Celestial being

Chapter 241 Father and Son, Monarch and Minister, Friends

"Father, there is no need to blame yourself. Lin Junsheng plotted against me, and I will definitely take revenge. Even if I worship in Changchun Temple, I can still deal with him. On the contrary, father, if you have a bad mood and hinder your cultivation, it will be more than worth the gain." Yuan Seeing his father's face showing remorse, Ming comforted him.

Yuan Zuochong looked at Yuan Ming with relief: "Haha, I didn't expect that my father would be comforted by Ming'er one day. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. Don't be impulsive."

"Father, don't worry, the child has his own way. I have been waiting for three years, so why not wait for another ten years."

Yuan Zuochong breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Ming suddenly took out a wooden box and handed it to his father.

Yuan Zuochong subconsciously took the wooden box and looked up at Yuan Ming with some confusion. Seeing Yuan Ming smiling and saying nothing, he opened the lid of the box.

Immediately, a faint scent of medicine came to my nose, and in the center of the box, lying quietly, was an elixir that shone like a star-like blue light.

"This, this is the Foundation Establishment Pill, where did you get it from!" Yuan Zuochong stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Yuan Ming in disbelief.

Yuan Ming nodded calmly: "Although there are risks in southern Xinjiang, there are also many opportunities. This is the foundation-building pill that I obtained by chance. Since my father is determined to practice, this thing will definitely help him."

Yuan Zuochong suddenly closed the wooden box and pushed it to Yuan Ming: "No! Ming'er, you have now officially embarked on the path to immortality. For such a treasure, you need it more than being a father!"

Yuan Ming shook his head: "Father, don't worry, the child is still here."

"More?" Yuan Zuochong opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a moment, and he was also proud of his son.

Due to the restrictions of Changchun Temple and other sects, it is rare to see the Foundation-Building Pill in the secular world of the Jin Dynasty. In fact, even in the Changchun Temple, the Foundation-Building Pill is only provided to outstanding disciples.

Yuan Ming took out a lot of elixirs for his mother to use to condition her body, and took out the spiritual incense and carefully taught his father how to use it.

After being busy for a long time, Yuan Zuochong sat down again and looked at Yuan Ming with a complex expression: "My father thought that you had suffered so much in southern Xinjiang in the past three years, Ming'er, but I didn't expect that you could achieve such a harvest, and you are also a lot more stable. ."

"My father knows that you are now very powerful. Even so, all the major sects in this capital have made an agreement that no monks are allowed to take action at will, otherwise they will join forces to arrest them. You must be cautious." Yuan Zuochong warned.

"I understand, kid," Yuan Ming said.

Yuan Zuochong continued: "In addition, there is one more thing. The abdication ceremony of His Majesty is coming soon..."

Yuan Ming was stunned, remembering the secrets he heard from his father when he possessed him before.

But at this time, he still pretended to be shocked and said: "Abdication ceremony? Your Majesty is about the same age as me, why are you suddenly about to abdicate?"

"You don't know this. As the saying goes, there is a difference between immortals and mortals. Our Great Jin Immortal Realm has regulations. Once anyone enters the foundation building, he can no longer control the secular power. To avoid excessive interference in the secular world." Yuan Zuochong said.

"Has His Highness already established the foundation?" Yuan Ming asked.

"That's right. Your Majesty is already gifted, and he has practiced diligently, and with the help of elixirs, now that the foundation is about to be established, it is natural to start planning for the abdication ceremony." Yuan Zuochong nodded and continued:

"Calculating the time, it should be within this six months. By then, not only the civil servants and generals, but also envoys from various countries, and all the major sects in our Jin Dynasty will send monks to participate. You have enough cultivation now, and my father will also help you establish relationships by then. Let you choose a suitable sect to join."

After listening to his father's words, Yuan Ming nodded. Just as he was about to answer, he noticed that a large group of soldiers were escorting a carriage outside the house. Said: "Father, His Majesty is here, let's pick him up."

Not long after, a sharp eunuch's voice came from outside the door.

"The Emperor has arrived!"

Before he finished speaking, a bright yellow dragon robe came like the wind, quickly opened the door and walked into the house.

"Haha, Brother Ming, you are finally back!"

Seeing the figure rushing into the house, Yuan Zuochong was stunned and quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

"See Your Majesty."

Next to him, Yuan Ming had a smile on his lips, and he also shouted and rushed towards the little emperor.

The little emperor immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Ming, you are so tall."

Yuan Ming asked: "Shall we compete?"


The little emperor smiled and patted Yuan Ming, then looked at Yuan Zuochong and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, General Yuan, for interrupting the reunion of your father and son. You don't blame me, do you?"

Yuan Zuochong said quickly: "Your Majesty, you are too worried. Let's talk. I will excuse you and leave first." He knew that he was an eyesore here, so he found an excuse to leave.

"General Yuan, there is no need to be polite, just go and do what you have to do." The little emperor smiled and waved his hand and said.

After Yuan Zuochong left, the little emperor looked around, winked at Yuan Ming, and said, "It's strange to feel uncomfortable here. Why don't we go to the old place?"

Not long after, the back garden of the General's Mansion.

The lotus leaves in the pond are like umbrellas, holding out elegant pink lotuses. A few red and yellow koi carps shuttle in the gaps, like ribbons, adding a bit of different colors.

There is a blue-tiled pavilion in the pool. Yuan Ming and the young emperor sit opposite each other, with a jade wine glass in front of them.

After waving his hand to dismiss the eunuch, the little emperor smiled and suddenly took out a jar of fine wine from nowhere and placed it on the stone table.

"Brother Ming, this is the tribute wine brought from the north. Among the people, you can't exchange it for a hundred taels of silver for a cup. As soon as I heard that you were back, I specially asked someone to pick a jar of the best wine that had been sealed for eighty years and bring it with me. Come and wash your dust."

Yuan Ming opened the wine seal, and a strong aroma of wine hit his nostrils, making him feel refreshed.

“Good wine!”

The little emperor smiled and said: "Hey, there is no such good wine in the wild land of southern Xinjiang. Brother Ming must be greedy. Today when you meet my brother again, you must drink freely. You will not come back until you are drunk!"

While they were talking, the two of them poured wine, raised their glasses together and drank it all in one breath. They suddenly felt comfortable all over.

Just like this, you had a cup and I had a cup. The two of them drank and chatted. After a while, they drank more than half the jar.

Although they were all monks, they had not used magic power to turn into wine at this time, so they gradually became a little drunk.

After another glass of wine, the little emperor suddenly said: "Brother Ming, do you know, I'm about to build the foundation."

Although he had known about this for a long time, Yuan Ming couldn't help but feel a little happy for his friend when he heard what the little emperor said.

He went through hardships in southern Xinjiang, gained various opportunities, and finally built the foundation with great difficulty.

The little emperor is only practicing in the capital, but he is about to build a foundation. It can only be said that his talent is indeed far better than his own.

After thinking about it, Yuan Ming suddenly said: "When I came back yesterday, I heard my father talk about this matter. It's just that His Majesty didn't say that he was unwilling to practice for the time being. Why now..."

"Well, it's a little depressing to talk about this. I made an agreement with you back then. I will be a wise king first, and you will be a wise minister first. After I get married and give birth to a prince, we will practice together. But you are on a mission to Nan During that time in Xinjiang, I might have been overworked on state affairs, so I vaguely agreed to the imperial master’s attempt to practice the Nine Elements Jue.”

When Yuan Ming heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He realized that this was his fault.

The little emperor sighed, raised his head and took a sip of wine, and continued: "Now that you have cultivated yourself, you should also know how high the pleasure brought by cultivation is. After I tried it, I couldn't control it anymore. When I came back to my senses, I found that I was already at the edge of foundation building."

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. Before I went on the mission, I never expected that I would lose the southern frontier. By some combination of circumstances, I ended up on the path to immortality." Yuan Ming said with emotion.

When talking about this matter, the little emperor looked solemn: "I later read the secret letter you sent to General Yuan. I didn't expect that it was Lin Junsheng who did this to you. It is really hateful."

"Based on my understanding of Lin Junsheng, this matter cannot be his idea alone. There must be another mastermind behind it." Yuan Ming said.

"I have already arranged personnel to investigate, and I will definitely give you an explanation before the abdication ceremony." The little emperor assured him.

"I heard from my father that monks above the foundation level should not get involved in power. After Your Majesty abdicates the throne, are you going to Changchun to observe Qianxiu?" Yuan Ming heard this and asked again.

"Yes, my father and several ancestors are now cultivating in the temple, and I will also practice under them in the future. Brother Ming, although you were rejected by Changchun Temple before, but now that you have achieved cultivation, I After it works again, you can go to Changchun Temple with me to practice." The little emperor nodded.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but I still need to think about it again." Yuan Ming declined politely.

The little emperor continued to drink heavily, patted his chest and shouted: "Brother Ming heard that Lin Junsheng also worshiped in Changchun Temple, so he was a little resentful? Don't worry, who is Lin Junsheng? Even if he is shy, he begs grandpa to tell me Grandma has become a disciple of Changchun Temple, but she is just a low-class disciple. You and I can go in and become directly members of the royal family, and your status is far above him!"

As if afraid that Yuan Ming would not believe it, the little emperor suddenly took out a secret book, pushed it in front of Yuan Ming, and said:

"This "Nine Yuan Jue" is a secret technique taught by Changchun Temple. It can be practiced all the way to elixir formation. Brother Ming, please accept it first. The techniques in southern Xinjiang are miscellaneous and inferior. They are not as good as the authentic Xuanmen. You will practice this in the future. , your cultivation will be improved soon."

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate." Yuan Ming was slightly startled and immediately refused.

At this time, he was lacking the follow-up technique of Jiu Yuan Jue, but he also knew that this thing was quite special to Changchun Temple, and he was worried that the little emperor would be in trouble with this move.

He has the Heaven-stealing Cauldron in his hand, and he plans to find opportunities to slowly try to obtain it in the future. He believes that he can always get the whole book, but it will take more time. Although it is quite troublesome, after all, every time he burns incense, it is possible for him. Bring opportunities.

The little emperor said: "Brother Ming, if you don't accept it, you don't treat me as a brother! You can accept it with confidence, I will take full responsibility for this matter. It doesn't matter even if you don't join Changchun Guan in the future, as long as you don't pass it on to outsiders. We monks must not look forward or backward."

Seeing that the little emperor insisted on doing this, Yuan Ming had no choice but to accept the technique.

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