Celestial being

Chapter 257 Opening a Store

"Your Excellency is talking about this one, No. 85, Ma Ti Lane, east of the city." Yuan Ming handed the jade slip back and said.

This house is slightly remote, and the rent is one hundred and fifty spiritual stones per year.

"Fellow Taoist has a good vision. This house not only faces the street, but also has a good area and layout. You can open a shop and do business, and you can live and practice in the back room. It can be said that it is the best of both worlds." said the monk in white.

"This is the rent for the first year. Hutu is a loose cultivator in the Yue Kingdom." Yuan Ming calculated that if it costs one spirit stone to go in and out every day, plus accommodation, it would be more cost-effective to rent a house directly, so he took out a small bag of spirit stones and put it on the table superior.

The white-clothed monk quickly counted and did not ask any more questions about the origin of "Hu Tu". He took out a key and a room number token with Hu Tu's name on it and proved that he lived in Xiaohu City, handed it over, and said: "This residence is inside Fellow Taoists can change the layout at will, but the walls must not be tampered with. The bricks and stones of the houses in this city are all specially made and have a certain effect of preventing spying. If they are damaged, they will need to be compensated according to the price."

Sure enough, there is a reason why it is expensive.

"Excuse me." Yuan Ming responded, took the key, stood up and left.

He first went to the market and spent fifty spiritual stones to buy two sets of simple house-protecting arrays for decorating the cave, and then headed east.

Arriving at Horseshoe Alley, it was more remote than he imagined and there were fewer people.

Yuan Ming quickly found house No. 85.

This house is built facing the street, with a yard with a garden at the back and two back rooms. The layout and environment are really good.

It's just that no one has lived here for a long time, and there is a layer of dust everywhere.

Yuan Ming cleaned up and just sat down in a room in the back room of the yard. Then he thought about it and went to the rental office.

Return to the rental house soon.

Yuan Ming rented another house at No. 86 across the street in Ha Gong's name. This time, he used an illusion on the person in charge of the lease, quickly completed the formalities, took the token and left.

Since he had offended Changchun Temple, just in case, he did not hesitate to spend more spiritual stones to prepare an extra place to live in case of emergency. Then I went to Fangshi and spent a hundred spiritual stones to buy a short-distance teleportation array. Three spiritual stones were placed at the center of the array.

Yuan Ming arranged the teleportation arrays between the two houses and returned to House No. 86.

The layout of this house is the same as that of No. 85. He chose a room in the back room as his training place and arranged a complete set of house-protecting arrays here.

As for the other set of magic circles, he arranged them around the entire backyard to form two lines of defense.

After doing this, it was already dark.

Yuan Ming looked at the results of a day's hard work and was quite satisfied. Although it was still a bit crude, he finally had a decent-looking residence and began to arrange the next training plan.

For him, the most important thing is to improve his cultivation level. Although Jiuyuan Jue performs well, it is still quite slow to practice in the foundation building stage. If there are pills and spiritual incense to assist, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

Although he has bought a batch of four spiritual elixirs, the price of such foundation-building elixirs is really high. With the few spiritual stones he has, if he keeps sitting on nothing, he will spend them all in a short time. He must open up a sustainable way to make money. connections.

He rented these two shops facing the street for this reason.

Yuan Ming thought about the current methods and decided to make spiritual incense for sale after careful consideration.

He looked around the market yesterday and found that there were no shops selling incense.

Lingxiang is not taken seriously in southern Xinjiang, and it is probably the same in Dajin. However, he believes that this has a lot to do with Xuanhua Zhenren's sales philosophy. Although it is less effective than elixirs of the same price, its auxiliary effect is actually very good. good.

In a world of immortal cultivation like the Jin Dynasty, there will always be monks who are good at spiritual stones, and there are also sects who are good at spiritual stones. It just lacks publicity.

With the several spiritual incense he currently has at his disposal, it shouldn't be difficult to earn spiritual stones as long as he manages it properly.

To put it further, his cultivation has now reached the foundation building stage. Burning incense and possessing Master Xuanhua will make it easier to influence the other party's behavior. He can learn to make new spiritual incense. There is no need to worry about being unable to launch new products. Sooner or later, he will master the skills of Master Xuanhua. Can learn everything.

Yuan Ming returned to room 85 from the teleportation circle, opened the door and went out. He purchased a batch of materials for making incense and counters, shelves and other items needed to open a shop in the city, and began to recruit shopkeepers and other matters.

Ten days later, a brand new shop opened at No. 85, Horse Ti Lane: "Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop".

The shopkeeper is called Mu Yang, a monk at the third level of Qi Refining recruited by Yuan Ming. After some investigation, it was found that his master was a casual cultivator who has passed away and knew a few low-level earth spells. Yuan Ming hired him with a salary of ten spirit stones per month and asked him to come to the shop to sell incense every day during the day.

The new store opened, but it didn't attract much attention. What was on the shelves were ordinary spiritual incense for praying, exorcising ghosts, calming the gods, etc. The only valuable one was "Qingxuan Incense", each one has a spiritual stone.

He plans to put higher-end spiritual incense such as "Zixuanxiang" on the shelves in a while.

Other nearby merchants were quite curious about such a rare thing as Lingxiang, and came to investigate overtly or covertly.

The business of Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop is very average. It usually only takes a few days for a single transaction to be made. Those people quickly lose interest and stop visiting. As for the bleak business of Lingxiang, Yuan Ming is not worried. Doing business also depends on chance, and it is useless to just shout and scream.

With everything arranged properly, Yuan Ming's life is on the right track.

He returned to No. 86, making incense, taking the elixirs he bought to improve his cultivation, and learning the spells recorded in the book in his spare time.

In addition, he deliberately spent three days flying to another small town on the edge of Leizhou, and sent a letter to his parents and Liu Tianming to report that he was safe, but did not mention where he was now.

Also sent was "Master Sheng's Journey to the East", which compiled his experiences of traveling to Yue and hunting animals at sea into a news version. The recipient was Tianming Book Company.

As the days passed, Yuan Ming overcame his initial discomfort and felt more and more that his decision to stay in Xiaohu City was the right one.

You don't have to look at anyone's face, and you don't have to worry about your secrets being exposed. You can arrange your time freely.

I often go shopping in the market, drink tea in teahouses, communicate with other monks, learn about the trends in the world of immortality, and get to know many monks. Although his daily life was busy, it was extremely fulfilling, and he liked his current life more and more.

Huazhi is restless by nature, and he could tolerate it when he was on the road in the past. Now that Yuan Ming has settled down, Huazhi can't stand it any longer, and is clamoring to go out for some activities.

Yuan Ming couldn't defeat it, so he had to release it from the spirit beast bag.

Huazhi did not take the right path, and wanted to escape from Xiaohu City and enter the swamp outside the city. However, he was blocked by the formation of Xiaohu City, so he could only huddle in his bag and follow Yuan Ming through the city gate.

This swamp is called Yuxu Swamp. It covers a large area and is a famous dangerous place in Leizhou. Because of the humid climate and year-round rain, it is full of poisonous miasma and is home to many poisonous insects and monsters.

Huazhi is not weak in strength, and its methods are even more bizarre. Now that it has learned how to escape, Yuan Ming is not worried about its safety.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

In room No. 86, Yuan Ming recited the incantation and pointed out the secret formula.

An invisible shield appeared around him, covering an area of ​​four to five feet. All sounds outside disappeared and were completely isolated.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face. This is the "sound isolation technique", which can be regarded as one of the more difficult ones in the spell book. Ordinary monks may need to practice for a long time to master it.

Yuan Ming relied on his cultivation in the foundation-building period and his powerful spiritual consciousness to learn it in only two days.

He tried other effects of the sound barrier spell and was satisfied with it, so he waved his hand to cancel the spell.

Yuan Ming picked up the magic book next to him and put it away.

He has learned all the spells in this book, making up for the lack of previous spells.

It's a pity that the spells recorded in this book are all ordinary spells, which can be used in daily life, but will not be effective when encountering strong enemies.

However, Yuan Ming was not worried. He saw many Changchun Temple and foundation-building monks from other sects in the Jin Dynasty at the throne transfer ceremony. It should not be difficult to possess these people and give them hints, so as to secretly learn some spells.

He took out the Tiantian Cauldron and inserted a stick of black incense into it.

This black incense stick is made of Xuanhua Guanxiang ash. He mixed it with the fire pine wood he obtained before. He didn't know how effective it would be, so he just wanted to try it.

Yuan Ming lit the black incense, and after thinking for a moment, his mind locked on the old woman on a cane at Bailuo Villa.

This woman's cultivation level is not very high. She is already very old and has weak energy. She is easier to control. Let's start with her.

The black incense quickly ignited, and Yuan Ming's vision went dark. When he came to his senses, he was possessed by the old woman on a crutch.

This place seemed to be a spacious cave with no one around. The old woman was meditating and practicing. Wisps of purple energy were constantly sprayed out from her mouth and nose, traveling quickly around her body, and finally slowly blended into the nails of her ten fingers.

Her fingertips slowly turned purple, looking extremely coquettish.

Yuan Ming was surprised. Just as he was about to sense this woman's consciousness, he suddenly thought of something.

"After being possessed, can't I only observe the surrounding environment through the possessed person's line of sight? Why can I see the surrounding situation while this woman is doing her exercises with her eyes closed?"

It seemed that he had had similar experiences once or twice before, but he didn't pay attention at that time.

"Is it because of my improvement in cultivation or Heixiang's continuous improvement?" Yuan Ming couldn't help but guess.

He quickly stopped his unnecessary thinking and concentrated on sensing the cultivation status of the old woman on a crutch.

What the old woman is practicing at the moment seems to be a poisoning spell. The wisps of purple energy contain extremely poisonous substances. After being integrated into the nails, the poisonous energy will be superimposed layer by layer. When necessary, it will be released to injure the enemy.

This is not only convenient for applying poison, but can also enhance the toxicity. The poison in the old woman's nails has obviously reached an alarming level, and she herself is very careful.

Yuan Ming was very interested in this technique, and after careful understanding, he quickly learned a lot about it.

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