Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 399: A high-profile slap in the face!

Obviously, Baguda was very unhappy with the previous mockery of Rotten Apple.

Therefore, he is obsessed with whether the mobile phone can surpass the bad Apple company.

Now that it was confirmed, he naturally wanted to slap her in the face.

Xuanfeng Alliance suddenly announced that it would participate in the International Mobile Phone Technology Exchange Conference, and naturally it was noticed by people from Apple.

People at Rotten Apple are very disdainful, and their boss is now Cook.

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Naturally, he received the news about Xuanfeng Alliance's participation in the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference immediately.

"Does the Xuanfeng Alliance really not understand its own situation?" Cook did not hide his disdain.

As the boss of a rotten Apple company, he knows very well how difficult mobile phone technology is?

It is simply not something that a place like the Xuanfeng Alliance can develop.

For them to play with mobile phone technology is an insult to a leader in mobile phones like them.

When he made that announcement before, he already wanted the other party to give up. Who knew that the other party was actually so determined that he wanted to study mobile phones.

Now he is even arrogantly announcing that he will participate in the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference.

Are they really not afraid of embarrassment?

"Mr. Cook, it seems that the Xuanfeng Alliance didn't take what you said to heart?" the secretary next to him said jokingly.

Cook sneered: "Let them go if you are not afraid of embarrassment. Just send me an announcement and welcome the Xuanfeng Alliance to participate in the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference."

"I can even discuss with the organizers to prepare a separate platform for them to explain their mobile phone technology and research and development experience."

This is naturally not out of good intentions, it is obviously to make them more embarrassed.

After all, what kind of mobile phone technology can a small place like Xuanfeng Alliance come up with, and what experience does it have in mobile phone research and development? Specialize

The doorkeeper prepared a platform demonstration for them, which will only make them more embarrassed. This is a very bad intention.

"Okay, Mr. Cook." The secretary nodded immediately and went to make arrangements.

It didn't take long for the company's announcement to be released.

Everyone in the mobile phone industry around the world has seen it.

Everyone who saw this message knew that Rotten Apple did this intentionally and wanted to embarrass the Xuanfeng Alliance.

In fact, according to normal people's thinking, it would be better for the Xuanfeng Alliance not to participate in this exchange meeting.

After all, Apple is targeting it.

Cook will definitely target them.

That would not be good for the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance, but would be embarrassing.

But soon, something incredible happened to everyone.

In response to this announcement about the bad Apple phone, Xuanfeng Alliance actually responded.

"Thank you Apple for making the arrangements. We will not disappoint you and will give you a wonderful speech. We also have a product to release. We will let everyone see our attitude towards making mobile phones. In addition, thank you again Rotten Apple Company!”

This announcement from the Xuanfeng Alliance really shocked everyone.

Could it be that the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance couldn't tell that Rotten Apple was digging a hole for them this time?

Rotten Apple didn't have any good intentions at all by arranging a showcase for them, it just wanted to embarrass them.

Who knew that the Xuanfeng Alliance would actually join in on the matter themselves? Wasn't it like helping count the money after being sold?

Still have come and gone thanks to Apple.

But this really attracted everyone's attention, and many people in the mobile phone industry wanted to go to the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference to watch the excitement.

This also made this international mobile phone exchange event extremely lively, and the organizers made a lot more money in advertising fees.


At Xuanfeng Alliance International Airport, Baguda led a group of people to the boarding gate of a plane.

Naturally, he wanted to take people to the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference. .

Moreover, this time he actually had to lead the team himself and slapped Cook in the face of the rotten Apple company himself.

How many people in the team are carrying how many boxes?

There were people in suits guarding him all around.

Naturally, what was inside the box was the completed mobile phone, which was going to be displayed at the mobile phone exchange conference.

Soon the plane took off and headed to St. Petersburg, Germany.

This time the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference will be held here.

This has also been discussed by several large mobile phone companies. They change the venue every year.

Because of the holding of the mobile phone exchange conference, you can see people arranged by the organizer at St. Petersburg Airport in a special place to welcome people from the mobile phone industry from all over the world.

Basically, all companies and figures in the mobile phone industry with names will be registered.

The organizer will then make arrangements for transportation, accommodation, etc.

When Baguda led the people out, he saw the organizer's reception table.

He took people over directly.

When the people from the organizer saw the group, they immediately said, "Please show your relevant certificates."

Baguda also cooperated and took out the proof of his party and handed it to the other party.

The organizer's staff was stunned when they saw the certificate that Baguda brought.

Because this group of people turned out to be members of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

They actually came.

As people in the mobile phone industry, they naturally know what happens online.

The Rotten Apple Company and the Xuanfeng Alliance seem to be facing each other, but the Xuanfeng Alliance is overestimating its capabilities.

Don't they know? Is Apple the leader of the entire mobile phone industry? There are almost no mobile phones in the world that can compete with the crappy Apple phones.

Maybe there are some that can compete with Apple, but they are all big brands in major countries, which is not something that a small place like Xuanfeng Alliance with backward technology can do.

However, as a professional responsibility, they still helped Xuanfeng Alliance to handle the relevant procedures seriously.

The international mobile phone exchange will be held in a few days.

After entering the hotel, Baguda ordered everyone to stay in the hotel and let the accompanying guards watch, not to let people contact the outside world, to avoid leaks and affect his face-slapping plan.

But the news of the arrival of the Xuanfeng Alliance was also known by all mobile phone companies in various countries.

Even everyone is looking forward to it.

I don't know what kind of joke this Xuanfeng Alliance will make?

In the past few days, the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance have not shown up, which makes everyone feel strange and don't understand what the other party is doing?

Since they are all here to embarrass themselves, shouldn't they visit mobile phone companies in other countries and exchange ideas under normal circumstances?

On the contrary, the Xuanfeng Alliance is so quiet now, as if it is hiding, which is really strange.

It is in everyone's speculation that the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference officially began.

It is at this time that the Xuanfeng Alliance finally appeared.

Baguda led his people to the exchange conference site in a swagger, and the main point was a high profile.

Because he wanted to smack Apple's Cook in the face in a high profile. .

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