Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 385 Dodori's killer hero!

Duoduoli instantly felt that he was fine again.

Because he had received the first information sent to him by the killer.

He had basically understood the situation of those killers.

In this case, what else could those killers do to him? He really deserved to die.

It was precisely because of the appearance of these killers that he came up with a good idea.

At that time, he could shirk responsibility to everyone and say that those people he killed were actually killers.

Those people with ulterior motives have always wanted to make Myanmar turbulent.

So, they always wanted to kill him.

It's just that he didn't succeed in being succeeded by these people.

When the identities of these killers are announced and the evidence is conclusive, most people will definitely stand on his side.

This also made him more and more grateful to the killer. This is the real ability, the hero of Myanmar!

He should thank him well.

Didn't the other party say that he didn't know what to do except being a killer?

After this matter is over, he can give the other party a background and let the other party come to work in the military. .

This is better than the other party being a killer.

Moreover, compared to those rebellious guys, this killer is more trustworthy.

Duoduoli thought so.

He instructed the secretary next to him: "Remember to avoid any accidents at the press conference, and arrange the people to ambush as much as possible, waiting for those killers with ulterior motives to fall into the trap."

"Okay, Mr. Duoduoli, I know what to do?" The secretary nodded hurriedly.

I didn't expect that in such a critical moment, there would be someone to help Mr. Duoduoli, so that Mr. Duoduoli could turn the tide.

As long as Mr. Duoduoli didn't fall, I could continue to be a secretary.

The secretary also reported: "Mr. Duoduoli, our people have been arranged around the press conference and have all been hidden. As long as those killers dare to come in, they can launch an attack at the first time and let those killers come and go."

Duoduoli nodded and said: "Very good, this time I will make all those rebellious guys dumbfounded."

"They want to kill me. But they don't have the ability, and I will let them know my methods at that time."

The news that Duoduoli was going to hold a press conference quickly spread all over Myanmar.

Everyone was incredulous.

I didn't expect this guy to dare to show up and even hold a press conference.

Didn't he know that his reputation had become extremely bad because of the massacre, and no one liked them at all.

But there was no doubt that the meeting held by Duoduoli attracted countless people.

Especially those reporters all came to pay attention.

They also wanted to see what kind of tricks Duoduoli could come up with in the end.

Soon, as time passed, the day for Duoduoli to hold a press conference arrived.

Duoduoli dressed up on this day.

Those people wanted him to die, but he just wanted to be reborn from a desperate situation.

At that time, he would settle accounts with those people one by one.

The press conference was held in a square not far from the central building.

This square was spacious enough to accommodate a lot of people.

Duoduoli also chose this place specifically.

Because there would be a lot of people coming this time.

He wanted enough people to believe the stories he made up, believe that the people he killed were killers, and believe that those rebels framed him.

After all, if the killers were dealt with on the spot and their identities were announced, people would believe them.

Those people could send killers once, so they could send them twice, and the people he had slaughtered before were no problem.

As the press conference began, more and more people gathered in the square.

Duoduoli also arrived at the press conference site.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

He answered the call immediately after seeing the number.

This number belonged to his killer hero.

As soon as the call was connected, the killer's voice came from the other side: "Mr. Dolly, I have sent you the latest information. This is their action plan and route."

"Also, please arrange a place for me to stay, otherwise I may be injured by mistake when I appear with them."

Duoduoli immediately said: "Don't worry, my people will pick you up and bring you to see me. After this matter, I will give you a background, so you don't have to continue to be a killer."

Hearing this, a surprised voice came from the other side: "Mr. Dolly, if this is the case, I will be very grateful to you."

After chatting for a while, Duoduoli actually found that he and the killer had a lot of topics to talk about and got along very well.

Especially the other party's views on Myanmar* were almost exactly the same as his.

For this reason alone, he wanted to recruit the other party.

So after hanging up the phone, he immediately told the secretary: "When the other party shows up, send someone to pick him up to see me."

The secretary frowned slightly and said: "Mr. Duoduoli, isn't this too risky? If the other party has ulterior motives, isn't it giving him a chance if we pick him up?"

Duoduoli shook his head and said with certainty: "The other party won't have ulterior motives. I have talked to the other party for so long, and I believe that the other party, like me, is for the good of Myanmar."

"Besides, we get along very well. Most importantly, if the other party has ulterior motives, there is no need to inform me that there are assassins coming to kill me. With so many assassins, if I am not on guard, it will be easy for them to kill me."

"On the contrary, it tells me that I am on guard, and it is more difficult for them to do it. The most important point is that I will be surrounded by guards at that time."

"I don't believe he can do anything among those guards, so don't worry that the other party has ulterior motives."

Hearing this, the secretary was relieved.

Indeed. Mr. Duoduoli has guards.

"Okay, the press conference should start, and I should show up." Duoduoli smiled and got up, walked out of the office, and went straight to the press conference site.

Sure enough, many people came around.

In addition to reporters, there are more people, and many people hold signs to oppose him.

Seeing this scene, he is not angry now, but waiting for these people to wake up and support him when he completely turns the tables.

That would be a very fulfilling thing.

At this time, a sniper rifle had already hit Duoduoli on the top of a building.

This killer was in the first position. If he could deal with Duoduoli, others would not have to do anything.

But in general, it was difficult.

Because Duoduoli had guards around him, the key distance was too far.

Therefore, the role of this killer was to hit anyone anywhere, and it would be best to hit Duoduoli. If he could not hit Duoduoli, he would create chaos and create opportunities for others.

The killer looked at Duoduoli from the camera and was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly he fell to the ground with blood on his forehead.

This was a headshot.

"The sniper on the roof of position 1 has been killed."

Duoduoli heard the report from the headset with a smile on his face. These killers would definitely not know that he already knew all their plans.

At the same time, a figure had already arrived at the central building and entered it with some trepidation.

He received news from the alliance that if he entered here and made a phone call, the other party would take him to Duoduoli.

This kind of thing is incredible.

After all, it was the first time for him to do this kind of mission, and someone actually brought him directly to the target.

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