Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 383 Duoduoli is exposed!

While Dodori was thinking about it, her phone suddenly rang.

This is the number of the person in charge of the Xuanfeng Alliance's recall, the person responsible for those sent to the Xuanfeng Alliance to recall the fleeing people.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

The other party should have gained something by calling back now.

Thinking of this, he immediately pressed answer and asked inside: "How is the matter going? Many of those people should be willing to come back, right?"

Dodori was still very confident when she asked this question.

After all, I have been gradually formulating measures since becoming the person in charge of Myanmar. I believe these measures will make those who have fled understand and come back.

An anxious voice sounded on the other side of the phone: "Mr. Dodori, the situation is not good. There are reports from various places that the people who fled do not want to come back to Myanmar."

Dodori was stunned when he heard this: "How is that possible?"

The person on the other end of the phone confirmed: "That's true. So far, no one has expressed their intention to return to Myanmar. Moreover, the responsible persons in various places have no way to deal with those people."

"After those people fled to the Xuanfeng Alliance, they could receive a monthly salary of 450,000 kyats, and they could also enjoy various benefits that our Myanmar government could not provide."

"What? Where did Xuanfeng Alliance get so much money?" Duduoli was immediately shocked: "Ordinary people have a monthly salary of 400,000 kyats. Can the products of Xuanfeng Alliance generate such huge economic benefits?"

Something in Dodori's heart seemed to be getting stronger.

At this moment, another phone call came in hastily.

He could only hang up the phone and answer a new one.

Because this new call is from the military.

Things over there are definitely more important. It should be that the pressure plan in Dara Town has made progress.

Dodori answered the phone, and an anxious voice came from the other side: "Mr. Dodori, something bad has happened. The people in Dara Town have fought back. All the people brought by Mr. Bruye have been dealt with. Bu Monsieur Rouye was killed in the line of duty, and the others were either eliminated or captured."

"What? Where do they get such courage? Their overall strength is obviously not as strong as ours." Dudoli's face suddenly darkened, and he cursed angrily: "Damn it!"

After hanging up the phone, a sneer appeared on his face.

That's just right.

The other party gave him a chance to take action.

He immediately called his secretary and ordered: "We are going to have a new plan. We are going to see the real strategy with the Xuanfeng Alliance. You have someone draw up a specific plan."

An anxious voice came from the secretary: "Mr. Dodori, you may be in trouble. I think you should solve this problem for the time being, otherwise it will become a big trouble."

"What trouble?" Dodori was stunned.

"Mr. Dodori, I'd better report to you." The secretary hung up the phone after saying this. A moment later, he hurriedly appeared in Dodori's office.

As soon as he saw Duo Duoli, he immediately reported: "Mr. Du Duoli, there is very unfavorable news for you on the Internet. It was posted by a Burmese soldier."

With that said, the secretary took out a tablet, opened a video and handed it to Dodori.

Dodori took the tablet, and when he saw the video, his expression changed.

In the video, he held a weapon in a mighty and domineering manner and brutally shot at a group of Burmese people.

The faces of those people were full of fear and fear.

He showed no mercy at all and shot all of them, and then very calmly ordered the soldiers to bury the bodies as well.

The video even gave a close-up of his face, as if he was very happy after killing those people.

It makes him look like a murderer.

There is a monologue at the end of the video: "As a participant in this matter, I really feel sorry. Because I am a soldier, I can only follow orders. I can't stop Mr. Dodori from doing anything, and he didn't even wait." We reacted and shot all those people, and he asked us to bury them, so I had no choice but to do it because I was a soldier and could only follow orders."

"But this does not mean that I agree with Mr. Dodori's behavior. Moreover, this is something that completely violates my moral bottom line."

"So I have been feeling very uneasy and haven't had a good night's sleep during this period. Finally, I made a difficult decision to expose this matter."

After watching this video, Dodori's face changed drastically and she exclaimed: "How dare he do this? Does he know what this means? He wants to harm the entire Myanmar."

He knew exactly what it would mean to him if it came to light.

He might be finished.

Especially after seeing the countless comments under that video,

"Oh my god, is the person in charge of our Myanmar government such a murderous demon? What does he think of the people?"

"I knew that Duoduoli could not make Myanmar better. If he dared to do such a thing, he had no regard for the lives of the people of Myanmar. We are doomed."

"I regret it. Why didn't I follow my brother to escape to the Xuanfeng Alliance? With such a person in power, it is impossible for Myanmar to get better. It can only get worse."

"How can an indifferent person make this place better? I have seen the end of Myanmar's destruction."


Duoduoli's face became more and more gloomy. The ignorant soldier, didn't the other party know that if he harmed him, the situation that Myanmar had finally stabilized would begin to become chaotic. .

Will it be completely finished by then?

"Mr. Duoduoli, what should we do now?" The secretary looked at Duoduoli with complicated eyes. He didn't expect Mr. Duoduoli to do such a terrible thing.

But as a secretary, he couldn't say anything. He was bound to Mr. Duoduoli.

"Find that soldier for me, and quickly get someone to solve the video on the Internet, don't let the video continue to spread." Duoduoli responded immediately.

Now we can only deal with it from the source.

The secretary immediately frowned and said, "Mr. Duoduoli, I have some very bad news for you. I asked someone to solve the online news as soon as possible, but our most powerful network technicians couldn't solve the problem of this video."

"They said that hackers have controlled our entire Myanmar network, and anyone who logs on to the network, whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, will see this video at the first time."

"That is to say, most of the people in Myanmar should have seen this video."

After hearing this, Duoduoli immediately took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet. As soon as he logged in, a news pop-up window popped up: "Duoduoli massacred innocent people. There is no hope for such a demon! "

Seeing this, he fell down on the chair powerlessly.

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