Celestial being

Chapter 250 Beheading

At the same time, the other half, almost seven or eight fireballs, were already slamming down on the purple-black demonic vine below.

A green light flashed through each of Huazhi's hands, which was hidden underground, and was transmitted extremely quickly.

The numerous purple-black demonic vines wrapped in the yellow light curtain suddenly split from the middle and slid quickly to both sides, revealing the yellow light curtain and the Taoist Priest Yuhu, facing the falling fireball.

Taoist Priest Yuhu was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly made secrets to control the falling fireballs to change their direction. Unfortunately, it was too late, but four or five fireballs hit the yellow light screen firmly, and the rest fell on the purple and black rattan. above.

Amidst the deafening explosion, Taoist Priest Yuhu was drowned by the flames reaching into the sky.

The bombardment that Yuan Ming just endured was almost the same as Taoist Priest Yuhu's. The yellow light curtain trembled violently, but the yellow umbrella did not shatter like the Bagua Mirror.

Inside the light curtain, Priest Yuhu's face became even paler.

Although the purple and black demon vines were only attacked by a few fireballs, they were also severely damaged. Nearly half of the demon vines were blown up and the rest were all injured.

Huazhi's face showed pain, and he opened his mouth and spat out a stream of green light. The damaged demonic vines quickly merged, and in the blink of an eye they turned into two giant purple-black palms about ten feet in size, which slammed against the yellow light screen.

Yuan Ming did not stop attacking, and continued to control the Hanxing Sword and other magical weapons to shoot into the fire cloud in the air. He slapped his palm on the body bag on his waist, and a soul crow sank into it and merged into the white ape's head.

The white ape suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of the body bag.

Yuan Ming pulled out the corpse-sealing nail, and a powerful aura suddenly emerged from the white ape's body. He stamped his feet on the ground and turned into a white shadow and went straight to Taoist Yuhu.

At this moment, in front of everyone, White Ape showed all his strength in the late stage of foundation building.

"First there were demonic vines emerging from the ground, and now there is a white ape in the late stage of foundation building. It seems that Yuan Ming is not simple. He has already planned what happened today." Fairy Luoshui said leisurely on the high platform.

"I just thought that this person is ignorant of the world. I didn't expect that he is so scheming at such a young age. The situation of this jade pot seems to be a little bad! He has been enjoying the blessings of the Jin Dynasty court and has not touched it for many years." The old woman on a crutch laughed. road.

The old emperor said nothing, with a faint smile on his face.

The eyes of other onlookers looked at Yuan Ming with a hint of awe without realizing it, instead of the initial contempt.

Taoist Priest Yuhu faced Yuan Ming's successive attacks, with beads of sweat on his forehead. While summoning fireballs to continue entangled with the two purple and black vine palms and Hanxing Sword, he patted the storage bag on his waist.

A ray of white light shot out from it and turned into a tall blue puppet, which looked very similar to the mechanical puppet of Master Huolian. Its two eyes flashed with green light. As soon as Fang landed on the ground, he went straight towards the white ape.

This cyan puppet held a silver-white sword in his hand. He quickly stopped the white ape and slashed out with the silver sword.

Bai Yuan punched out, and a rich golden light glowed on the surface of his fist, which collided with the silver sword.

The "clang" of gold and iron struck each other, and the white ape was forced to take two steps back, while the green puppet took five or six steps back in succession.

At this moment, a slender black shadow somehow appeared from somewhere behind the puppet. It no longer concealed its whereabouts. All three runes were activated, and the needle body shot out a sharp black light about a foot long, and the speed was faster. Afterimages were pulled out and stabbed on the back of the blue puppet's head in a flash.

There was a loud "ding" sound, and sparks shot out from the back of the blue puppet's head. The black needle penetrated nearly half of it, and the nearby skull was dented.

But the cyan puppet acted as if nothing had happened and continued to fight with the white ape, stopping it firmly.

Yuan Ming frowned, performed the Shadowless Step, and at the same time, he suddenly activated the magical power of his white jade belt. His figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared behind the puppet like a ghost, raising his hand and waving.

A ray of silver light hit the blue puppet, but it was the silver token previously obtained from the Uzumaki Beast's stomach bag.

His left hand shot out immediately, and a yellow talisman also hit the cyan puppet.

The silver token hit the cyan puppet first, making a crisp sound without causing any damage to it.

The white ape that was entangled with the cyan puppet suddenly retreated and put some distance between them.

Just as the cyan puppet was about to catch up, the yellow talisman flew towards it and hit it in the chest.

Bright yellow light suddenly bloomed, forming a cage-shaped yellow light curtain, covering the cyan puppet.

This talisman is called the "Earth Prison Talisman". It is a mid-level talisman with a strong confinement ability, but it can only imprison monks in the Qi Refining Stage and first-level ferocious beasts.

Taoist Priest Yuhu snorted disdainfully, and was about to control the cyan puppet to swing his sword to break open the talisman of the dungeon, when a silver light suddenly emerged, quickly spreading on the ground and the talisman wall of the dungeon, submerging everything in the blink of an eye, forming a closed silver space.

The green light in the blue puppet's eyes dimmed instantly, and he stood motionless inside the dungeon talisman's light shield.

Taoist Priest Yuhu suddenly discovered that the silver light in the dungeon talisman seemed to have the effect of isolating his spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual connection between him and the cyan puppet was instantly severed.

He was shocked and angry, and just as he was about to use the Fire Cloud Secret Technique to break the earth prison talisman, the white ape flew over and came within three feet of it.

Taoist Priest Yuhu ignored the cyan puppet and made a hand on the fire cloud in the sky.

The dozen or so fireballs that were originally aimed at the purple-black demonic palm, Hanxing Sword and other magical weapons turned around and whizzed towards the white ape.

Not only that, a red light flashed in Taoist Priest Yuhu's right hand, and a red talisman the size of a palm appeared. It was covered with dense runes and emitted strong and abnormal fire-attribute spiritual power fluctuations. It was obviously some kind of high-grade talisman.

He squirted out a mouthful of essence and blood, blended it into the red talisman, and crushed it violently.

A red fire dragon several feet long suddenly appeared, emitting astonishing heat, and pounced on the white ape with its teeth and claws.

Priest Yuhu has a vicious eye. Among Yuan Ming's many methods, this white ape is the only one that gives him a sense of threat. Only by getting rid of this thing can he calm down and deal with Yuan Ming slowly.

At this moment, the figure in front of Taoist Priest Yuhu flashed, and Yuan Ming's figure flashed like a ghost, with white light flashing in his eyes, which was the illusion power he had just acquired.

Taoist Priest Yuhu was caught off guard, his expression suddenly blurred, and the many fireballs that were intended to hit White Ape hit uninhabited places.

The direction of the fire dragon also changed, hitting the open space on the other side.

Bai Yuan suddenly accelerated and appeared in front of Taoist Yuhu in an instant, punching out.

The wind of the fist tore through the air, making an ear-piercing scream.

Huazhi sensed this scene and became furious for some reason. Rich green light surged from her body and quickly passed along her arms to the two purple-black demonic palms on the ground.

The five fingers of the two purple demon palms suddenly separated, and the ten fingers turned into ten vine swords, exuding an abnormally sharp aura, and stabbed the yellow light curtain fiercely.

However, White Ape's fist was as fast as lightning, and he hit the yellow light screen first.

Yuan Ming used all his strength to control the soul crow in the white ape's body. At this moment, he pushed the white ape's power to the extreme, and an overwhelming power exploded, pouring all of it into the yellow light curtain.

The yellow light curtain shattered in response, turning into countless yellow streams of light. The yellow umbrella hanging above Taoist Priest Yuhu's head also shattered into pieces and turned into seven or eight pieces of rags, losing all its spirituality.

Two purple-black demonic palms struggled to grab it, and their ten fingers pierced Taoist Priest Yuhu's body, punching seven or eight holes in his body.

Taoist Priest Yuhu suddenly woke up, feeling the essence and blood draining rapidly from his body. His whole body was paralyzed and he couldn't even scream.

The green shadow flashed, and Yuan Ming swept out from the side, holding a sword in his hand, and slashed down.

A sword light flashed past.

Taoist Priest Yuhu's body did not move, his head flew out and landed on the ground three feet away.

A fountain of blood burst out, ejecting a foot high, and the rich bloody air spread.

Everyone outside the venue was stunned and silent as death.

After the rattan sword was withdrawn from Taoist Priest Yuhu's body and his body fell to the ground, everyone shouted "Ah".

Then the whole place fell silent.

The little emperor glanced blankly at Yuan Ming, and then at the headless body of Taoist Yuhu. He still didn't come to his senses for a while.

General Yuan raised his fist to the sky, let out a long breath, and then said loudly: "My son is mighty!"

Yuan Ming raised his hand to recall all the magic weapons, leaving no fragments of the magic weapons on the ground.

The flower branches in the ground penetrate deeper into the ground and disappear.

Yuan Ming appeared near the white ape, silently inserted the corpse-sealing nail, and put it into the body bag. His face suddenly relaxed, and the faint blood in his eyes was quickly suppressed.

He immediately came to the light shield and cast a spell to disperse the yellow light shield of the dungeon talisman, and the silver light inside also dissipated at any time.

Yuan Ming issued a suction force from his palm, sucked the silver token into his hand, and put it away.

A figure flashed past and appeared out of thin air next to the body of Taoist Priest Yuhu, but it was Liu Tianming's grandfather. The old emperor looked at Yuan Ming at this moment, remained silent for a long time, and said: "What a good man from the Yuan family, but it's a pity that Changchun Temple can't keep you."

"Senior, I have overestimated you, and I, this junior, have been too presumptuous. Please forgive me if I have offended Changchun Guan." Yuan Ming said apologetically.

The old emperor didn't answer either.

"This duel is over, the winner is Yuan Ming!" After a while, the old emperor suddenly spoke and announced the result in a loud voice.

The crowd nearby let out a burst of exclamation cheers. This competition was much better than a boring celebration.

The old emperor waved, and a Changchun Temple disciple stepped forward to collect the body of Taoist Yuhu and the nearby cyan puppet. "Don't let this child down, Tianming. You can take care of yourself in the future." The old emperor whispered, then turned and left.

Watching the old emperor leave, Yuan Ming breathed a long sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, his eyes were as clear as water, and a big stone dropped in his heart.

In a side hall of the palace, Yuan Ming and the young emperor sat opposite each other.

"Brother Ming, you are so unloyal. You kept it secret from me even during the foundation building stage. Tell me how to punish you." The little emperor took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"I accept the punishment. This spell is a secret technique I obtained in southern Xinjiang. It should be unique to a certain family. I will teach it to you now. Don't use it lightly, so as not to be targeted by this family." After saying that, Yuan Ming Explain "Zangyuan Shu" to the little emperor one by one.

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