Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 398 This phone is better than a rotten apple!

Lu Feng was somewhat speechless in the face of this situation.

Is this man looking for death?

Then he didn't mind helping him.

He didn't hesitate and took out a dagger. At the moment he passed by the speed ability user, he used his speed ability.

The speed of unlocking the second-level ability was not comparable to the other party. The dagger in his hand directly cut across the other party's neck.

The speed ability user didn't react at all and was killed directly. He fell down with his neck covered with blood.

The pregnant woman saw this scene and her face turned pale instantly. Then she collapsed and knelt on the ground and cried.

Lu Feng had already ridden away. No one would sympathize with this woman in the end of the world.

After all, she deserved to be killed after making plans for others.

Lu Feng soon arrived at a building.

The height of this building is also counted in Tianhai City.

Lu Feng went directly into the building and walked all the way to the top floor.

You can see far away from here.

At a glance, he clearly saw the zombies and mutant beasts scattered in various areas.

They seemed to be in a state of siege towards the position of the East City Alliance.

However, they did not seem to be in a hurry to launch an attack, but stayed where they were.

There should be only two reasons for this.

One is that the bases outside have not been completely destroyed.

The other should be that the six characters have some reason not to launch an attack immediately.

But what is coming will always come, and it should not be long before the six-horned beast will take action against the East City Alliance.

This made him look at the three small nuclear bombs in his backpack.

Now he is waiting for the mutant zombies to gather and attack the East City Alliance with the mutant beast army, and then choose an appropriate time to directly reward the three little things to the six-horned beast and the zombies and mutant beasts.

Then, Lu Feng had another idea and exited the game world.

In the following time, he paid attention to the situation in the game world every day.

Unfortunately, for a whole month, he did not even find that the zombies launched an attack on the East City Alliance.

In just one month, all the bases have been destroyed, and the survivors inside have died or escaped, and basically all gathered in the East City Alliance.

But there is something wrong with this hexagonal beast.

Shouldn't it be done in one go?

The game world has been quiet, and Baguda once again came to the Wind Manor, and he brought a mobile phone with him.

The appearance of the mobile phone is dark black, and from the appearance and style, it is not available in today's society.

This is exactly made by the mobile phone technology he took out from the game world.

Seeing this scene, he knew that it was Baguda who made the mobile phone.

This is a bit incredible!

Even if there is ready-made mobile phone technology, it is amazing to make this mobile phone within a month.

Obviously, Baguda spent a lot of thought on this method!

To be honest, he doesn't need to be so anxious.

No one forced him.

When Baguda saw Lu Feng, he immediately said excitedly: "Governor, we have made all the mobile phone parts and assembled some of them. This is one of them. The functions of the parts and chips are definitely stronger than those mobile phones on the market now, and they are definitely leading the world."

"But the only thing missing now is the mobile phone system. We don't have our own mobile phone system."

Lu Feng didn't worry at all when he heard this.


It's just a very simple thing.

Not only Cheng Sisi in the game world can easily help him make a mobile phone system.

The key is that Xiaozhi can make a perfect mobile phone system for modern people.

So, he didn't enter the game world to let Cheng Sisi farm the system, but directly let Xiaozhi make one.

Almost at the same time when Babuda was talking, he saw the mobile phone in his hand light up. You can see that the mobile phone automatically connects to the wireless of the manor.

He didn't operate it, how did this mobile phone connect?

The key is that a system is being assembled on his mobile phone.

"Is it that hacker god?" Baguda asked subconsciously.

In his heart, only that hacker god can do such a thing.

Lu Feng also nodded in agreement.

After all, everyone thought Xiaozhi was the god of hackers.

Not long after, Baguda downloaded the mobile phone system and installed it.

The phone in his hand could be used normally.

Baguda excitedly operated it.

The mobile phone system was very smooth and the operating performance was very good. It was absolutely perfect with the mobile phone hardware.

This made him make a phone call immediately and ordered: "Bring someone over immediately, and bring tools to detect the mobile phone system. I want to detect the system of the new mobile phone."

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously surprised to hear his words.

After all, they had just made the new mobile phone, and they didn't make the mobile phone system at all, and they didn't have the technology to make the system at all.

Now this gentleman took the mobile phone out and got the mobile phone system technology, and asked them to test it.

This is incredible!

After getting the order, the other side did not dare to hesitate. Not long after, some people came to the Wind Manor with various instruments, and there were several teams of guards.

As soon as these people arrived at the hall, Baguda ordered them: "Immediately test the system in this phone."

Those people did not dare to hesitate, and they took the instruments and began to test the phone.

These people were technicians newly recruited this month, and their abilities were still very good.

And they were assessed for half a month, so they could be trusted for the time being.

Naturally, they were accompanied by guards when they went out, so that they would not have the possibility of leaking any secrets.

Not long after, those people tested the phone system one by one, and finally got the results.

"Mr. Baguda, the results are out." One of them reported directly to Baguda.

Another person also said with a shocked face: "Mr. Baguda, this mobile phone system is too powerful. The performance of this system alone is definitely leading the world, and this system can be perfectly matched with our Xuanfeng mobile phone."

The third person said: "Yes, this mobile phone is already very perfect, and it is definitely the leader in the mobile phone industry. We can produce and sell it now."

Baguda directly asked what he cared about most: "How does it compare to the crappy Apple mobile phone?"

The first person who spoke immediately said: "Mr. Baguda, I can guarantee that whether it is the mobile phone hardware or software, even the operating performance is far better than the crappy Apple mobile phone."

Hearing this, Baguda smiled and immediately applied to Lu Feng: "Governor, let's go to the International Mobile Phone Technology Exchange Conference with our mobile phone. I want to go and ruin the place."

He has not forgotten the ridicule of the crappy Apple mobile phone before.

"If you want to go, arrange someone to go!" Lu Feng did not object to this, and let Baguda arrange it.

Baguda was overjoyed when he heard this.

Soon after, the news that the Xuanfeng Alliance announced that it would bring a new mobile phone to the International Mobile Phone Technology Exchange Conference spread all over the world.

This news shocked people all over the world.

Did the Xuanfeng Alliance really make a mobile phone?

That's impossible, right? Did they buy some outdated mobile phone technology and then use it to make it?

No one believed that the Xuanfeng Alliance could really make a high-tech mobile phone.

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