Celestial being

Chapter 248 Why

"Yuan Ming, if you have any questions, please wait until the ceremony is over." The little emperor advised.

Yuan Ming smiled at him and shook his head, then faced the civil and military ministers of the DPRK and China and said loudly:

"Everyone, regarding the interception and killing of our envoy to southern Xinjiang, both the Xian Wang who was arrested and Lin Junsheng who was killed were just puppets under the instructions of others. The real mastermind behind it was someone else. ."

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly fell into an eerie silence. Many people looked at the Imperial Master involuntarily, and then immediately looked away.

The previous reactions of Lin Junsheng and Xian Wang undoubtedly gave them the answer in the eyes of these veteran officials. However, what puzzled them was why Yuan Ming was so reckless and had to hide this layer of shame. Pierced through the window paper.

Could it be said that he really has the confidence to bring down the Imperial Master on his own?

Or is it that he relied on the favor of the little emperor and was arrogant, forgetting that the imperial master was a member of the Changchun Temple and a monk in the foundation period, so the national laws of the Jin Dynasty may not be able to control him.

A genius who became famous at a young age should not be so reckless during his Qi refining period.

"Yuan Ming..."

The little emperor suddenly raised his voice and shook his head silently at him.

Yuan Ming just glanced at it, then smiled, then pointed his hand directly at the Imperial Master, and shouted loudly: "Priest Yuhu, I, Yuan Ming, have no enmity with you, why do you want to kill me?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

After all, the window paper was torn to pieces by Yuan Ming's finger.

"How dare you, such a bold bastard, slander the Imperial Master like this?" The Changchun Temple monk standing at the back couldn't bear it anymore and cursed loudly.

"The Imperial Master has a high moral integrity. He has offered sacrifices to the heavens and gods for the Jin Dynasty over the years, and has blessed the Jin Dynasty with good weather. He is the pillar of our country's protection for the Jin Dynasty. How dare you do this?" The Minister of Rites, a gray-haired old man, also came out and cursed. .

"The Imperial Master has always upheld the Tao, how could he take action against a mortal?" Some people also expressed doubts.

The little emperor looked at these chaotic words in silence and sighed in his heart, but did not blame Yuan Ming.

Because as far as Li was concerned, Yuan Ming had done nothing wrong.

"National Master, no matter what, shouldn't you come out and give an explanation to our Yuan family?" At this time, a rich voice suddenly drowned out the arguing voices of all the civil servants.

General Yuan's eyes were slightly red, and he stared at the Imperial Master.

Although he knew that with his own strength, he could not do anything to the national master, as a father, he must stand up firmly and support his son.

"National Master, this matter needs to be explained to Yuan Ming after all." The little emperor also spoke.

Now that the matter has been exposed, he will not make any other choice and will only stand by Yuan Ming's side.

Taoist Priest Yuhu glanced at Yuan Ming, his gaze was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed and stood up.

"It was indeed Pindao who arranged for the wise king to instigate Lin Junsheng to kill Yuan Ming on his way to southern Xinjiang as an envoy." The Imperial Master actually admitted it directly.

"What, why is this..."

"Impossible, why is the National Master doing this?"

"What did Yuan Ming do to make the Imperial Master behave like this?"

For a time, doubts arose.

The old emperor couldn't help but frown and look at him.

"Although this matter was done by Pindao, Pindao doesn't think he did anything wrong." The Imperial Master spoke again, but there was another thunder that exploded in everyone's hearts.

"What a good person who doesn't think it's wrong!" Yuan Ming smiled instead of getting angry when he heard this, stroking his hands and smiling.

"Yuan Ming, your qualifications were too poor and you were unable to enter the Changchun Temple to practice. In a fit of anger, you used calligraphy and painting to seduce the Holy Heart, which made His Majesty, who was extremely talented, give up on practice. You even used the excuse of being on an mission to pave the way for you to become an official. If you don't die, , Your Majesty will not embark on the path of cultivation, and will end up going astray, delaying the best opportunity to enter the path of immortality." The Imperial Master looked at Yuan Ming and said bluntly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was stunned.

They never expected that the national master would do this.

Even the old emperor's eyes became a little deeper when he looked at the two people confronting each other.

"That's it, that's it..."

The Minister of Rites seemed to have finally found an irrefutable reason and suddenly said: "I know that the Imperial Master will not act disobediently for his own selfish desires. As expected, everything is for Your Majesty."

His words quickly gained support from many civil servants who began to praise him.

Suddenly, it became natural that the Imperial Master wanted to kill Yuan Ming.

"Yuan Ming, you have misled Your Majesty deeply. If it weren't for you, His Majesty would have laid the foundation two years ago. On the road of cultivation, if you step slowly, step by step, you are the guilty minister." Changchun Temple disciples also followed. Yelled.

The old woman from Bailuo Villa and Fairy Luo Shui from Shuijing Palace who were watching from the side also nodded secretly in agreement.

For a time, the voice of accusation was louder than the voice of accountability, and some of the voices that opposed the national teacher were suppressed.

"Everyone, if the people who were targeted, killed, and suffered hardships living in the wilderness of southern Xinjiang were your children, how could you still accuse them so righteously?" General Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and shouted, "Yuan Ming has never bewitched Your Majesty, and has even been privately persuading Your Majesty to enter the Changchun Monastery to practice Buddhism. Why should you criticize my son? He is obviously the one who is being persecuted."

This sharp questioning left everyone speechless.

The little emperor took a long time to recover from the shock. He never thought that the reason why the imperial master took action against Yuan Ming was actually for himself.

"You have indeed wronged Yuan Ming. My unwillingness to practice is entirely out of my own thoughts. My resistance to the Taoist temple has nothing to do with Yuan Ming." The little emperor said tiredly.

"Perhaps I am wrong, but Yuan Ming is not responsible for misleading or causing harm?" The imperial master finally gave in when he saw that the young emperor was completely on Yuan Ming's side.

Maybe I am wrong, but Yuan Ming is not wrong?

Upon hearing this, General Yuan's eyes were bloodshot and he was extremely angry.

Yuan Ming raised his head and closed his eyes, seemingly trying to suppress his anger.

"Master, if you are wrong, you are wrong. Needless to say, you must compensate Yuan Ming." The little emperor also showed a sullen look.

"That being the case, we will make an exception and allow Yuan Ming to record the Taoism at the same time as His Majesty, include it in the genealogy, and enter the Changchun Temple to practice together. When his Qi refining period expires, he will also be given a Foundation Building Pill." Taoist Priest Yuhu thought briefly. , Fu Xu said.

When everyone heard this, they were all filled with envy.

Changchun Temple has a transcendent status in the Jin Dynasty. It has always been extremely difficult to enter and practice in it. The birth status is secondary, and it mainly depends on your cultivation qualifications.

Even the legitimate sons of generals, princes, and princes would find it difficult to enter, but Yuan Ming not only had this quota, he even got a promise to obtain a foundation-building pill, which was simply a great gift.

"In addition, after Yuan Ming enters the Changchun Temple, he will practice the "Nine Yuan Jue" with me instead of practicing the "Changchun Gong"." The little emperor said.

Although the little emperor has the Nine Yuan Jue technique, it is equivalent to Yuan Ming's, but there are two different situations between practicing in private and practicing openly.

After hearing this, a Changchun Temple disciple was the first to refuse.

"Your Majesty, the Nine Yuan Jue is a technique that can only be practiced by the core disciples of Guanzhong. What qualifications does Yuan Ming have? Why can he practice the Nine Yuan Jue? It is already an exception to allow him to practice Changchun Gong. How can he be so extravagant?"

"You think I'm pushing my limits?" the little emperor sneered.

"I, I..." The Changchun Temple disciple was speechless for a moment.

"Your Majesty, the poor Taoist can't make the decision in "Nine Yuan Jue", so I'm sorry that I can't respond." The Imperial Master nodded and said.

When the little emperor heard this, he hesitated.

"Everyone, I think you may have misunderstood." At this time, Yuan Ming's voice sounded again.

Everyone looked at him.

"The reason why I stand here to testify against the Imperial Preceptor is not to ask for any compensation, nor to ask you to uphold justice for me. I just hope that everyone can serve as a witness and give me a chance to challenge the Imperial Preceptor."

After Yuan Ming said this, another bolt from the blue came.

"He, what does he mean, he wants to challenge the national master?"

"Is Yuan Ming crazy? Challenging the Imperial Master...how?"

"Competing calligraphy and painting, or writing? What a joke!"

Whether they were those who supported the Imperial Preceptor or those who opposed the Imperial Preceptor, they all thought Yuan Ming was crazy.

"I thought he was a genius, but I never thought he would be so stupid!"

"Your Majesty has secured great benefits for you. If you act like this, where will you put your Majesty?"

"You simply don't know what is good or bad, and don't know whether to live or die!"

"Yuan Ming, what nonsense are you talking about?" General Yuan was anxious and angry. He ignored the court etiquette and rushed directly to Yuan Ming's side.

He stretched out his hand to hold his son's shoulders, lowered his voice, and persuaded: "We can't defeat the imperial master. The best compensation your majesty can do is, don't act out of emotion."

"Brother Ming, what exactly do you want to do?" The little emperor also came to Yuan Ming, frowning, and asked in a voice that only they could hear.

"Dad, Your Majesty, the dangers I experienced during my trip to southern Xinjiang were actually far more dangerous than the "Journey to the South of Master Sheng" I wrote. When I left Tiehu Town, the Imperial Master also sent monks to intercept and kill I walked back here step by step, just to fight for my own life. If I deal with him unfairly today, I will be wary of him for the rest of my life." Yuan Ming smiled and said.

If it was just Lin Junsheng's targeting that time, Yuan Ming might have really accepted the National Master's reconciliation, but the second pursuit outside Tiehu Town made him unforgivable.

But once, not again.

Well, I, Yuan Ming, will avenge, and I, Yuan Ming, will also seek revenge.

After saying that, he turned to everyone and asked loudly: "Why should I admit the revenge of my death when the master just apologized so lightly? Why should I be grateful to Changchun Temple for giving me a place to practice? Why should I apologize to Desire?" If the person who kills me is threatened with death, you are going to accuse me of being ignorant?"

"I want to ask you, what's wrong with me? Why don't you allow it?" Yuan Ming glanced at everyone and asked sharply.

Yuan Ming's question was like thunder on a dry land, making everyone's cheeks feel hot and they fell into silence.

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