Celestial being

Chapter 224 Lin Junsheng

"To be honest with you fellow Taoist, this little girl has practiced a body-training technique. Her body is tough and her resistance to poison is better than that of ordinary monks." Liu Su explained with a flattering look on his face.

"It turns out that you are a physical cultivator. No wonder you are still trying to fight back at this stage." Yuan Ming stopped three feet in front of Liu Su and said.

"What do Mr. Yuan mean by these words? This little girl surrenders sincerely, without any second thoughts." Liu Su said hurriedly.

"Really?" Yuan Ming sneered, raised his hand and pointed out.

A blue sword energy shot out and slashed towards Liu Su's right arm.

Yuan Ming's consciousness was so powerful that he could see it at a glance everywhere. The muscles there looked calm on the surface, but in fact every muscle was tense and accumulating, ready to launch a swift attack at any time.

Liu Su's face suddenly turned as cold as water, and his tall body suddenly jumped out of the puddle, easily dodging the blue sword energy, and pounced on Yuan Ming like a cheetah. The injuries on his legs and the poison seemed not to have done anything to him. Influence.

Yuan Ming was slightly surprised and shot backwards. At the same time, the Hanxing Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword flashed across and slashed towards Liu Su.

A green shadow flashed on the spirit beast bag on Liu Su's waist, and a green strange snake leaped out and blocked the woman with its body.

There was a soft sound of "Puff", and the body of the strange green snake was cut into three parts, but the snake's head was still able to move, and it opened its mouth and spat at Yuan Ming.

A green poisonous mist billowed out, instantly submerging the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet. Wherever the poisonous mist shrouded, all the vegetation quickly turned yellow.

Yuan Ming hurriedly raised the Water Cloud Flag to protect his whole body, isolating the poisonous mist, and slashed backwards with the Hanxing Sword.

A huge sword energy about ten feet long struck on the head of the strange green snake, splitting it in half and killing it.

However, a blurry figure flew over very quickly from the other side, and in an instant it was beside Yuan Ming. It was Liu Su.

The woman's right arm suddenly turned around in a thick circle. Green veins popped up on the surface of the arm, and the whole body exuded a metallic luster, as if a vajra had hit the water cloud flag hard.

The water cloud flag undulated like waves and sunk deeply, and Liu Su's fist hit Yuan Ming's chest.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and Yuan Ming and his flag were knocked away, but a slender needle shadow also flashed in the void in front of Liu Su, penetrating the woman's head.

The next moment, Liu Su suddenly jumped forward, making a fist with his right arm as if he wanted to catch up with Yuan Ming and give him a fatal blow. As a result, his figure suddenly stagnated in mid-air, the look in his eyes quickly disappeared, and his tall body He fell to the ground.

Yuan Ming's figure was thrown three to four feet away, but he immediately jumped up as soon as he touched the ground.

Shuiyun Banner dispersed with a hula, revealing his figure.

Yuan Ming's face was slightly pale, but he did not look injured. The clothes on his chest were scattered like debris, revealing a pair of golden inner armor, which was made from the scales of the Golden Flower Poison Python.

If it weren't for this inner armor, he would have lost half of his life if he was directly hit in the vital part of his chest this time.

The physical body of Ti Xiu was actually so tough, and he was able to launch such a fierce counterattack even without his magic power. It was beyond his expectation, and it also gave him a new understanding of Ti Xiu's strength.

Yuan Ming's figure flew out and appeared next to Liu Su's body. He pressed his palm on his head and let the strands of crystal light penetrate into it.

Liu Su's soul was about to completely dissipate. He seized the last opportunity to search for the soul and explored it. After a moment, he withdrew his palm with a solemn expression.

Liu Su did know a lot more than Lin Liumu.

This time, there were only three of them sent by Changchun Guan to assassinate Yuan Ming, but the three of them had anonymously hired Guangli Sanmen of Jin Dynasty.

The people from the Guangli Alliance were lurking on the way back to Dajin, waiting for action, while Xu Changqing and the other three were following the guards sent by General Yuan to explore Yuan Ming's whereabouts, but unexpectedly saw Yuan Ming acting alone, so Take decisive action.

It's a pity that Xu Changqing thought that he had the cultivation level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, so he was too conceited and underestimated Yuan Ming's strength, and the three of them ended up falling apart.

According to Liu Su's understanding, the strength of the Guangli San Alliance should not be underestimated. There were ten monks in the foundation-building period alone. Although not all of them were dispatched for this mission, most of them were present.

Yuan Ming was silent for a moment, then took off Liu Su's storage magic weapon, used storage bags to collect the three bodies separately, summoned the Qingyun Crane and flew away from the place.

After flying dozens of miles, he found a quiet valley to land and inspected the things he had obtained from Xu Changqing and the others.

He first picked up the white jade shuttle, and after examining it with his spiritual consciousness, he found that it contained three runes inside, and it turned out to be a high-grade flying magic weapon.

Yuan Ming became interested, paused to check, picked up the jade shuttle and threw it in front of him, while waving his hand to create a spell.

The jade shuttle floated in front of him, slowly growing in size, and soon became about ten feet long and half a foot wide.

Yuan Ming jumped up and poured mana from the soles of his feet into the jade shuttle.

The jade shuttle suddenly burst into white light, turning into a white rainbow and shooting forward. Everything around it quickly retreated. It was not comparable to spiritual birds such as blue cranes, or it consumed a lot of mana.

Yuan Ming secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had previously killed Xu Changqing with lightning speed. If he had missed the hit and let this person escape using this magical weapon, it would be impossible to catch up with Qingyun He's speed.

He controlled the jade shuttle to fly back and forth, experiencing a speed he had never experienced before. After playing around for half an hour, he returned to the valley and continued to inspect Xu Changqing's belongings.

The golden hook sword, the black inkstone, and the golden beads are all middle-grade magic weapons. The golden hook sword is offensive, and the black inkstone is defensive. The golden bead is the most special. It is an auxiliary magic weapon that can suddenly bloom with dazzling effects. The golden light can dazzle the enemy's eyes and even cause temporary blindness. It can work wonders in certain situations.

This Xu Changqing is worthy of being a foundation-building monk from the Changchun Temple of the Great Jin Dynasty, and his wealth is far beyond that of monks of the same level in southern Xinjiang.

Yuan Ming immediately checked Xu Changqing's storage of magic weapons. He found that the collection was quite rich, including nearly a thousand pieces of light spirit stones. In addition, there was a cyan token, two white medicine bottles, a jade box and a document.

One side of the token says "Changchun Temple", and the other side says "Guhe". It seems that it should be Xu Changqing's identity token.

But what his real name is is no longer important now. All this will become the past with his death today. Over time, no one will even remember that Changchun Temple once had such a monk in the foundation building period. .

The world of immortals is so cruel. Although life span is longer than that of mortals, it is easier for people to forget.

Yuan Ming recovered his thoughts and looked at the two jade bottles.

The jade bottle contains a kind of milky-white elixir. Judging from the smell, it is a kind of elixir that strengthens the foundation and strengthens the energy. This milky-white elixir has a strong and unusually strong medicinal qi, which is far from comparable to the Jinhua Dan. It should be useful for monks in the foundation-building period to improve their cultivation. The elixir should be worth a lot of money.

As for the jade box, there is a silver talisman affixed to it.

It took Yuan Ming a lot of effort to get rid of it, but there was a piece of yellow wood inside, which exuded a strange fragrance, which refreshed people's spirits and gave them a sense of tranquility and peace in their souls.

The aroma exuded by the yellow spiritual wood seems to have a strange effect of soothing the mind.

Yuan Ming did not recognize the origin of this wood, but since he began to learn incense making, he was very interested in all kinds of incense-related things he saw. He thought that this wood might be used in making incense, so he carefully He put it back into the jade box and reattached the silver talisman.

He opened the document again and saw that it read: Receive five hundred spirit stones and assassinate Yuan Ming from Jin within three months. The overdue task will be cancelled, and three times the deposit will be paid as proof. Guangli leader Wu Xuming.

The payment was made a month ago.

He then checked Lin Liumu and Liu Su's stored magic weapons.

As monks in the Qi Refining Stage, the two of them were far inferior to Xu Changqing in terms of storage of magic weapons. In terms of magic weapons, except for Lin Liumu's white flywheel, they were all low-grade. The total number of spiritual stones was only five or six hundred. Others The elixirs, spiritual materials and other items are not of high grade, and are of little use to Yuan Ming who has reached the thirteenth level of Qi refining.

Yuan Ming put down Liu Su's storage instrument and played with a copper bottle.

In the past two years, he has been using the fur technique continuously, and his physical body has been strengthened to a certain extent, but it is still far behind Liu Su's physical training.

Yuan Ming was very envious of Liu Su's tough body. Unfortunately, this woman's storage instrument did not contain the physical training techniques she practiced. When he searched Liu Su's soul just now, he could not find the memories of her training. The only thing he found was The only thing related to physical cultivation is the elixir in this copper bottle.

What is inside the bottle is a body-refining elixir called "Copper Skin Pill". After taking it, combined with the body-refining exercises, it can make the body as hard as stone and hard to be hurt by swords.

Without the physical training method, Yuan Ming did not dare to take this elixir rashly, so he put away the copper bottle and began to plan the next trip.

Since there are Guangli Sanjun Alliance waiting for him at the front, the risk of returning to Dajin directly from the southern and northern regions will increase a lot.

Although he thinks that his strength has no opponents in the Qi Refining Stage, and he can compete with opponents like Xu Changqing in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, he is not arrogant enough to deal with six or seven monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage. For this reason, I am afraid that Have to find another way.

"Who on earth would deliberately want to kill himself and then do it quickly?" Yuan Ming pondered for a moment, and a figure flashed in his mind.

He took out a stick of black incense, inserted it into the incense burner, and carefully recalled Lin Junsheng's appearance and some memories related to it. His consciousness was quickly submerged in darkness, and when he woke up, he appeared in a room.

At this moment, Lin Junsheng was sitting cross-legged, making secrets with his hands and running his skills.

Yuan Ming was a little surprised when he felt Lin Junsheng's vision. It was not because Lin Junsheng was practicing, but because the scene in front of him was extremely clear, much clearer than any previous possession.

"What's going on?"

Yuan Ming thought about it and quickly thought of a possible reason: the black incense used this time was newly made from the incense ashes of the City Lord's Mansion. It seems that different incense ashes have different possessing effects.

He quickly composed himself. Since he could not control the opponent's body, he simply sensed Lin Junsheng's movements. The next moment he was stunned.

Lin Junsheng's technique was extremely familiar to him. The technique was very similar to the Nine Yuan Jue. Could this person have worshiped the Changchun Temple?

As the largest immortal cultivating sect in the Jin Dynasty, Changchun Temple is extremely strict in recruiting disciples. Even the sons of high-ranking officials and dignitaries must have sufficient qualifications.

Yuan Ming vaguely remembered that he and Lin Junsheng had gone to become apprentices when they were young. Unfortunately, although they both had spiritual roots, their qualifications were rather mediocre, and they were rejected without mercy. Unexpectedly, times have changed, and Lin Junsheng Junsheng was admitted by Changchun Temple.

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