Celestial being

Chapter 227 Live up to his name

"It seems that there are many restrictions on influencing others through thoughts." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

However, he did not give up and continued to try to influence Master Xuanhua over and over again. At the same time, he also sensed the cultivation situation of Master Xuanhua.

Xuanhua Zhenren's cultivation has also reached the peak of Qi refining, but the skills running in his body are quite average. He only relies on the help of the purple spiritual incense next to him, and the speed of absorbing spiritual power can reach the level of Biluo Gong.

Yuan Ming found that the purple spiritual incense was much better at assisting cultivation than the Qingxuan incense, but he didn’t know what it was called?

If you can see Master Xuanhua this time, you must find a way to buy some. Of course, it would be best if you can get the refining method.

Under the influence of Yuan Ming over and over again, Xuanhua's thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness became more and more intense, and he quickly stopped practicing and stood up.

However, Master Xuanhua did not leave the stone room. Instead, he took out an old animal skin book and flipped through it, as if he wanted to calm his mind.

Yuan Ming thought to himself, it seems that Master Xuanhua has a strong determination, and it is not easy to influence his state of mind.

He was not in a hurry and continued to influence Master Xuanhua to leave the stone chamber. His attention also turned to the animal skin book. He suddenly felt happy and stopped controlling Master Xuanhua's thoughts.

This animal skin book is an incense-making classic, which records the methods of making various spiritual incense.

Master Xuanhua turned the pages quickly, and soon his eyes stopped somewhere.

Yuan Ming hurriedly looked at it. These two pages recorded the production methods of three spiritual incense, named "Purple Xuan Incense", "Red Butterfly Incense" and "Seven Steps Down".

According to the description, he discovered that the "Purple Xuan Incense" was the purple spiritual incense that was lit in the room, and it had a more significant effect in assisting cultivation.

It is expected that the Qingxuanxiang that Master Xuanhua sells is the least popular type of spiritual incense that assists in cultivation. I am afraid that there should be spiritual incense that is better than this Zixuanxiang.

"Red Butterfly Incense" is a kind of spiritual incense used for tracking. Once it is contaminated on the target, it cannot be removed whether it is bathing or changing clothes.

The incense itself has no smell. It needs to be mixed with another special potion and applied in the nostrils. When the two are combined, a special smell will be felt. It is both secretive and convenient for tracking.

As for "Seven Steps Down", you don't need to read the introduction to know that it is a kind of poisonous incense. Once the enemy is hit, he only needs to take seven steps to fall to the ground. It is somewhat similar to the poisonous incense that Yuan Ming discovered by himself, but the effect is more significant.

These three kinds of spiritual incense are quite complicated in terms of materials and production steps. Compared with the several spiritual incense made by Yuan Ming, they immediately seem a bit crude.

"This is the real spiritual fragrance." Yuan Ming couldn't help but sigh, and then he remembered it carefully.

With his photographic memory, he quickly memorized all the methods of making three kinds of spiritual incense, and then tried to influence Master Xuanhua to continue reading through his thoughts and let him look at the formulas of several more spiritual incense.

However, Master Xuanhua's eyes were fixed on the production method of Zi Xuanxiang, trying to figure out its connotation. His thoughts were very strong and he was not affected by Yuan Ming at all.

He quickly put down the animal skin book, went to the incense-making table nearby, took out various materials and started making preparations. Judging from the materials he took out, what he planned to make was "Zixuan Incense".

"I possessed the emperor before and borrowed his insights from practicing magic to learn the explosive technique at an extremely fast speed. I wonder if this person's incense making can have a similar effect?" A thought flashed through Yuan Ming's mind. .

At this time, Master Xuanhua had already prepared the preliminary work and started making incense. Yuan Ming hurriedly observed it carefully.

A lot of time had passed since this possession, and he was a little anxious, secretly praying that he could watch the whole process.

Because the method of making Zixuanxiang is not simple, it requires not only ordinary incense making skills, but also the cooperation of magic power to integrate many spiritual materials. The difficulty is far more difficult than that of black incense. Although I have kept the production method in mind, I really It will inevitably take a lot of time to try when you get started. If you can take this opportunity to feel it intuitively, you will naturally get twice the result with half the effort when you make it yourself in the future.

Fortunately, Master Xuanhua had obviously become proficient in making Zixuanxiang and quickly completed one. Yuan Ming also experienced the making process of Zixuanxiang personally.

As a result, just when Master Xuanhua finished making the Purple Xuan Incense, and before he had time to try it, Yuan Ming's possession time came, and he returned to his true form in a trance.

"Speaking of which, it's a good idea to use possession to learn how to make incense. Unfortunately, it can only be done once every seven days, so the other person may not be making incense." Yuan Ming closed his eyes and recalled the process of making Zi Xuan Incense. He felt extremely skilled. It seems that I have made Zixuanxiang hundreds of times, and I understand the details of every step clearly.

It's just that this feeling is a little distant, and you need to make Zi Xuan Incense yourself to have a deeper feeling.

With this thought in his mind, Yuan Ming got up and left the inn, heading south of the city.

He had been in this small town for two days and found out that there was a small market fifty miles south of the city where he could buy a lot of things.

Half a day later, he returned to the inn again, closed the door tightly, and waved his hand towards the table.

A white light flashed, and seven or eight more spiritual materials appeared on the table, which were Zi Xuanxiang's materials.

Yuan Ming took out the incense-making utensils and carefully recalled the entire process of making Zixuan Incense by Master Xuanhua, and then started making incense.

Not long after, there was a purple incense stick in his hand. No matter the color or smell, it was almost the same as the one made by Xuanhua Zhenren.

Yuan Ming took out an ordinary incense burner, lit the purple xuan incense, and then ran the Nine Yuan Jue to test the effect.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

The effect of this purple xuan incense in assisting cultivation is worse than that made by Xuan Hua Zhenren, but it is much better than the green xuan incense. There is no doubt that it is a successful spiritual incense.

Yuan Ming's cheeks flushed with excitement. He was able to successfully make Zixuan Incense for the first time, which showed that his previous guess was correct. The possession ability of the incense burner not only helped him learn spells, but also helped him quickly master the making process. Fragrant, of course it also requires a bit of luck.

If you think more deeply, skills such as alchemy, weapon refining, talisman painting, magic circle, etc. can also be quickly learned using the possession ability of the incense burner.

The name of this incense burner is indeed correct. The incense burner can easily steal the results that others have worked hard for a lifetime. It is worthy of being known as the "Heaven Stealing Cauldron".

Yuan Ming got up and walked back and forth in the room, and finally calmed down after a long time.

Although the ability to steal the Heavenly Cauldron was unbelievable, he always felt that he still had not truly mastered this treasure, and it would take some time to slowly explore its hidden secrets.

The thing that makes him most uneasy right now is to ensure that he has truly avoided the pursuit of the Guangli San Alliance and can successfully return to Dajin.

"If we can break through to the foundation building stage, many problems will be solved. Unfortunately, we are not very sure yet."

Yuan Ming thought so, walked to the table, and continued to make Zi Xuan Xiang.

In the following days, he stayed in the small town, making Zi Xuan Incense during the day, and continuing to practice the fourth level of Ming Yue Jue at night.

Seven days later, the incense burner was restored again.

Yuan Ming couldn't wait to light the black incense and possess Xuanhua Zhenren again.

To his surprise, Master Xuanhua was still in the dark secret room making incense, but this time he was not making "Purple Xuan Incense", but "Seven Steps Down".

Yuan Ming naturally became an apprentice without hesitation, and carefully understood the production of "Seven Steps" from the most intuitive perspective.

Xuan Hua was very proficient in making the "Seven Steps". He seemed to be thinking about something while making it casually. As a result, he had made two pieces in a quarter of an hour.

After experiencing the whole process twice in a row, Yuan Ming's understanding of the "Seven Steps" production process was still higher than that of "Zixuanxiang", and he began to make plans in his mind. When the possession was over, he would go to Fangshi to buy the materials and make his own. Give it a try.

Master Xuanhua did not continue to make the third "Seven Steps Down". After a moment of silence, he took out the animal skin book and turned to the last page, his eyes glowing with burning light.

Yuan Ming noticed something strange about Master Xuanhua and looked over curiously. The last page of the book also recorded the recipe for spiritual incense, but there was only one type, named "Building Foundation Incense".

Yuan Ming's heart suddenly shook. Just when he was about to concentrate and take a closer look, endless darkness flooded over and his consciousness fell into chaos.

When he regained consciousness, his consciousness had returned to its original state.

Yuan Ming suddenly stood up from the bed, his eyes shining, and he was quite excited.

Although he didn't see the formula of "Foundation Building Incense" clearly just now, he also saw some effects of this incense. According to its description, this incense is just like its name, it is a spiritual incense that can assist in foundation building, and the effect is quite good. , which can increase the success rate of foundation building by about 20%.

If it were an ordinary method of assisting foundation building, Yuan Ming might not care too much about it, but the spiritual incense was different. His Heaven-Stealing Cauldron had the effect of stimulating the release of spiritual incense. The foundation building incense could originally increase the success rate of foundation building by 20%. , under the urging of Stealing Heaven Cauldron, the increased success rate will probably be even more significant.

"This is God's help for me. If I can get this incense, coupled with the assistance of the Foundation Establishment Pill, and the foundation of my thirteenth level of Qi Refining, the possibility of success will be greatly increased!" Yuan Ming thought of this and couldn't help but secretly tighten his fists. fist.

Yuan Ming sat quietly in the house for a while, and after his mood completely calmed down, he set off to Fangshi to buy the materials for making the "Seven Steps Down".

In the following days, Yuan Ming tried to possess Master Xuanhua every seven days to find out his whereabouts.

But Master Xuanhua seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He stayed in the secret room all the time, practicing most of the time and making spiritual incense the rest of the time.

It's a pity that after seeing the "Foundation Building Incense" that time, Master Xuanhua never read the description of this incense again, nor did he actually refine the incense. Even under the influence of Yuan Ming's thoughts over and over again, this is still the case. .

This made Yuan Ming anxious. After all, the incense ash he got from Liu Xinzong was very limited, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Fortunately, when he was possessed for the last time, he accidentally discovered the location of Xuanhua Zhenren, Ningcheng in the Yue Kingdom in the Eastern Region.

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