Celestial being

Chapter 255 I’m here to collect debt

According to the markings on the map, among the shops selling elixirs in Xiaohu City, there are not many shops that practice elixirs in the foundation building stage, and there are only two most famous ones.

The family is an old acquaintance of Yuan Ming, Changxian Tower opened by Changchun Temple.

Not only elixirs, but the Changxian Tower also handles the business of talismans and spiritual materials. Now Yuan Ming happens to have some spiritual materials that he wants to sell, and he also has an Immortal Token that allows him to enjoy better treatment. It is perfect to go to the Changxian Tower. .

But Yuan Ming still set his sights on another store.

Soon, Yuan Ming came to this shop called "Qingmu Building".

Before he entered the door, he saw two rows of jade potted plants neatly placed on the left and right sides of the store door. Inside was a Ningshen flower spiritual herb. The scent of this spiritual herb was very light, but smelling it could calm the mind and calm the mind. Therefore, it is also one of the auxiliary materials of Peiyuan Dan, a pill in the Qi refining period.

The Ningshen Flower is not a rare spiritual herb, but it is displayed in such a grand manner at the door of the store, which still highlights its heroic spirit.

Yuan Ming walked through the potted Ningshen flower and walked into the house. He immediately felt a strange fragrance. When he looked up, he saw that the shelves in the store were filled with all kinds of spiritual herbs.

These spiritual herbs seem to have been specially selected and cultivated, and the aroma they emit is intertwined. It does not make people feel complicated and unpleasant, but instead transforms into a unique fragrance that is extremely rich and extremely unforgettable.

Among the shelves, the guys wearing light green gowns were greeting customers or sorting out the spiritual herbs. Even those who were doing some lifting, they all had some level of cultivation in them.

Yuan Ming suddenly discovered that Xu Tian and Luo Xing'er were also in the store at this time, talking to a clerk behind the store counter.

Yuan Ming was looking at the store at the door. At this moment, the clerk in the store noticed him and immediately came over to greet him. He said with a smile: "Senior, the things on the first floor of our store are all low-grade spiritual herbs. I'm afraid they won't be able to catch my eye. Please also move upstairs with me to talk in detail."

Yuan Ming came here to buy the foundation-building cultivation elixir, so he did not hide his cultivation and followed him upstairs. The man in green invited Yuan Ming to the private room, served him a cup of fragrant tea, and asked him to wait for a while. , then turned and left.

Yuan Ming deliberately held the Immortal Order in his hand.

The decoration in the private room is mainly green, and the carvings on the screen tables and chairs are mostly flowers and plants. There is also a light medicinal aroma permeating the room, which is particularly refreshing.

Yuan Ming felt that the service at the stores in Zhongyuanfang City was better than that in Nanjiang, making people feel at home.

Not long after, an old man wearing a wood-grain gown with white beard and hair walked in quickly, smiled at Yuan Ming and said:

"Our store is fortunate to have senior patronize us. It is truly an honor. I am Jiang Yuan, the manager of our store. If you need anything, senior, please feel free to ask."

"I was just taking a look." Yuan Ming leaned on the back of his chair, playing with a white jade token in his hand, and said casually.

"Haha, senior, you really came to the right place! To be honest with senior, many of the old guests in this building come from Changxian Tower. Although my student, Ye Zong, is less famous than Changchun Guan, he is no less generous in terms of elixirs. ." Jiang Yuan glanced at the three words "Eternal Immortal Order" on the token in Yuan Ming's hand, and said with a brighter smile.

Seeing that Yuan Ming was unmoved after hearing this, Jiang Yuan immediately continued: "For distinguished guests like senior, our Qingmu House pays more attention to the experience. Please keep this Qingmu Token. In addition to the same treatment as the Changxian Tower, the pills sold 10% can be waived for medicines, instruments and other items.”

As he spoke, he took out a cyan wooden token from his sleeve robe and handed it to Yuan Ming with both hands.

"That would be disrespectful. I need some medicinal pills to assist my practice recently. Do you have any recommendations? I can also introduce some healing ones." Only then did Yuan Ming show a smile, and reached out to take the Aoki Token handed over by the old man. The Immortal Order in his hand had been put away by him at some point.

"When it comes to healing injuries, Huiyang Pill is good. It can quickly treat most injuries. In addition, Bone Shengdan is better than Huiyang Pill in terms of effect, but its effect evaporates more slowly, so it is not suitable for use in combat. As for practicing elixirs, In the case of seniors, the first recommendation is the specially improved Four Spiritual Pills of our sect. Compared with the ordinary Four Spiritual Pills, it is not only slightly more effective, but also less likely to develop drug resistance. Even after breaking through to the mid-term, it can still be used again. Take other elixirs together."

Jiang Yuan said, stood up and gave some instructions to the waiter waiting outside the room. Soon the waiter came back holding a tray with three porcelain bottles.

Yuan Ming took the porcelain bottle and opened three bottles of elixirs in sequence.

The color of Huiyang Dan is reddish, and there is a slight burning sensation when poured into the palm. The fragrance of the Dan is not strong. On the contrary, the Shenggu Dan is not only white in color, but also has a strong and long fragrance of Dan. When touched in the hand, it is just Warm.

Compared with them, the Four Spirit Pills look a lot ordinary. Not only do they have no unusual color or fragrance, but their appearance is as ordinary as a jelly bean.

Before Yuan Ming came, he had already understood that these four spirit pills were relatively common pills to assist in the foundation-building period, so he said directly:

"Tell me the price."

"Huiyang Pill and Shenggu Pill cost fifty spiritual stones per bottle, while Four Spiritual Pills cost two hundred and seventy spiritual stones per bottle. The price is the same as the Four Spiritual Pills on the market, but the effect is better. These are the original prices. There are displays on the second floor." Jiang Yuan said.

Although Yuan Ming was mentally prepared, he was still a little stunned at the price of the elixirs that were several times higher than those during the Qi Refining Period.

This is only an elixir suitable for the foundation building stage.

No wonder there is a saying in the world of cultivating immortals. In addition to qualifications, cultivating immortals actually involves resources. Not to mention the rumored treasures of heaven, materials and earth, or the special elixirs with outstanding effects, these are relatively ordinary elixirs. Medicine is not something that ordinary monks can take for a long time.

If the power of the sect or the family is used to provide for a monk, the speed of his cultivation will naturally not be matched by the helpless casual cultivators.

Although after advancing to the foundation building stage, one can live for more than 200 years, most casual cultivators will probably spend most of their time seeking various opportunities or collecting various resources. I am afraid that the time when they can really calm down and practice in seclusion is Not necessarily many.

After Yuan Ming had some thoughts in his mind, he bought a bottle of each of the three elixirs, including the Four Spiritual Pills, on the grounds that he wanted to try them during his first visit. Before leaving, he also made some inquiries about a store in the city with a good reputation. The spiritual material purchasing shop "Chiliantang" knows that behind it is the Tianhuo Sect of the Zhao Kingdom.

After leaving Qingmu Tower, he found an inn and tried the effect of the Four Spiritual Pills. After finding that the effect was indeed good, he first went to the Changxian Tower, and then went straight to the Chiliantang. After a brief comparison, he still believed He decided to sell all the spiritual materials and unused magic weapons in his hands to the latter.

During this period, I also unexpectedly learned that the fiery red horn that Huo Greedy had retrieved from Tali Volcano was the sharp horn of the second-level monster Molten Rhinoceros. It is the main material that can be used to refine high-grade fire-attribute magic weapons. , extremely rare, and sold it for a full six hundred and fifty spirit stones after some digging.

As a result, the number of spiritual stones in his storage ring finally seemed to be close to four thousand.

So Yuan Ming returned to Qingmu Tower, went to the shopkeeper Jiang Yuan, and bought fifteen bottles of Four Spiritual Pills in one go. He also learned that the other party liked calligraphy and painting, and it didn't take long for him and Jiang Yuan to chat and become close friends. Friend, he asked the other party to reduce the price by another 10% on the basis of the original 10% reduction.

"It seems that we still have to find a way to earn some more spiritual stones. If we go into seclusion, these ten bottles of elixirs won't last long." Yuan Ming's consciousness scanned the less than a thousand spiritual stones left in the storage ring and murmured Said to himself.

When he was feeling a little worried, he suddenly thought of something. Then he took out a piece of paper from the storage ring and read it several times. An idea flashed through his mind.

Half a day later, in the west of Xiaohu City, Guangli Sanmeng was stationed.

As a well-known Sanmen League in Dajin, Guangli Sanmen League has branches located in every city in Dajin, and Xiaohu City is no exception.

Yuan Ming looked up at the plaque in front of the station door, and after confirming that he had found the right place, he faced the different looks of the guards in front of the door, walked forward, and showed the document in his hand.

"I'm here to collect the debt!"

The guard in front of the door was furious. He had been a member of the Guangli Sanmen League for so many years, and they had always collected debts from others. He had never encountered such a situation before, and he immediately wanted to teach Yuan Ming a lesson.

But when his eyes glanced at the documents and the Immortal Order in Yuan Ming's hand, his anger was instantly suppressed.

He suspected that he was dazzled, and just as he was about to reach out and take the document, Yuan Ming put the document away instead.

"Let your alliance leader come to see me." Yuan Ming said calmly.

The guard looked at Yuan Ming and saw that he was wearing the clothes of Changchun Temple. He did not dare to neglect and quickly invited him to the station, then turned to invite the branch president.

Yuan Ming waited for a while in the wing of the station. Not long after, a young man dressed as a scholar came out with a smile.

"Haha, I wonder why there are magpies chirping on the branches early this morning. It turns out that a friend from Changchun Temple is coming. I am Zhang Luhe, the manager of this place. I wonder what your surname is?"

"Forget the polite words. My master, Xu Changqing, is here today just to ask for a debt from your Guangli Alliance." Yuan Ming slapped the document on the table with a cold face.

At this time, Yuan Ming disguised his cultivation as the Qi Refining stage, and Zhang Luhe, as the branch president of the Guangli San League, naturally reached the Foundation Building stage.

When he saw that Yuan Ming, a disciple in the Qi Refining Stage, dared to shout at him like this, he felt angry, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

But when he picked up the document that Yuan Ming took and read it, he laughed awkwardly.

"What's wrong with this document..."

"What? Let's discuss the matter, or do you want to admit it?" Yuan Ming snorted coldly.

"No, it's just a matter of great importance. I need to contact the leader of the alliance before I can make a decision. Please sit down for a moment. I'll come when I go." Zhang Luhe said with a strong smile.

After saying that, he hurried away with the paperwork, but Yuan Ming was not worried about him tearing up the evidence and sat calmly in the room, waiting for his answer.

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