in the world of immortality. He is not the protagonist in his novels, who can turn disaster into good luck every time.

It's better to keep a low profile and be careful when sailing.

This time I had a duel with Taoist Priest Yuhu in the Imperial City. At that time, revenge was satisfying, but now I want to hide away.

However, this also made Yuan Ming feel a strong desire in his heart for the first time. He must continuously improve his cultivation and strengthen his strength in order to have the right to speak. If he didn't only have the cultivation in the early stage of foundation building, why would he worry about his family being harmed? And, even not long after returning home, I have to leave my hometown and leave my parents again?

The reason is that he does not have the ability to protect his family, and he cannot even fully protect himself.

He collected his thoughts and glanced at the list again, and some doubts arose in his mind. Since this casual cultivator was established to deal with the majority of casual cultivators and scattered alliances, it shouldn't only have these relatively high-level lists, right?

He went to the nearby counter to ask again, and learned that only the monks whose bounties exceeded one hundred thousand on the list of evil cultivators were recorded on the boulder. As for the other monks whose bounties were less than one hundred thousand, they needed to be inquired separately.

In addition, in addition to the bad repair list, there is also a special task list. As long as a deposit is paid, anyone can post tasks or offer bounties on these two lists.

And if there are casual cultivators who want to take on tasks, they also need to pay a certain deposit and prove their strength. In principle, they cannot take on tasks that are too different from their strength.

Yuan Ming didn't want to take on the task for the time being, so he just borrowed his name and quickly scanned the list of evil cultivators. After confirming that his name was not on it, he didn't leave any more details.

He had originally planned to go to Qingmu Tower to buy some Four Spiritual Pills, but he had no intention of doing so at the moment. After all, as long as he had enough spirit stones, the pills could be purchased at any time. There was no rush, there was something that needed to be verified at the moment.

On the way back to Dajin, he tried many methods but failed to hatch the blood egg that Xi Ying had given him before. He even tried the method of dripping blood every day taught by Xi Ying. Not only that , and he couldn't feel the spiritual energy fluctuations in the egg.

This made him wonder, is it possible for this blood egg to hatch, or at least is there any way to confirm whether it is still alive?

After much thought, he still had to find someone who was proficient in this field to ask about the situation.

Now that he came to Leizhou, he thought that the sect of the one-armed old man Gu Qiuming happened to be specialized in this.

Yuan Ming took out the map, quickly found the location of Zhenling Pavilion, and walked over quickly.

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by a steward wearing a fiery red gown.

Before he could ask a question, Yuan Ming said: "Excuse me, friend, is there a monk named Gu Qiuming here?"

"Sorry, Deacon Gu returned to the sect not long ago and is not here now. However, if you need it, I can send a message to him on your behalf." The steward said politely.

"Okay, just say that someone from Black Rock City is visiting, and he knows who it is." Yuan Ming said after hearing this.

The steward immediately agreed, and then promoted to Yuan Ming all kinds of rare birds and animals in the store.

Many of them are common in southern Xinjiang. The good ones can't be bought, and the inferior ones are not as good as his own. The price is more than three times that of southern Xinjiang. Yuan Ming is not interested in them, so he casually said a few words and turned around and left.

At night, Yuan Ming stood by the window of the inn room and looked out.

This is the second floor, and the view is quite broad.

The lights in Xiaohu City are brightly lit at the moment, and it is extremely gorgeous against the backdrop of the night.

After a long time, Yuan Ming turned around and walked back to the bed, took out the white jade ring and looked at it for a long time, then put it away into the storage ring, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

He finally made a decision in his heart: not to give birth to Ye Zong, but to live and practice in this small lake city.

On the one hand, he was afraid of bringing trouble to his grandma's sect. Because of his own fault, his mother's natal family would be implicated, which added to his mother's worries. Secondly, Yuan Ming was really tired of all the cumbersome rules of the sect. He needed to report anywhere he went, and he also needed approval to leave the sect. This small lake city was the second largest city in the Jin Dynasty. It had a strong aura and had everything. There are many loose cultivators in Sanzefang City, and many hermits live in seclusion in the city.

As for the elixirs and other resources needed for cultivation, he planned to find a way on his own. He asked himself that even if he arrived at Shengye Sect, although he was a monk in the Foundation Establishment stage, he was an outsider after all, and he might not receive preferential treatment if he relied on others.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ming became more determined in this choice.

The next morning, he came to a large and magnificent palace building near the lake in the city. It was quite lively with people coming and going.

There were two gatekeeper monks standing at the door of the hall, paying no attention to the people coming in and out.

Yuan Ming entered one of the side rooms. The room was simply furnished, with only a long gray and white stone table, and four or five monks in white clothes sitting behind it.

Many monks gathered in the hall, sitting at the stone table, discussing in low voices with the white-clothed monks. Some were in high spirits, while others were frowning.

This is where houses are rented in Xiaohu City.

"Does this fellow Taoist want to rent or buy a house? Has he chosen the location?" The monk in white asked with a smile, not looking down upon Yuan Ming's Qi Refining Stage cultivation at this moment.

"Rent a house in a peripheral area, but along the street. It's cheaper." Yuan Ming didn't want to ask about the price of buying a house. He thought he couldn't afford it, so he said.

"There are many vacant houses in the cheap peripheral areas. There are eighty-nine in the east of the city and one hundred and twenty-one in the west. This is the price list. Fellow Taoist, you can take a look at it first." The monk in white took out two jade slips and handed them over.

Yuan Ming picked up the jade slip and used his consciousness to examine it. He frowned and hesitated. The rent of houses in Xiaohu City was really not cheap. Even the houses in the outer areas cost one or two hundred spirit stones a year.

"This city has a strong aura, and there are Nascent Soul monks in charge, so you can rest assured about safety. Xiaohu City is the second largest city in the Jin Dynasty. Life is convenient even in every corner of this city. As for where to live, it depends on the needs of fellow Taoists." The white-clothed monks kept talking about the benefits of living in Xiaohu City.

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