Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 384 Directing everything secretly!

The entire Internet in Myanmar is in a state of uproar.

No matter which country you are in, if you want to reach a high position, you must publicize how you love the people and seek welfare for the people.

Loving the people is fundamental.

If you don't care about the life and death of the people, you will be rejected and abandoned by everyone.

Therefore, water can carry a boat or overturn it. This is the truth.

Now on the entire Burmese Internet, everyone who logs in can see the video of Dodoli massacring people.


This is shocking.

Moreover, the video was full of comments that were crazy about boycotting Dodori.

As for whether anyone can help Dodori?

you guess?

There must be some, netizens, there are countless types, countless kinds of people, and countless kinds of thoughts.

Comments that support Dodori are unlikely to appear on the Internet at this time.

Nowadays, the Internet is full of black and white.

Even people who want to support Dodori have no choice. They can't get an artificial intelligence.

Therefore, in this case, no one has a good impression of Duoduoli, they are extremely disgusted, and there are abuses everywhere.

Under the guidance, everyone found it difficult to understand, how could Dudoli attack his own compatriots?

Is the other party a devil?

"We must boycott Dodori, otherwise Myanmar will really be doomed."

"Yes, we must march against him."

"I thought those people who rebelled were bad, but now I realize that they were a little louder before."


This reminder was like a spark, igniting the oil barrel, and the flames began to spread.

Demonstrators began to appear on the streets everywhere.

The happiest people about this are naturally the rebel forces.

Following Duo Duoli's methods, after conquering those generals, their life was indeed a little difficult.

Now, their pressure has suddenly reduced, and they even want to cause a little trouble for Dudoli.

After all, with this kind of strength, even if Dudori is destroyed, there will be no problem.

In that way, Myanmar will be completely in front of them, and their opportunity will be completely in front of them.

At this time, they had all received a mysterious message asking them to join forces and send people to kill Dodori first, and then they would decide where Myanmar would belong in the future.

None of these people knew who sent the message.

But it doesn't matter, it must be one of them, they all want Dodori to die.

Therefore, it is in their interest to take this opportunity to kill Duoduoli.

In this way, a killer group began to gather from these rebel forces.

These killers no longer inquire about each other, and they all know where the other person is.

Now they just need to complete the task well.

That's why they didn't notice that there were a few strange people among the killers gathered.

These people do not belong to any rebel force at all.

Moreover, they were surprised to find that they could receive specific information about the mission on their mobile phones, which directed them to the central city. If Dodori was assassinated,

This surprised them because the information received by the mobile phone was correct, which gave them great confidence in assassinating Dodori.


Center Building.

Dudoli was sitting in her office looking stupid, with a look of reluctance on her face.

He originally had no intention of competing, and only wanted to contribute to Myanmar. It was fate that made him slowly come to the front and reach the current situation.

With his efforts, everything seemed to be going in a good direction, but who knew the situation would turn out like this.

He was unwilling to give in.

Those people deserved to die, they actually wanted to abandon Myanmar and flee to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

There is nothing wrong with him killing the other person.

"Mr. Dodori, what should we do now?" the secretary asked with a frown.

Dudoli stood up with a gloomy face: "I can't fall like this, and I can't fall like this, otherwise Myanmar will really be finished. For Myanmar and the people of Myanmar, I must get through it. "

He immediately ordered to his secretary: "Send someone to find the soldier as soon as possible. No matter what, make him change his story and say that the people I killed were thugs and spies to prove that I was not wrong in killing them."

"In addition, when holding a press conference, I will try my best to explain to everyone, let them believe that I am my Burmese, let everyone understand me, and believe that those people died innocently."

The secretary nodded. Although he felt that this might not have much effect, he still had to try his best.

At this moment, Dodori's cell phone rang.

It's an unknown number. ,

Dudoli was confused, but he still answered the call. Not everyone could call his number, let alone harassing calls.

After answering, I heard a surprised voice from the other side: "Is this Mr. Dodori?"

Dodori frowned and said, "It's me."

The other party said excitedly: "Great, I finally got to you twice. I have something very important to report to you. Someone wants to assassinate you, and they have gathered a lot of killers."

Dodori's face turned gloomy when he heard this: "How do you prove that what you said is true?"

The person on the other side immediately said: "Because I am also a killer, and I am also one of the people called to assassinate you. We have now entered the central city, maybe not far away."

"But although I am a killer, I am a killer with conscience. I know how important you are to Myanmar now. Once you die, Myanmar will be in an irreparable situation."

"Although I am a killer, I am also a Burmese. Even if I killed someone before, I deserved to die."

"I don't want my country to fall into chaos or a too bad situation. It shouldn't be like this."

"Besides, Mr. Dodoli, I understand you very well and know why you want to kill those people. They all deserve to die because they abandoned their country."

The killer's monologue made Dodoli feel warm in his heart. This touched his heart.

Just like that.

He actually agreed with the killer a little.

Dodoli even said: "You don't have to be a killer."

He was going to recruit the other party.

The killer on the other side said: "Mr. Dodoli, but I don't know what to do except killing people. Well, I'm afraid they will find my abnormality. I will give you all their information and inform you of their situation at any time."

After that, the other side hung up the phone.

A moment later, Duoduoli received an email, which turned out to be a piece of information. It turned out to be the killers those rebel forces were looking for.

Duoduoli asked people to confirm the information as soon as possible, and finally found out to his horror that these people were really killers, or they were criminals.

Those rebel forces summoned these people because they really wanted his life.

This also made him completely believe in the killer.

In times of crisis, there are still righteous warriors and heroes to help him. He is the son of heaven.

Duoduoli obviously didn't know that his warriors and heroes were reporting to a young man at this time.

Xiaozhi: "Master, all the chess pieces have been buried. The next drama is up to us to direct. When the time comes, Duoduoli will be killed, and it will be the mutual infighting between their forces. It will have nothing to do with the Xuanfeng Alliance."

Lu Feng saw Xiaozhi's series of operations and performances with his own eyes, and couldn't help but smile, praising him for doing a good job.

In this way, once Duoduoli dies, Baguda can arrange people as soon as possible to continue to absorb the people of Myanmar*.

I just don't know if there is a chance to annex Myanmar if things continue like this.

If so, the economy will catch up, and the Xuanfeng Alliance will no longer be a small country.

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