Celestial being

Chapter 226 Thoughts

Yuan Ming thought for a moment and planned to try again. He locked his mind on his father and kept thinking in his mind: "Turn your head back, turn your head back..."

After finishing speaking, General Yuan had just sat down next to the beautiful woman. He was drinking a cup of tea when he suddenly turned his head back.

"Okay, I will immediately ask Wang Shun to take someone to clean Ming'er's yard again. Our family can finally be reunited. Well, what are you looking behind?" The beautiful woman in white raised her eyebrows with joy when she saw General Yuan's actions. , asked with a frown.

"Did I look back..." General Yuan was stunned and found that he had indeed turned his head back, and his mind suddenly became confused.

"I'm talking to you about Ming'er, could you please pay more attention!" The beautiful woman in white said with a darkened expression.

"I know, I know..." General Yuan was confused. Faced with his wife's roar, he hurriedly put down the teacup and nodded repeatedly.

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, he felt a little sorry for his father. At the same time, he was surprised and happy. He could really influence his father's behavior. Could this be caused by Liu Xinzong's incense ashes?

"Ming'er has been missing for so long. His Majesty is also very worried. Please tell him the news quickly so that he can feel at ease." The beautiful woman in white continued to talk to General Yuan.

"I have sent someone to pass the news over." General Yuan said.

"These two children are really... Ming'er was rejected by Changchun Temple and swore not to follow the immortal path. His Majesty also decided not to enter the immortal path. They are really two stubborn and loyal children." The beautiful woman in white thought of some past events. His expression also became gentle.

"The emperor has the difficulty of being an emperor. His Majesty does not cultivate immortality, not necessarily because of Ming'er. Once he enters the foundation-building period, he will abdicate in favor of others. Your Majesty has not yet married, and he has no heirs. Once he abdicates, people in his lineage will probably I have no chance of being crowned emperor." General Yuan picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Yuan Ming was startled when he heard this. This was the first time he heard that there were such rules within the Jin Dynasty royal family.

"So what's the matter? The throne and power are just clouds. Even if you are glorious and glorious on the 9th, it will be a cup of loess a hundred years later. Only by cultivating and becoming an immortal can you hope to live as long as heaven and earth." The beautiful woman in white said.

"What Madam is saying is that His Majesty has been obsessed with cultivation recently and has ignored government affairs. The power struggle between the DPRK and China has become increasingly fierce, which has disturbed me and made me very upset. My own cultivation is even more difficult to improve." General Yuan said.

"It is good to pursue the path of immortality, but heirs are equally important. I heard people say that it will be very difficult to have heirs after you have reached a high level of cultivation. When Ming'er comes back, should you arrange a marriage for him first?" The beautiful woman in white hesitated for a moment. said.

After hearing this, Yuan Ming smiled bitterly in his heart.

His mother had been thinking about his marriage. She had made arrangements to choose a wife for him before going on a mission to southern Xinjiang. Unexpectedly, she was thinking about it again now.

The so-called mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles. She was worried day and night before her disappearance, but now that she knows she is fine, she begins to worry about it again.

Yuan Ming currently just wants to practice hard and has no intention of starting a family.

He used his mind to influence his father to oppose his mother's proposal.

"Ming'er is still young, so there seems to be no need to worry too much about starting a family." General Yuan said exactly what he thought.

Yuan Ming was overjoyed. It felt good to control others with his mind. It was both useful and fun.

With this ability, he can do a lot more when he possesses other people in the future.

"What are you talking about as a father? You can't delay your marriage. I think Loulan, the youngest daughter of the prime minister's family, is good. She and Ming'er were childhood sweethearts. I heard that she also has spiritual roots. I'll ask someone to check it out someday. ?" The beautiful woman in white glanced at her husband and said enthusiastically.

"Madam, please don't mess with the relationship. Ming'er told me that Lou Lan, the Prime Minister's family, has been in love with His Majesty for many years, and Ming'er is not suitable for her. What's more, because of Your Majesty's lazy administration, the relationship between the court and the court today is complicated, and it is not for It's a good time for Ming'er to get married, let's discuss this later." General Yuan said with some worry.

The beautiful woman in white saw her husband's serious expression and stopped mentioning the matter.

Yuan Ming was relieved when his mother no longer insisted.

General Yuan and the beautiful woman in white then talked about some trivial household matters. Yuan Ming became more playful and continued to influence his father to make jokes, which earned him a scolding from his mother.

Yuan Ming secretly chuckled when he saw that his father, who was usually very majestic and always scolded his father with a straight face, was so weak.

"Oh, I was just playing around and forgot the purpose of this possession!" He blamed himself and used his mind to influence his father, trying to get him to talk to his mother about the assassination.

However, General Yuan did not respond this time and continued to chat with his mother about home affairs.

Yuan Ming frowned, why couldn't he do it again?

At this moment, his eyes suddenly fell into darkness, but the possession time had expired, and when he woke up, his consciousness had returned to his original body.

Yuan Ming frowned and thought about why he failed to get his father to talk about the assassination in the end.

After pondering for a long time, he thought of a possibility: his father had no idea that people from Changchun Temple came to assassinate Yuan Ming.

Naturally, he couldn't do something that his father didn't know anything about.

"It seems that not everything can be done by affecting the possessed person through consciousness." Yuan Ming thought to himself, to what extent he could do it, he could only wait for the possessed person to try again in the future.

Yuan Ming turned his eyes and looked at the remaining incense ash in his hand.

The possession just now suddenly had the ability to affect my father, and it was most likely related to these incense ash.

He had been trying to use incense ash to make incense for some time, and gradually he came to understand something. The reason why incense ash can produce magical spices is because it is derived from people's prayers and worship, causing some strange changes that he cannot understand.

It is this peculiar change that makes the spices made from incense ash so effective.

According to Yuan Ming's original conjecture, the more people who visited the temple, the stronger this strange change would be, and the black incense would have a better effect after being possessed.

But the last two possessions made him doubt whether his guess was tenable.

You must know that the people who pay homage to their ancestors in Tiehu Town are only the lords and their relatives. The number of people who pay homage to their ancestors in Tiehu Town cannot be larger than the people who worship the incense in Jiuli Temple.

As for the Liu Xin Sect in front of us, it seemed that it was not that big in scale, not even as big as Bi Luo Cave. The number of disciples was also unlikely to be greater than the endless stream of pilgrims in Jiuli Temple every day.

"Is it because the people who offer incense in Jiuli Temple are all mortals? There are monks at the Lord's Mansion in Tiehu Town, and as for the people who worship in Liu Xin Sect, all the people who worship are monks, so the possession effect is the best?" Yuan Ming suddenly had a thought in his mind. .

"Speaking of which, although Liu Xin Sect has been in decline for many years, the ashes in this incense burner should be caused by accumulation over the years. Although the number of worshipers at that time was not as good as that of Jiuli Temple, the devout belief of the sect disciples in the sect may be much stronger. Bar."

Whether it is the previous conjecture or the thoughts at the moment, they are all preliminary speculations and need to be verified slowly in the future.

Yuan Ming stood up and took away all the ashes from the incense burner, then drove the vehicle away from the green mountain peaks and continued towards the east.

A few days later, in an inn room in a small town in the Eastern Region, Yuan Ming sat cross-legged, flipping through several thick classics.

These are books he collected from the city, recording the geography, humanities, etc. of the Eastern Region.

Master Xuanhua did not tell him where Xuanhua Temple was, so Yuan Ming had no choice but to investigate on his own while rushing on his way.

After a few days, Xuanhua Temple was not found, but his understanding of the southern border and eastern region became deeper and deeper.

The immortal cultivating forces here in the Eastern Region are similar to the previous five major sects in the Northern Region. There are four first-rate forces, which almost manage the entire immortal cultivating world in the Eastern Region. One of them is Bailong Island.

These four major sects are powerful and domineering in their actions. The small and medium-sized immortal cultivating sects in the entire Eastern Region are basically vassals of the four major forces.

Xuanhuaguan naturally does not belong to the four major sects. According to his speculation, it should be just a small and medium-sized sect that is not well-known.

In terms of secular aspects, the two places are very different.

The Eastern Territory does not divide the sphere of influence based on ethnic groups. The concept of the country is stronger, which may be influenced by the concept of the Central Plains.

The country Yuan Ming was in at the moment was called "Lieguo", which could be regarded as a relatively large country in the eastern region of southern Xinjiang.

The book he was looking through at the moment introduced the geography, scenic spots, etc. of the Lie Kingdom. Unfortunately, he could not find any trace of Xuanhua Temple until the end.

Yuan Ming didn't pay attention, took another book and continued to read.

He has his own way to find Zhenhua Xuanhua, but he still needs to wait for a while.

Half a day later, Yuan Ming put the book in his hand aside and summoned the incense burner. The Tai Chi patterns at the bottom of the incense burner were all lit up again.

He quickly took out a stick of black incense, inserted it into the incense burner and lit it. This black incense was also made from Liu Xinzong's incense ash.

Yuan Ming recalled the figure of Master Xuanhua in his mind, and his vision quickly fell into darkness.

When Yuan Ming woke up, a dim stone room appeared in front of him. Master Xuanhua was sitting in it, practicing with his eyes closed.

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, he did not act rashly.

He possessed Master Xuanhua this time, so naturally he wanted to find out where he was. Unexpectedly, he was also hiding in a secret room practicing, and using his thoughts to influence the other person might make him stand up, but that would disturb Master Xuanhua's practice.

Yuan Ming first looked around the stone chamber. There was an incense burner placed on the ground to the left of Master Xuanhua. There was a purple spiritual incense stick in it, and the smoke was rising. It seemed to be similar to the Qingxuan incense, which could speed up the cultivation of spiritual incense.

There is an incense burner placed on the ground on the left side, with a purple incense stick inserted in it, and the smoke is rising up. It seems to be an incense similar to Qingxuan incense.

There is a large stone table next to the wall on the right side of this person, which is filled with dazzling utensils.

Ordinary people may not understand the purpose of these utensils, but Yuan Ming can see that these are tools for making incense, which are much more sophisticated than the set of utensils in his hand.

Yuan Ming carefully observed the surrounding environment and tried to determine the location of the real person Xuanhua from some details. Unfortunately, this stone room was very ordinary and had no unnecessary decorations, so there was no way to start.

"Forget it, I'm sorry to bother you." He had no choice but to influence Master Xuanhua with his thoughts, trying to get him to get up and leave the stone room.

Xuanhua Zhenren's thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness were slightly turbulent, but he quickly regained his composure, and his body still closed his eyes and performed the exercises.

Yuan Ming smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that it was much more difficult to influence Master Xuanhua than to influence his father.

This is normal. After possessing him, he can sense the power of both souls. Master Xuanhua is actually much stronger than his father.

Moreover, in addition to speeding up cultivation, the purple spiritual incense also stabilizes the mind, weakening the influence of his thoughts to a certain extent.

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