Celestial being

Chapter 225 Youthful Loyalty

With doubts in his heart, Yuan Ming carefully felt Lin Junsheng's cultivation process.

The next moment, he discovered that Lin Junsheng's operation of the technique, the flow of magic power through the meridians in the body, etc. were much clearer than the previous experience of the explosive technique training in the possessed little emperor.

Since the techniques practiced by Lin Junsheng are very similar to those of Jiu Yuan Jue, and Yuan Ming practices Jiu Yuan Jue through self-study in most cases and does not have any guidance from teachers, this time he intuitively felt it and compared it with his own practice of Jiu Yuan Jue. In fact, there are some benefits.

It's just that Yuan Ming burned incense and possessed Lin Junsheng this time not for these things, but to find out whether this person was related to the assassination of him. Now that Lin Junsheng is sitting here practicing motionlessly, he has nothing to do Method to detect.

Yuan Ming tried to influence Lin Junsheng, but now the two seemed to be close at hand, but also seemed to be separated by an extremely long distance. No matter how he used his soul power or tried to make other efforts, he could not influence the other party at all.

A feeling of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

All he can do now is share the other person's vision and feelings.

"This is the difference between the imitation black fragrance and the original black fragrance." Yuan Ming had no choice but to give up after trying it for a while.

Not long after, his vision went dark again, and his consciousness returned to his body.

Yuan Ming opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

The same materials were used to make the incense this time, but the incense ash from the Lord's Mansion was added. Although the feeling of possession is clearer than before, the duration is almost the same. It seems that this is all because of the use of different incense ash, right?

The incense burner can only be used after seven days. In a short period of time, it is impossible to find out the truth of the assassination, and it is imperative to change the next itinerary.

Yuan Ming took out a piece of animal skin. On it was a map of the Southern Territory that he drew by hand based on the information he collected. If he did not return to the Central Territory from the Northern Territory, he could only take a detour to the Eastern Territory or the Western Territory.

The Western Region of Southern Xinjiang has always been mysterious. It is said that it is controlled by a huge religious cultivator force. It is extremely xenophobic and has basically no contact with the other three regions. Immortal cultivators from other places are also strictly prohibited from entering the Western Region.

Yuan Ming's eyes fell on the southern and eastern regions marked on the animal skin map. At the moment, it seemed that he could only go here.

He pondered for a moment and took out a somewhat dirty token from the storage ring.

This thing was given to him by the Xuanhua Master when he purchased the Qingxuan Incense in Black Rock City. The man claimed to be from the Xuanhua Temple in the Eastern Region. If Yuan Ming passes through the Eastern Region in the future, he can stop by and visit. .

He just listened casually and didn't take the person's words seriously, but he still put the token into the storage ring. After all, it didn't take up much space.

However, with the superimposed effects of Qingxuan Incense and elixirs during subsequent cultivation, and his in-depth exploration of various spiritual incense, he had to re-examine spiritual incense, a thing that was not valued by the Northern Territory for cultivating immortals. .

Yuan Ming has a lot of things he wants to do now. If he had no choice, he would not make a special trip to the Eastern Region. However, the current situation forced him to go to the Eastern Region for such a trip. It happened that he could find the old Taoist priest along the way. Please tell me about your experience in making incense.

Thinking of this, he roughly planned the route based on the animal skin map, then took up the white jade shuttle and flew out of the valley, heading east.

The southern border and the northern region are vast. Although the white jade shuttle travels very quickly, it consumes a lot of mana. Although the Qingyun Crane does not require much mana to activate, it has insufficient endurance. Yuan Ming uses the two alternately, almost day and night, still It took five full days to reach the border of the Northern Territory.

Although the Eastern Region of Southern Border is not as closed as the Western Region, entering hastily, especially by flying, may easily attract the attention of the immortal community here and cause unnecessary trouble.

Yuan Ming just wanted to keep a low profile, so he simply blended in with the ordinary business people and easily entered the Eastern Territory.

The Eastern Territory is close to the sea, and the mortal cities are generally much richer than those in the Northern Territory, and the people's lives are also healthier. Yuan Ming walked on foot, feeling the simple and natural mortal world, and his tense mood was relieved a lot.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the journey was quite smooth.

Yuan Ming finally felt relieved, picked up the jade shuttle and continued to move forward according to the previous plan.

Half a day later, a towering emerald green mountain peak appeared in front. The mountain was graceful and full of spiritual energy, making it a good place for cultivation.

This kind of cultivation treasure land is usually occupied by the Immortal Cultivation Sect. Yuan Ming was about to take a detour when he suddenly stopped and looked at the top of the mountain.

From here, you can vaguely see the situation on the peak. There are many buildings there, but they are all in a dilapidated state, making it look desolate and devoid of human habitation.

He had some doubts in his heart and quickly controlled the jade shuttle to reach the peak.

From a closer distance, the situation on the green peaks becomes clearer.

There are many buildings on the peak and halfway up the mountain. It seems that they were once the location of a large-scale cultivation gate. Now they are ruins, covered with moss and cobwebs, and they have been abandoned for many years.

Yuan Ming felt a little disappointed. The ruins of the sect, which had been dilapidated for many years and were placed here, must have been searched many times, and it was unlikely that they would be of any benefit to him.

He flew around the mountain twice and found a dusty plaque in a collapsed ruins with the three characters "Liu Xin Sect" written on it, which seemed to be the name of this dilapidated sect.

Yuan Ming's expression suddenly changed and he fell towards a dilapidated hall on the mountainside.

This place seems to be an ancestral hall. There is a table in the corner where nearly half of the wall has collapsed. There are several tablets piled up on it, and the names of people who have cultivated immortality are written on it.

Naturally, no one has cleaned this place for a long time. There is a thick layer of dust on the altar table and tablets. On the wall behind the table, only half of a portrait is left. It is vaguely identifiable as an old man with immortal demeanor.

Yuan Ming turned his eyes, and then quickly walked towards the collapsed corner, leaned over and pushed aside some remaining bricks and rubble, revealing a bronze incense burner leaning on a half piece of wood, with a lot of gray-black incense ash deposited inside. .

He looked at the incense burner in front of him, thoughts swirling in his mind.

The previous possession made Yuan Ming realize that the black incense made from different incense ash had different possession effects. The incense burner was his biggest help. If he could figure out the specific details of the influence of incense ash on the possession effect, it would be helpful for him. Discovering the secrets of the original black fragrance for yourself would be a breakthrough.

Yuan Ming took some incense ash, found a hiding place on the green mountain peak, and started making incense.

He is now quite proficient in making incense, and he quickly completed a piece of possessed black incense.

The Tai Chi pattern of the incense burner was completely lit, and Yuan Ming inserted the incense stick into it and lit it.

Lin Junsheng, the little emperor, and his father, General Yuan, flashed through his mind, and finally he locked on his father, and his eyes soon fell into darkness.

When he woke up, he was already possessed by General Yuan.

At this moment, General Yuan was sitting in a carriage, closing his eyes and concentrating, as if he had just returned home from court.

Yuan Ming's vision was also very clear this time. He sensed the situation in his father's body, and the flow of mana was clearly presented in his mind. It was even clearer than when he possessed Lin Junsheng before, almost like looking at the lines on the palm of his hand.

"It seems that different incense ash has different effects. The incense ash from Liu Xinzong is more effective than the incense ash from Tiehu Town." Yuan Ming had expected this and was not surprised.

The carriage quickly arrived at the general's mansion. General Yuan changed into civilian clothes and hurried to the side hall of the wing.

A beautiful woman in white clothes, about forty years old, is sitting here alone. She is wearing a blue jade hairpin and a snow-white fur coat. Her eyebrows are as curved as crescent moons and as pale as distant mountains. She is extremely gentle and decent.

Yuan Ming looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart. This person was the general's wife, his mother.

Compared with the appearance in memory, there are some fine lines on the sides of my mother's eyes, and there is also some less obvious silver in the blue hair on her temples.

"Madam, your cold has not healed yet, why did you come out?" General Yuan asked.

Yuan Ming felt nervous. His mother had a cold? It looked like she didn't look very good.

Symptoms of wind and cold can be severe or mild. Don't be careless. It's a pity that he is not at home, otherwise he would have to check his mother's pulse.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, General Yuan suddenly stepped forward and held the wrist of the beautiful woman in white.

"It doesn't matter if you have a minor illness... Why are you holding my hand? You don't know how to heal!" The beautiful woman in white said strangely.

"Nothing..." General Yuan was stunned, then let go and sat down on the chair next to him, feeling a little confused.

He didn't know why he held his wife's wrist. It seemed that this strange idea suddenly came to his mind.

Yuan Ming was also stunned. What happened just now? Did his thoughts affect his father's behavior?

"Is there any news about Ming'er?" The beautiful woman in white asked, not paying attention to General Yuan's weird behavior.

"Don't worry, we have found him." A faint smile appeared on General Yuan's stern face.

"Seriously?" The beautiful woman in white couldn't help but stood up and asked with surprise.

"It's absolutely true, and Ming'er also got a blessing in disguise. He joined a sect in southern Xinjiang to practice, and he is considered to be a member of the Immortal Way." General Yuan said.

"It's good to be safe! Ming'er, a stubborn kid, wanted to join the Changchun Temple, but was not accepted because of his poor qualifications. The young man was arrogant and in anger, he even swore not to enter the path of immortality, but I know what's in his heart I am definitely not willing to give in, but now I have got what I wanted." The beautiful woman in white breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although Ming'er is already a cultivator, his cultivation is still shallow after all. It is a long way from southern Xinjiang back to Jin Dynasty. I have sent someone to pick him up. I believe he will be able to go home soon." General Yuan said.

Yuan Ming's heart moved. General Yuan didn't seem to know that he was not traveling with the escort he sent. It seemed that southern Xinjiang was too far away from the capital of Jin Dynasty, and there was no convenient means of communication between the two such as messengers.

He shook his head and his thoughts returned to what he had just done.

In addition to the black incense that comes with the incense burner, which can directly control the behavior of others, in the past, when I possessed others through self-made spiritual incense, I was just a "bystander" who was personally involved in the situation, but I had never been able to influence the behavior of the possessed person. phenomenon, when Lin Junsheng possessed Lin Junsheng seven days ago, he tried to influence him, but to no avail.

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