Celestial being

Chapter 249 Duel

"I accept."

There was silence in the hall for a long time, and finally the voice of the Imperial Master rang out.

"Alas..." A sigh came from somewhere.

"Yuan Ming is seeking his own death! I'm afraid that after today, Journey to the South will become extinct."

"Why is this happening? Why is it happening like this?"

"Brother Ming, have you thought about it, are you really going to do this? It's still too late to regret it, I can..." The little emperor was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Believe me." Yuan Ming said with a smile, winking secretly at the little emperor.

The little emperor was slightly startled and said no more.

Yuan Ming's words also blocked General Yuan's words of persuasion.

Although he was full of worries, he could only choose to believe that his son must be relying on something to do this.

Soon, the Imperial Master and Yuan Ming signed a life and death certificate in the Tai'an Palace.

Everyone moved to the square outside the main hall. The Imperial Army had already cleared the venue, leaving enough space for them to compete.

"The certificate of life and death has been signed, and no one can interfere in the confrontation between you until... life and death. Afterwards, neither party, regardless of the outcome, can seek revenge on the other party or even the other party's sect and family for any reason. Both sides The family and sect behind the scenes can also not take revenge on each other for any reason." The little emperor rarely showed his imperial majesty, stood in the middle of the high platform, and announced loudly.

After saying that, he looked at the old emperor, the white-haired old woman and Fairy Luoshui beside him.

They are the most important witnesses to this duel.

Fairy Luoshui said regretfully: "What a pity, the mayfly shakes the tree!"

The old emperor said: "This is how I, the son of the Jin Kingdom, live up to the name of a tiger general."

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"The duel begins." The little emperor raised one hand and gave the order.

Yuan Ming and Taoist Priest Yuhu, the national master, came to the center of the square. The two stood facing each other more than ten steps apart.

"It's too late for you to admit defeat now. I don't have to kill you, but don't expect to enter Changchun Temple anymore. Rotten wood cannot be carved." Taoist Priest Yuhu looked at Yuan Ming and said calmly.

Yuan Ming did not speak, but stretched out his hand in a "please" gesture.

"Since you don't know whether to live or die, don't blame my master for being ruthless!" Taoist Priest Yuhu's eyes were filled with cold light, and his sleeves and robes were rolled up.

Bright red light flashed, and three thick fire snakes rolled out from the sleeves and robes. Each fire snake was two to three feet long, with bright scales and lifelike scales, just like a real python. They staggered and pounced on Yuan Ming. .

"Intermediate Fire Snake Technique?" Yuan Ming showed no signs of panic, a blue light flashed in his hand, and he held up the Water Cloud Flag.

He no longer hid his cultivation, and poured the powerful mana from the Foundation Establishment Stage into the Water Cloud Flag. The flag became several times larger in the wind, and his body was wrapped in it. A thick layer of blue water mist appeared on the surface of the flag, covering an area of ​​several feet. There was suddenly a surge of water within the area.

Three fire snakes hit the Shuiyun Banner, causing three huge explosions.

Most of the water mist around the Shuiyun Banner was blown away. The flag also shook violently, but it stabilized immediately, and the blue water mist quickly recovered.

"This...is the foundation-building stage cultivation!"

"Yuan Ming is actually already a foundation-building monk. He has only been practicing for three years, right?"

"What exactly happened while he was living in southern Xinjiang?"

"It's a pity that Changchun Guan missed such a good seedling."

The Luoshui Fairy, the old woman with a cane from Bailuo Villa, and other monks made a fuss and talked about it, many of them gloating about the misfortune.

Yuan Zuochong froze on the spot, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, and then cursed in a low voice: "This kid, even you and I have hidden this from you."

Although he was yelling and scolding, anyone could hear the excitement and excitement in his tone.

The little emperor's eyes also showed strange light, and he clapped his hands in joy.

Priest Yuhu also had a shocked expression on his face, and a trace of inexplicable regret flashed through his heart, which immediately turned into murderous intent.

If he had maintained his own identity before and only planned to destroy the other party's cultivation level, and at the same time, he could also give Liu Tianming and the royal family face, but Yuan Ming used some means to hide his cultivation level. It’s reached the foundation building stage! Now that the matter has come to this, we must not leave the other party alive, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

While the thoughts in his mind were spinning, he made a seal with his hands and fired several spells in all directions.


A red beam of light suddenly rose up around it, shot straight into the sky, exploded at an altitude of more than ten feet, spread rapidly, and formed a fire cloud of more than ten feet in size in the blink of an eye, which looked unusually bright red.

"The Imperial Master suppressed the Fire Cloud Secret Technique at the bottom of the box. It seems that he didn't want Yuan Ming to come out alive!" The little emperor's heart sank, his lips slightly opened, and he was about to use the sound transmission technique of Changchun Temple to remind Yuan Ming .

"Since the two of them have agreed to fight alone, you'd better not interfere casually." A voice message sounded in his ears.

The little emperor's expression froze and he had no choice but to give up the transmission.

General Yuan said nothing, looked directly at the square, and clenched his fists tightly.

Although Yuan Ming didn't know what kind of magical power Master Yuhu used, he had experienced nine deaths in southern Xinjiang, and had directly participated in the catastrophe of Biluo Cave. As early as the Qi Refining Stage, he had fought against the Foundation Establishment Stage monks more than once. He has rich experience in fighting, so he will naturally not let his opponent do whatever he wants.

I saw his hands raised in vain.

Three or four magical weapons were shot out one after another. They were the Hanxing Sword, the Nine-ring Golden Sword, the Wushan Claw and a series of middle-grade magical weapons.

After advancing to the foundation building stage, the power of his soul increased greatly, and with the blessing of Ming Yue Jue, he became more and more comfortable in controlling multiple magic weapons at the same time to carry out coordinated attacks.

These magical weapons formed a colorful torrent and headed straight for Taoist Priest Yuhu.

Under the cover of the light of many magical weapons, the black needle magical weapon turned into a wisp of slender shadow, circled in a large circle, and silently pierced Taoist Priest Yuhu's back heart.

The expression on Taoist Priest Yuhu's face did not change at all, and his two palms wrapped in red light crossed in front of him.

Fire clouds rolled up in the air like lava, making a thunderous sound. Dozens of large, drop-shaped fireballs suddenly shot down from mid-air, hitting everywhere around him.


All the fireballs exploded, forming a huge wave of fire around him, covering the entire body with water. Not only the Hanxing Sword, the Nine-ring Golden Sword and other magic weapons, but even the black needle magic weapon were blown away.

The ground below was also affected, the thick bluestone floor tiles were shattered, a layer of the ground was deeply scraped off, and smoke and dust were everywhere for a while.

Yuan Ming looked shocked, with a trace of inexplicable passion deep in his eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of Taoist Priest Yuhu's mouth. He raised one hand and pointed a finger quickly toward Yuan Ming's location.

The fire cloud roared in mid-air, and more than a dozen huge fireballs shot out from it, heading straight for Yuan Ming, faster than before, blocking all Yuan Ming's escape routes.

Yuan Ming felt a monstrous heat wave and a terrifying spiritual pressure rushing towards his face, making him feel suffocated.

However, he did not dodge. The magic formula in his hand changed rapidly, and the blue light of the water cloud banner around him shone brightly. The golden Bagua ancient mirror was also sacrificed, and a layer of golden light curtain spread quickly, adding another layer of defense around him.

As soon as he finished doing this, more than a dozen fireballs flew towards him and hit the golden light curtain.

A series of earth-shaking loud noises exploded!

After the red flames surged up, they turned into a black and red fire cloud, sweeping everything nearby.

Priest Yuhu's cheeks were slightly pale, as if the spell he just cast had consumed a lot of mana, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

His Fire Cloud Secret Technique is extremely powerful, and he put all his strength into this attack just now. Even the monks in the late stage of foundation building dare not face its edge, let alone Yuan Ming, a monk who has just entered the early stage of foundation building.

However, the next moment, Priest Yuhu's smile suddenly froze.

His consciousness sensed that Yuan Ming's aura was still there among the billowing red flames, and he didn't appear to be much damaged.

"This is impossible!"

Taoist Priest Yuhu hurriedly continued to cast spells, and the fire clouds in the air surged again.

However, before he could make any move, the ground at his feet suddenly cracked, and a dozen thick purple-black vines shot out, piercing his body like spears and halberds.

Although Taoist Priest Yuhu was frightened, he turned his hand and raised a yellow umbrella, flew it to his head, opened it with a "hula", and kept spinning.

A series of slightly hazy yellow lights hung down from the umbrella, forming a yellow cylindrical light curtain around him in the blink of an eye.

Those purple and black vines hit the yellow light curtain and were immediately bounced away, without the light curtain trembling.

In the red flames, Yuan Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the yellow umbrella, a high-grade defensive weapon!

The ancient Bagua mirror had been torn into pieces and fell to the ground at his feet, losing its spirituality. Although the Shuiyun Banner was still there, its light was much dimmed, and it was obvious that it had suffered considerable damage.

When the Bagua Mirror was blown up just now, he decisively sacrificed the black ink stone and the Shuiyun Banner to block it together, otherwise he would not be able to block the bombardment of more than a dozen exploding fireballs.

Yuan Ming slapped the ground with both hands, and a green light glowed in his palms.

The ground around Taoist Priest Yuhu was cracked, and thick wisteria sprouted out, wrapping around the yellow light curtain around Taoist Priest Yuhu, covering layer after layer.

In a few breaths, Priest Yuhu and the light curtain around him were covered and submerged by countless vines.

A few feet below the ground at the feet of Taoist Priest Yuhu, a vine figure was lying there, it was Huazhi.

Yuan Ming had ordered Hua Zhi to sneak into the ground long before the throne transfer ceremony. Hua Zhi used the Wood Hidden Technique to hide his aura, moved deep underground, and lurked under the feet of Taoist Priest Yuhu.

"Master, it's enough for me to take action on my own!" Hua Zhi shouted arrogantly.


Yuan Ming once again controlled a group of magical weapons to attack, but instead of attacking Taoist Yuhu, he went straight towards the fire cloud in mid-air.

A trace of surprise flashed across Taoist Priest Yuhu's face, and he hurriedly made his hand gestures and pointed them in the air.

Fire clouds surged in mid-air, and nearly twenty fireballs shot down. Half of them were directed at the magical weapons, and the other half were hit on the ground.

A loud "rumbling" sound exploded.

A large piece of red flame appeared in mid-air, Hanxing Sword and other magical weapons were blown away again, and the Wushan Claw was blown to pieces and completely destroyed.

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