Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 400 Is the Xuanfeng Alliance serious?

When Baguda brought the people from the Xuanfeng Alliance to the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference, the venue was already full of people.

Life is bustling all around.

Those are figures in the mobile phone industry around the world.

There are obviously more people coming this year than in previous years.

Most of them came to see the Xuanfeng Alliance's jokes, because no one could imagine that a place like the Xuanfeng Alliance had the ability to develop high-tech mobile phones.

Because there is no such soil at all, this is not that they underestimate the Xuanfeng Alliance, but this is the fact.

However, places like Xuanfeng Alliance can make high-tech mobile phones, so what else can't they make?

Maybe the sci-fi mobile phone like in the movie has already been produced.

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These people thought so, and looked expectantly when they saw Baguda and his entourage coming in.

Looking forward to watching the show.

As the deputy governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance, Baguda's rank is honestly higher than these people.

After all, no matter how powerful the people present are, they are just businessmen.

Therefore, it was easy for him to see what these people were thinking, but since he had a chance to win, he didn't care about it.

Today he is destined to slap Cook in the face, slap Apple in the face, and make a name for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After today, their Xuanfeng Alliance will also be a prosperous country with technological soil.

No one can deny this.

Do you want to admit it?

Then take out your mobile phones and compare with them.

If the performance exceeds that of their Xuanfeng Alliance, they will admit this fact, otherwise they will shut up obediently.

Therefore, Baguda did not pay attention to these people, and did not even care about how the host was arranged.

After he appeared, he walked straight towards the display platform group in the middle.

He asked people to find out that this display platform was specially reserved for Xuanfeng Alliance by Rotten Apple Company and the organizers, and they wanted to embarrass them.

Therefore, he was not polite, walked directly to the top, and then motioned to the guards around him.

The guard also walked up to a person from the organizer, took a microphone and handed it to Baku.

This made the organizer look at each other.

After Baguda took the microphone, he began to talk to the surroundings: "I am very happy to see you all here. I think everyone is also looking forward to the arrival of our Xuanfeng Alliance."

"So, we won't waste any time and just launch our Xuanfeng Alliance mobile phone here."

The people from the mobile phone company all looked at Baguda in confusion.

There must be something wrong with the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The other party was sure that they were looking forward to the arrival of the Xuanfeng Alliance, rather than expecting them to embarrass themselves. ? Baguda still kept smiling. How could he care about what these people thought?

He already knew the result and continued: "I have read many online comments before, and everyone seems to encourage our Xuanfeng Alliance to research mobile phones. I am very grateful to everyone here."

This statement once again confused everyone.

This should be the deputy governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance, Baguda, right?

Is there something wrong with his brain?

Are they encouraging?

They're obviously all joking.

With his status, couldn’t he tell?

Baguda added: "For this, we are also very grateful for everyone's encouragement. Therefore, our Xuanfeng Alliance has the motivation to conduct research, and finally made a major breakthrough in mobile phone research. You must know that although we have I have been studying mobile phone technology, but I have been stuck on a difficulty.”

"It was everyone's encouragement that suddenly made us suddenly enlightened, and then we couldn't control it and developed the current product."

He also knew that the mobile phone products he brought were too advanced, so. He also added a time limit and told everyone that their Xuanfeng Alliance had been studying mobile phones for a long time.

His words made the people in the mobile phone companies around him increasingly confused.

What the hell?

Did they develop a new product with their encouragement?

If mobile phones can really be researched because of encouragement, then it would be great if they just encourage each other.

But just when they didn't know why, Baguda had already asked people to put the boxes he brought on the table, then opened them one by one and took out black mobile phones with a science fiction color.

Did this scene attract the attention of the surrounding mobile phone companies?

Especially Cook, who looked over subconsciously.

Because he found it incredible.

The cell phones brought out by the Xuanfeng Alliance are surprisingly good-looking.

The appearance seems to match his aesthetic, right?

On this point, I have to admire the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

At least they made the phone look stylish.

Then after they lose face, they can consider acquiring the rights to use their mobile phone shape. Then I slightly changed it and used it on the appearance of my own crappy Apple phone.

When Cook was thinking this, he found that Baguda had looked towards him.

This stunned him.

But Baguda looked at Cook with a smile and expressed his heartfelt thanks: "What we should be most grateful to here is Rotten Apple. They have given us the greatest encouragement and the greatest motivation."

"So, we have successfully developed a mobile phone with better performance, a more perfect operating system, and more advanced hardware than their rotten Apple company."

As soon as he said these words, everyone around him instantly started to make noise.

What's going on?

Did the other party do so much to target the rotten Apple company?

But what the other party said is too fantastic, isn't it?

How could the other party make a mobile phone that is more advanced than the rotten Apple company?

If so, wouldn't the other party's mobile phone crush all their mobile phones?

"Haha!" Cook laughed immediately.

He thought this should be the funniest joke he heard this year.

Where did the other party get the courage to say this?

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the Xuanfeng Alliance had already produced a comparison of two inspection reports and posted the inspection reports on the multimedia screen of the venue.

Moreover, it was actually a comparison of the performance test of two mobile phone data.

It was the data of the Xuanfeng Alliance's mobile phone and the rotten Apple company's mobile phone.

But from the data comparison, the data of the rotten Apple company's mobile phone is really far worse than the data of the Xuanfeng Alliance's mobile phone.

The key is that the data of the Xuanfeng Alliance's mobile phone must be real.

"Playing such tricks in this place, are you insulting your own IQ or our IQ?" Cook roared directly, feeling greatly insulted.

Really, do they think that they can prove that their phones are better than their crappy Apple phones with such data?

That is unfounded and will only make them more embarrassed.

But Baguda smiled and said, "I believe it is hard for everyone to believe that our data is true, right? But it is true, and I know that everyone will not believe it."

"So, I also prepared instruments for testing phones for everyone, as well as our Xuanfeng Alliance phones and crappy Apple phones."

"You can test and compare on the spot. If you think we will do something with the Apple phone, you can compare it with your own phone, or buy a new crappy Apple phone."

Then, the Xuanfeng Alliance opened two boxes again, took out the testing equipment, and a crappy Apple phone.

This is obviously coming.

Looking at this scene, everyone felt dumbfounded.

Is the Xuanfeng Alliance really playing?

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