Celestial being

Chapter 243 Let’s call you Huazhi

Yuan Ming quickly came to the garden of the mansion, chose a secluded corner, took out the spirit beast bag and patted it gently.

A ball of purple-black light instantly emerged from the bag and fell to the ground.

As soon as the light hit the ground, it immediately revealed its true form. It was the demon vine black toad that had been sleeping for a long time, but its current appearance looked completely different from before.

Now it has completely lost its toad shape and has completely turned into a mass of intertwined purple and black vines. Its outer skin is covered with spikes and is dotted with light red vine flowers. It looks particularly weird.

For some reason, Yuan Ming always felt that he had seen this style of spiked claws somewhere, but he thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't remember it.

While he was thinking hard about his memories, the demonic vines slowly began to squirm, and the intertwined vines divided into five strands, each growing outward.

Soon, the two vines at the bottom gradually condensed into legs, supporting the demon vine's body and stood up. The two vines on the left and right also turned into arms, but they were too slender and drooped like noodles. beside.

Unlike the other four vines, the top vine did not grow outwards, but expanded inwards into a spherical shape. There were two more vine flowers on it that turned into eyes, several vines piled up to form lips and nose, and new buds sprouted from the branches and twisted into ears. , the vine sheds its old skin and spreads it into long hair.

Not long after, a rattan man, who was the same height as an ordinary person, but had slender limbs and a strange face, appeared in front of Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming was a little surprised, and he was busy communicating with the demon vine with his mind. As a result, the demon vine actually waved his arm towards him at this time, and at the same time, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.


Yuan Ming's eyes widened and he asked, "You actually awakened your spiritual wisdom? When did it happen?"

"I don't know, but I still remember everything that happened before."

As he spoke, Yaoteng raised his fingers, and his voice echoed in Yuan Ming's mind: "I was in the desert...oh, no, I met the master in the forest. At that time, I was with a guy who had a tattoo...no, it was wearing a The owner of Toad Skin had a fight...and..."

Yuan Ming frowned, always feeling that he had seen the scene Yaoteng mentioned somewhere, but seeing that Yaoteng himself was confused, he said: "Okay, I know you remember it, there is no need to say it again."

Hearing this, Yaoteng suddenly became happy, flapped his arms and slapped his chest, saying: "Of course, I am the smartest!"

Yuan Ming smiled unconsciously, thought for a moment, and then said: "Since you have become a human being, I have to give you a name. Let me think about it, why not call you 'Huazhi'."

"Okay, I'll call you Huazhi!" Demon Teng Huazhi immediately raised his arms and kept crossing them.

"What abilities do you have now? Show it to me, remember to be quieter." Yuan Ming commanded.

Hearing this, Huazhi nodded excitedly, shook his arms, and the intertwined vines grew wildly, and soon turned into two purple-black long swords, with a faint flicker of light.

Then, Huazhi lowered the arm that turned into a long sword, quickly returned to its normal appearance, and then made a hand seal with both hands at the same time. Immediately, green grass came out of the ground, intertwined with each other, and formed a grass cage in the blink of an eye.

Yuan Ming recognized it at a glance. This was the wooden prison technique he learned in Biluo Cave. He never expected that Huazhigang could perform it even if he transformed into a human form.

"Master, Huazhi is so awesome!" As if sensing Yuan Ming's surprise, Huazhi slapped her chest again and showed off her ability to him.

"It seems that you have mastered all my spells?" Yuan Ming smiled and asked.

Huazhi thought for a moment and suddenly became depressed: "Huazhi only knows wood spells."

Yuan Ming had already expected it, and asked Huazhi to demonstrate the ability that he had mastered before. He found that the power had also improved to a higher level. The mutation of this vine was far beyond his expectations. Due to the current environment, he could only slowly develop it in the future. Research.

Then, he ordered Huazhi to lurk underground in the General's Mansion to be on guard, while he returned to his room and continued to practice.

Early the next morning.

Yuan Ming went out early, cleaned up, and was about to ask Wang Shun to prepare his horse for the trip, when he saw the concierge coming to report.

"Master, I want you to come over."

Yuan Ming followed the concierge to the front hall in confusion. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a handsome young man wearing a maroon brocade gown, talking to his father.

The man had a gentle smile on his face, but Yuan Zuochong sat upright with an expressionless face, seemingly worried.

Seeing Yuan Ming's arrival, Yuan Zuochong's expression did not change much. He said calmly: "Ming'er is here. This is the eighth prince's son. He came to visit today and said that he has something to see you."

The young man stood up and held his hands towards Yuan Ming: "I have admired Mr. Yuan's name for a long time. When I see him today, he is indeed worthy of his reputation."

"Your Majesty, you are so complimentary." Yuan Ming returned the greeting.

"Haha, Mr. Yuan, there is no need to be self-effacing. Even my father praised you after reading your "Journey to the South of Mr. Sheng", saying that you have a great talent. If you become an official in the court, you will be a pillar of the country." The prince smiled.

"It is a great honor for Yuan to be praised highly by the Eighth Prince." Yuan Ming replied noncommittally.

The prince flattered Yuan Ming a few more words, and then said: "Tonight, my prince is holding a cultural gathering in Dingyang Tower. There is a shortage of talented people like Mr. Yuan to participate. I wonder if Mr. Yuan is willing to honor it?"

Yuan Ming raised his head and glanced at his father. Seeing that he had no objection, he said: "The prince personally invited me, how could Yuan not refuse?"

The prince laughed when he heard this, and after saying a few polite words, he said goodbye and left.

After he left, before Yuan Ming could ask questions, Yuan Zuochong explained: "Your Majesty has no heirs. After abdicating the throne, he can only choose from several uncles. Among them, the eighth prince is known as a wise man. If nothing else, It should be the perfect choice.”

"Then tonight's cultural gathering..." Yuan Ming hesitated.

"He invited you to attend the cultural gathering, probably to win over people's hearts, but I have gradually withdrawn from the court. You don't have to worry about anything if you go tonight, just treat it as an ordinary literary gathering." Yuan Zuochong said bluntly.

"I understand, kid." Yuan Ming nodded.

That night, Dingyang Tower.

This building is located in the center of the capital, with a total of five floors. The roof is covered with glazed gold tiles, and red horn lights are hung below. Although it is night, it is brightly lit. From a distance, it looks like a tall torch, dispersing the dark night.

There was a hustle and bustle downstairs, and from time to time a carriage with intricate carvings stopped in front of the door. A noble man in luxurious robes walked out of it, and walked to the restaurant under the service of a servant.

But before entering, they would be stopped by several guards who asked them to show their invitations before they could be let through.

Naturally, the arrogant nobleman would be dissatisfied with such behavior.

At this time, a kind-faced guard would come forward to explain, and inadvertently mentioned the words "Eighth Prince" in his words. Most of the people who came would stop.

Amidst the commotion, a luxurious carriage, accompanied by several guards, slowly stopped in the open space in front of the building. Before the guards turned around to report, Yuan Ming had already opened the door curtain and walked out.

He told Wang Shun and his guards to find a place to wait outside the building, and then walked straight to Dingyang Tower.

In front of the restaurant door, the guard standing on the left saw another person coming and subconsciously stepped forward, but was suddenly stopped by his colleague.

He turned to look at his colleagues in confusion, only to see that the smile on his face now was particularly flattering.

"This is Mr. Yuan, please come in quickly. Please come in quickly."

Yuan Ming didn't look at him, nodded casually, and walked into the building.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a steward's uniform happened to walk out of the building. Seeing this scene, he immediately stepped forward to greet Yuan Ming.

This person is the general manager of the palace. He bowed to Yuan Ming respectfully and said, "Master Yuan, you are finally here. The prince is really talking about you."

With that said, he turned around and personally led the way for Yuan Ming.

Seeing this scene, the guard on the left was stunned, but his colleagues were not surprised at all: "Hey, what are you looking at? Someone is coming here again."

The guard on the left came to his senses and quickly stopped the person who was rushing towards him, but before he could speak, the person impatiently threw the invitation over.

"Here, invitation, don't stop me!"

The guard on the left finished checking the invitation in a daze, and as soon as he stepped aside to let him go, the man started chasing after Yuan Ming.

Seeing this, the guard on the left turned to look at his colleagues: "Hey, who is Mr. Yuan just now..."

Before he finished speaking, another person came over, looking impatient.

"Is that Mr. Yuan who went in before? Let's go. I'm going to meet him for a while."

"Mr. Yuan is also here today. It's a pity."

Looking at this scene, the guard on the left became more and more confused.

Could it be that I am the only one who does not know Mr. Yuan?

Naturally, Yuan Ming didn't know about the commotion at the door.

At this time, he had followed the palace steward directly to the fifth floor of Dingyang Building, where the cultural gathering was held.

There are not many people here, but all of them are very famous people in the capital, and unlike other guests attending the cultural gathering, they are surrounded by many personal servants.

Yuan Ming, who was alone, became an alien.

But as soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

The Eighth Prince, who was talking with others, noticed Yuan Ming first. He said goodbye to the person who spoke, and then stood up to greet him.

"Haha, Mr. Yuan, please let me wait."

Yuan Ming cupped his hands and said, "Yuan is late, please forgive me."

The prince laughed: "It doesn't matter, come on. Mr. Yuan has been away from Beijing for three years. I guess some people don't know him anymore. I'll introduce him to you again."

Yuan Ming nodded politely. Although he knew most of the people present, he did not offend the prince.

But at this moment, a guard suddenly came up from downstairs, walked up to the prince and whispered something in his ear.

The prince's face changed slightly: "Master Yuan, I'm extremely sorry. I have other important matters to deal with. You can do whatever you want for now. If necessary, just give Butler Li an order."

After saying that, he took his guards and left the table in a hurry under the surprised looks of many people around him.

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