Carrying a game world with you

I missed a paragraph in the latest chapter, so I’ll add it here. Don’t mind if you’ve read it!

How many people in China have fallen for this kind of trick?

That already shows that it is a very successful trick.

Now the facts have proved the success of this trick.

Lu Feng looked at the money data that kept increasing next to the screen, and couldn't help but sigh, asking for money, labor, and naturalization.

It's a bit greedy.

However, this money will eventually be spent on those refugees.


And there is another data below the money data, which has reached 310,000, and the data is still increasing rapidly.

That is the Burmese people who have registered to come to the Xuanfeng Alliance. .

You have to know that this is only a short time, and it has reached this number, which is absolutely terrible.

This is enough to show how chaotic and disappointing the current situation in Myanmar is.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xiaozhi's artificial intelligence is awesome, and its operation makes even his owner feel scared.

For ordinary people, no matter how many hackers there are, they can't do this.

Myanmar*, Kukul quickly paid the money and filled in the information. He was a farmer and was finally assigned a planting job. The boss was an old couple. It seemed that their son went to the big city to make a living. He couldn't farm the land alone, so he needed to find someone to help him for a long time. In addition to wages, there were also dividends.

Although it was farming, Kukul liked it very much because it was what he was good at.

The agent was also very powerful. He even gave him a designated escape route. There were rest stops along the way, and someone picked him up. When he arrived at the Xuanfeng Alliance, he also prepared a ticket.

He downloaded a ticket checking system of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and he was able to check his ticket.

All this was incredible to him.

But he still told his wife about it, and then left with his wife overnight and fled to the Xuanfeng Alliance according to the route.

Such scenes are happening everywhere in Myanmar*. .

The upper echelons of Myanmar* are playing the game of rebellion and suppression of rebellion, and have no energy to pay attention to this aspect.

When they get everything done and notice this situation, they will be dumbfounded, right?

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