Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 375 He got his mind right in just one month! The benefits of spending money!

As Lu Feng and his men operated in the dark, countless Burmese people rushed out from various passages and entered the Xuanfeng Alliance.

You know, Myanmar's border was not very good to begin with, and now there are rebellions everywhere, which is even worse, with sieves everywhere.

Under the intentional guidance of the Xuanfeng Alliance, those people went out easily.

Kukul told his wife about going to the Xuanfeng Alliance as soon as possible.

His wife was shocked by his operation. She was also worried and afraid recently, so she agreed to Kukul's decision.

After that, the two called their parents and left Myanmar overnight.

This kind of escape is very hard and dangerous.

Fortunately, when they arrived at a location mentioned by the intermediaries, they really saw that there were many cars here to pick up those who paid.

After Kukul took people on the car, he was taken directly to a city in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

In this city, the city is very prosperous, with wide roads, various infrastructures, and high-rise buildings...

Many of them are not available in his central city in Myanmar.

Moreover, he saw a lot of compatriots here, who seemed to have fled from Myanmar like him.

These people seemed to be waiting for some news.

Finally, an intermediary came out and shouted: "I have good news for everyone. Now you can apply for membership in the Xuanfeng Alliance for free. You won't have this opportunity in the future. Hurry up if you want to become a citizen..."

Kukul didn't hesitate and raised his hand immediately: "I... our whole family will..."

He had been brainwashed a long time ago, and now he just wanted to be a resident of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Under his leadership, the people from Myanmar around him raised their hands to express their willingness, fearing that they would fall behind.

Kukul was soon taken to the household registration office in the city center.

Many service posts had been added here, and the staff had been ready for battle.

At the original place where the car got off, another car stopped, and many people from Myanmar got off again.

The man came out again: "I have good news for you. Now you can apply for membership in the Xuanfeng Alliance for free. You won't have this opportunity in the future. Hurry up if you want to become a citizen..."

Instantly, the Burmese people were also impatient and raised their hands.

Household Registration Center.

After waiting in line for a long time, Kukul quickly handled the identity and household registration of the Xuanfeng Alliance. From now on, he will be a member of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This speed is really unexpectedly fast.

Paying money is still good.

Now he just hopes that he can go smoothly to the place where he works.

So, he and his family quickly went to the station and got on the bus according to the ticket given by the intermediary.

Fortunately, Myanmar and Cambodia of the Xuanfeng Alliance are very close, and the languages ​​are similar, so they can understand each other, get on the bus smoothly, and go to the destination.

When Kukul got off the bus at the place, he also took out his mobile phone and called his boss. Soon he met his boss, a humble old man, who drove a three-wheeled truck to pick him up.

"Kukul?" The old man asked.

"Boss, I'm Kukul." Kukul answered immediately.

"Get in the car!" The old man also called out. After Kukul and the others got in the car, he started the car and headed for his home. He also said to Kukul: "Since you have come to work in the Xuanfeng Alliance, you should be at ease. The Xuanfeng Alliance is better than Myanmar. We have a good governor."

"I was also very poor before. It was difficult to eat. After the governor came, our lives got better. Just relying on planting, I made a lot of money and built a small Western-style building."

"There is also a car at home. These are all changes in a short period of time. You work hard. When you have a better place to go, you can also go there."

Kukul's eyes were full of hope when he heard the description of the new boss.

When he arrived at the place, he really saw the small Western-style building that the boss said: "Boss, your house is so beautiful."

It really made him too envious.

This kind of small Western-style building, in their Myanmar, can only be lived in by big officials.

His boss actually built this small Western-style building himself.

The old man smiled and said, "What's so beautiful about this? My son went to the Wind City to sell on behalf of others, and he bought a villa there, which is much more beautiful than this."

"You should know that before this, he almost starved his wife and children to death. If it weren't for the fact that women here were worried about getting married at that time, he wouldn't have been able to get married."

"Fortunately, the governor's policies have made us rich. When you have time, you should pay more attention to the policies of the Governor's Office. Maybe it will help you."

When Kukul heard this, he admired the governor in his boss's mouth even more.

What kind of person can make this poor place so rich?

Thinking of the officials in their Burmese*, it's really hard to describe.

Kukul was warmly entertained, and the next day, he followed the boss to the planting field and started working.

He worked very hard, and the boss's accommodation and food were very good. Even his wife and family were arranged to work, and they could follow the boss's wife to the mountains to cut a special kind of grass.

These grasses grow wild and can be sold to Xuanfeng Winery.

It used to be all over the mountains, but now it takes time to find the cut ones. Fortunately, this grass will grow again.

The boss lady said that the money from the sale of the cut grass would belong to their family.

He knew that he had met a good person.

Days passed by, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

This month, Kukul lived a very fulfilling life. There was no war, no chaos, no security issues. He just had to work wholeheartedly.

"Kukul, come here, I'll calculate your salary." The boss called from a distance.

"Okay, boss." Kukul respected the boss very much and ran over respectfully immediately.

The two of them looked at it in front of a computer. It was mainly dividends. In addition to the basic salary of 70,000 Xuanfeng coins, there was also his dividend.

In the end, he could get a salary of 140,000 Xuanfeng coins this month.

When the money was deposited into the new account, Kukul could no longer hide the smile on his face. It's still the best in the Xuanfeng Alliance. I will never go back to that kind of hellhole in Myanmar.

On this day, not only Kukul, but also the first wave of Myanmar people who came to the Xuanfeng Alliance received their first salary. There was joy everywhere.

For Myanmar, they no longer miss it.

This also made others look forward to it.

At the Wind Manor, Baguda also reported to Lu Feng with a smile on his face: "Governor, after the merger of Dara Town and Cambodia, with the addition of Boya, plus the people absorbed in the past month, the total number of our Xuanfeng Alliance has exceeded 30 million."

30 million people, this is definitely a very large number.

With this population base, the Xuanfeng Alliance can no longer be regarded as a purely small force.

"How are those people now?" Lu Feng is most concerned about this.

Baguda smiled and said: "The salary has been paid. Believe me, no one will miss Myanmar. The average 100,000 Xuanfeng coins is almost several times what they earn in Myanmar."

Simply put, it is throwing money at people. .

Lu Feng laughed when he heard this. 100,000 Xuanfeng coins are just more than 10,000 dragon coins.

This salary is nothing in Dragon Country, but for people in places like Myanmar, it is absolutely unimaginable.

Lu Feng was discussing with Baguda, and suddenly looked at the game world in his mind. Lin Jiao paced back and forth in the hall, not once.

Something must be happening in the gaming world.

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