Celestial being

Chapter 242 Illusion

In the following time, Yuan Ming and the little emperor talked about some cultivation experiences and interesting things. When describing his experience in Biluo Cave, Yuan Ming suddenly remembered a person and asked: "Your Majesty, can you help me?" May I ask about a disciple from Changchun Temple?"

When the little emperor heard this, he asked curiously: "Who is worthy of brother Ming's inquiry? Could it be a confidante he met outside?"

Yuan Ming rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What are you thinking about? This person's name is Ma Xingkong. He turned out to be a disciple of Biluo Cave and later joined Changchun Temple. That's why I asked."

"Ma Xingkong? I seem to have heard of this name. I'll ask you about it when I get back." The little emperor agreed.

Yuan Ming also talked about Xiama Xingkong's appearance and personality and some of his past.

After that, the two of them talked until evening. It was not until they drank all the wine in the jar and the eunuch guarding outside the pavilion began to urge them that they reluctantly parted.

The tribute wine brought by the little emperor was indeed good. Not long after Yuan Ming parted with him, he got drunk and went back to the house to sleep until midnight.

Looking at the rich night outside the window, Yuan Ming chuckled a few times, and his magic power spread throughout his body, dispelling the last trace of drunkenness.

In the past three years in southern Xinjiang, although he could not say that he was always on tenterhooks, he certainly did not dare to talk heartily with his close friends and get drunk as he did today.

After calming down for a while, Yuan Ming took out the "Nine Yuan Jue" given by the little emperor, opened it and read it carefully.

When he possessed the little emperor before, Yuan Ming only got the first part of "Nine Yuan Jue" from the imperial master. But this time, the little emperor didn't hide anything and directly sent the entire "Nine Yuan Jue" over.

In addition to the first chapter of the previous Qi Refining Stage, "Nine Yuan Jue" also has a middle chapter and a second chapter, which respectively correspond to monks in the foundation building stage and the alchemy stage. In addition to the corresponding training techniques, it also records some magical powers.

With Yuan Ming's current level of cultivation, the content recorded in the second chapter was too obscure and profound, so he focused on the middle chapter.

There are four levels in the middle chapter, corresponding to the four stages of the foundation building period. The focus of cultivation has also shifted from consolidating the meridians and regulating Qi and blood to warming and nourishing the sea of ​​consciousness and tempering the Dantian.

This also shows how terrifying the soul cultivator is as an alien in the world of immortality.

The "Mingyue Jue" given by Xi Ying requires warming and nourishing the sea of ​​consciousness and tempering the soul during the Qi training period. Looking at the description in the middle chapter of "Nine Yuan Jue", it is not even as good as "Nursing the sea of ​​consciousness" in terms of warming and nourishing the sea of ​​consciousness. The effect of "Mingyue Jue" in Qi training.

Yuan Ming thought for a while and soon felt relieved.

After all, "Nine Yuan Jue" is an orthodox Taoist technique, and its effect of absorbing spiritual energy and accumulating mana is rare in the world. It is understandable that it is lacking in the sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Yuan Ming crossed his legs and closed his eyes, and began to practice "Nine Yuan Jue - Part 2".

As the technique was running, the originally calm lake of mana suddenly became rippled in Yuan Ming's dantian.

The transparent liquid mana rolls and surges, washing against the inner wall of the Dantian like waves. Each wave makes the Dantian become tighter and tighter, and the liquid mana also gradually becomes viscous in the process.

At the same time, the pores all over Yuan Ming's body were also opened, just like when he first broke through the foundation building, he was sucking the spiritual energy of heaven and earth crazily, transporting it to his Dantian through his meridians, further compressing and tempering it, to make up for the loss of liquid mana.

After practicing like this for about a quarter of an hour, Yuan Ming opened his eyes, feeling surprised and happy.

The familiar feeling is back. "Nine Yuan Jue" is worthy of being a secret transmission of Changchun Temple. The practice of the middle part is just like the previous part. There seems to be no bottleneck in practice.

In this way, I don't have to worry about anything in my practice.

After being excited for a moment, Yuan Ming calmed down, put the "Nine Yuan Jue" aside, and turned around to practice the "Mingyue Jue".

After building the foundation, the power of his soul increased greatly, and he was able to truly operate the fourth-level magical power of "Mingyue Jue".

In addition to the increase in the number and movement range of soul crows with each level, the improvement in soul cultivation also allowed Yuan Ming to master the illusion ability that he had been coveting for a long time.

During the battle in Biluo Cave, Chen Cangqiong's illusion spell enveloped a large area. Not only were the three alchemy stage monks inside unable to tell the difference, but even Yuan Ming and others who were watching outside could not tell whether it was true or false.

And with Yuan Ming's current cultivation level, the illusions he can perform now naturally cannot reach this level.

According to his estimation, when used at full strength, his illusion can affect people and objects within ten feet at most, and it can only last for half an hour at most. As the number of people affected increases, the time will be further shortened.

However, through repeated attempts, he also figured out several new uses.

After silently running "Mingyue Jue" for a moment, Yuan Ming suddenly stood up, left the room, and walked freely through the general's mansion.

On the way, a servant on night patrol saw Yuan Ming. He was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Wang Shun, why are you running around without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Yuan Ming looked at him and said nothing, but the man seemed to have heard something and nodded: "There is a sick horse, you go and see it? Okay, you go and come back quickly, you understand the rules, but Don't run around."

After saying that, the servant was about to leave. Yuan Ming thought, and the servant suddenly turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming smiled slightly, turned around and returned to the house, easily removing the illusion cast on his servant.

At the same time, the servant's body suddenly stiffened. He looked around and found that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. A drop of cold sweat instantly fell from his forehead: "Ghost... ghost hitting the wall?"

Yuan Ming just used two illusions. One enveloped his body. No matter who came to see it, they would recognize him as Wang Shun. The other was purely aimed at the servant, changing his five senses and making him see A picture that is diametrically opposed to reality.

Anyone whose soul power is not as strong as Yuan Ming's will not be able to see through the former's disguise.

The latter only targets a single person, and no other person present will be deceived.

Yuan Ming returned to the house, sat down cross-legged again, felt the consumption of the power of the soul, and thought for a moment about the shortcomings of the illusion, and then devoted himself to practice again.

More than half a month later.

As soon as Yuan Ming finished practicing, he opened the door and saw several boys walking over carrying a lot of things.

"Master, these are the letters and congratulatory gifts sent to my house today."

Yuan Ming held his forehead and said helplessly: "Well, just follow my previous instructions, sort out the letters and gift lists and put them on the case, and send the rest to the warehouse."

This scene has been happening almost every day for a while now.

As the news of his return became known to more and more people, his former friends wrote their congratulations one after another. They asked about his well-being and sent many congratulatory gifts.

In addition, many people who did not know his experience sent their thoughts and greetings simply because they loved "Master Sheng's Journey to the South".

During this period, many friends from the past came to visit him. Yuan Ming couldn't resist, so he drank and talked with them until he was done.

Calculating it this way, Yuan Ming has very little time that he can actually spend on practicing.

He had just finished giving orders to his servants when he suddenly saw another porter running over.

"Master, a man named Ma Xingkong came from outside the house. He said he was an old acquaintance of yours." The concierge lowered his head and reported.

"Invite him in quickly." Yuan Ming's heart moved. He didn't expect this person to come, so he ordered immediately.

The concierge took the order and left, and soon came back with a young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

As soon as he saw Yuan Ming, Ma Xingkong immediately held up his hands and smiled and said: "During the battle in Biluo Cave, Ma was too blind to recognize Mount Tai and did not know Brother Yuan's identity. Please forgive me if I have offended him."

"Brother Ma, you and I have similar experiences, and now we are both monks, so why should we care about our secular status?" Yuan Ming waved his hand and said.

Ma Xingkong nodded in agreement, with no restraint in his expression. Yuan Ming pulled him into the room and sat down, and talked about his experience in Biluo Cave. Ma Xingkong felt the same and also talked about his experiences back then.

The two chatted for a long time, recalling the hardships of being a beast slave and their current situation, both of which were filled with sadness.

Seeing that he gradually lowered his guard, Yuan Ming suddenly said: "Do you still have the photo-taking instrument that Brother Ma used before? I wonder if you can lend it to me?"

"It doesn't matter. This magic weapon is not a rare thing. You can also find it in Xiuxianfang City outside the city. If Brother Yuan wants it, why don't you buy it yourself?" Ma Xingkong was curious.

"I just returned home recently. I meet with relatives and friends all day long, so I don't have time to go to Fangshi." Yuan Ming said with a wry smile.

"That's true, but if Brother Yuan is free, he really has to go to the Fangshi near the capital. Our Central Plains is rich in real estate, not to mention the capital. The prosperity of the Fangshi is unmatched by small places like southern Xinjiang. ." Ma Xingkong suddenly said.

"Okay, I must go and see it when I have time."

Seeing Yuan Ming's vague response, Ma Xingkong didn't care, took out the blue orb from the storage bag and handed it to Yuan Ming.

"Since returning to the Central Plains, I have never used this magic weapon again. Brother Yuan will use it first."

The use of the orb is very simple, and Yuan Ming quickly learned it under Ma Xingkong's guidance.

The two chatted for a long time before parting ways.

After seeing Ma Xingkong off, Yuan Ming told his servants not to disturb him, then closed the door, sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and shifted his perspective to Soul Crow in Lin Junsheng's mansion.

On his first night back in the capital, Yuan Ming quietly sent a soul crow to Lin Junsheng's residence to monitor his every move.

It's just that Lin Junsheng seems to have taken root. He just practices in seclusion day and night every day, never stepping out of his room.

If Yuan Ming hadn't confirmed that Lin Junsheng was in the house through the incense burner, he might have thought that he had left the capital long ago.

Through this month of observation and surveillance, Yuan Ming also discovered that other people in the Lin family did not seem to know the truth about the trip to southern Xinjiang that year.

Lin Junsheng's father even prepared a gift for him after hearing the news of his return.

Yuan Ming monitored for a while and found that Lin Junsheng still had no intention of going out, so he withdrew his mind, lowered his head and pondered.


He suddenly raised his brows and murmured softly, then used illusion magic to cover his figure, got up and left the room.

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