Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 376 Must you give an explanation?

Lu Feng saw that there was a situation in the game and asked Baguda directly: "Is there anyone coming from there now?"

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Baguda immediately said: "After the first wave of wages is paid, another wave of people is coming, but this time the Myanmar side should also find out."

"After all, there are too many people. No matter how chaotic they are and how uncontrollable the situation is, it's impossible to ignore these situations, right?"

"Well, you ask the Dalai Lama and Hong Lizhi to prepare themselves for any eventuality." Lu Feng also gave instructions to Baguda.

In fact, it's not that the officials in Myanmar ignored it or couldn't find it, but that Xiaozhi interfered with it.

Those big shots could only see some things about their opponents targeting them, but could not see any information about residents escaping and disappearing.

It is precisely because of Xiaozhi that the Xuanfeng Alliance was able to introduce so many Burmese people this month.

"Okay, Your Majesty the Governor, I will contact them when I get back."

"Go and do your work first!"

Baguda also nodded and left the Wind Manor.

Lu Feng went up to the second floor, found a room, and had an idea enter the game.

When he arrived at the hall of the eastern suburbs fortress, he met Lin Jiao.

"Boss, you finally showed up and are in trouble." Lin Jiao saw him and immediately reported: "Those disappeared zombies began to appear slowly. They rushed out of a mountain forest, and they appeared again with speed and strength. They are all stronger than before, and many zombies have even evolved into mutated zombies. Emperor Yan wants to invite you to explore together. "

"Yes." Lu Feng nodded slightly. This was the emergence of the Hexagonal Beast crisis, which meant that the game world was about to cause a catastrophe in the game background.

Lu Feng did not refuse Yan Emperor's invitation. He sent someone to the Shidong Alliance to reply, and then they made an appointment to go to a location near the mountains and forests in Tianhai City.

Seeing Emperor Yan again, Lu Feng felt that this man looked a little haggard, and he obviously felt some kind of crisis.

When Emperor Yan saw Lu Feng, he said directly: "Lu Feng, our survivors may be in big trouble this time. According to this trend, those zombies will gather into a zombie wave."

Lu Feng looked towards the forest and saw more and more zombies pouring out.

Mutated zombies among zombies can also be seen everywhere, especially the very huge zombies, which are a bit scary.

"There must be something controlling behind this, otherwise it wouldn't be able to reach this level." The more Emperor Yan said, his expression became more solemn: "And it's not just zombies, I found that mutant beasts also have a tendency to gather."

"Lu Feng, if there is really someone controlling these zombies, they will definitely attack our Shidong Alliance, and their target will definitely be the Shidong Alliance."

"90% of the survivors in the entire Tianhai City are gathered there. However, if the people behind these zombies have intelligence, they will definitely target the Eastern Suburb Fortress as well."

"So, Lu Feng, I will leave the eastern suburbs fortress to you. I hope you can make me worry-free."

Lu Feng was still looking at the zombies in the distance. He felt something was wrong. This huge fat dove zombie didn't seem to be the one that should appear now.

This will not appear until the Tianhai City Shidong Alliance split into princes. This kind of zombie is very powerful and is very powerful when it attacks.

Lu Feng didn't say much to Emperor Yan and soon separated from him. As for what the other party said, he would guard the eastern suburbs fortress and take control of this place without the other party's orders. Later, everyone would listen to him. Otherwise, just wait until you get hungry.

However, this zombie group was a little different from the background information, so he felt that he still needed to make more preparations.

That small nuclear warhead in the backpack space may not be enough.

Therefore, after he returned to the eastern suburbs fortress, he quit the game world with just one thought.

Back at the Wind Manor, he called Veisen with a phone call.

He hasn't seen this guy for a long time. He is doing a good job as the foreign minister. He has made friends with almost all the surrounding forces. In the future, when the seaport is completely opened, those forces will also contribute to the economic prosperity of the seaport.

However, he did not forget Veson's original identity, which was an arms dealer. It was he who helped buy the two small nuclear warheads.

He now needs the other party to help him get two more. Even if he can't get this, he still needs to be very powerful.

Vessen came soon, and his life now is indeed more prosperous than before, especially as the Xuanfeng Alliance develops better and better.

Seeing Lu Feng, he immediately said respectfully: "Your Excellency, Governor, why do you want to see me?"

He lowered his head and did not even dare to look at Lu Feng as a sign of respect.

He knew very well how terrifying this person was, and it was really hard to believe that the other party had relied on the weak power of Dara Town to create such a big momentum.

Back then, he was defeated by the opponent and took away power and control of his personal freedom. Maybe it was his luck.

Lu Feng also directly stated his purpose: "Weisen, please help me do something. I also need two small nuclear weapons, preferably like the ones before. If not, weapons with the same power will also work."

"Ah?" Vessen was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that the Governor came to him for this matter.

But this thing is really not easy to do.

It's just that the governor ordered it, so he can only do it with all his strength.

"Your Majesty the Governor, I will try my best to do it." Vessen nodded in agreement.


Myanmar*, after a month, the chaos has finally recovered a little.

The reason is very simple, because of a person, his name is Dodoli.

Originally, Myanmar* had three rights holders, the first one was Chaichaida, and the third one was Saye.

This Dodoli ranked second.

But in fact, Dodoli's prestige was not high, or he did not want to participate in the competition between Jinsaye and Chaichaida. He just wanted to make the land he loved better. No matter who won, he would help him.

But the facts were obviously beyond his expectations. Chaichaida and Saye both died on the way to Boya. .

He guessed that this must be related to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

But before he could deal with this matter, the rebellion in Myanmar* broke out, and there was chaos everywhere.

Fortunately, he used his means to peacefully resolve the two forces and control the warriors. Later, he relied on the support of merchants to control the other rebels.

Only then did he have time to see the impact of this rebellion on the people.

But when he got the report, he was dumbfounded.

People in many places have left, especially in some small towns, where more than half of the people have disappeared, and in some villages, even all the people have left.

Is a rebellion so harmful?

A secretary rushed in: "Mr. Duoduoli, the statistics show that nearly one-seventh of our people are missing, and they are all in cities, towns, and villages near the border."

"How could this happen?" Duoduoli frowned and asked: "Where did they go after the investigation?"

The secretary hurriedly said: "It has been found out that they went to the Xuanfeng Alliance. In the past month, countless people have gone to the Xuanfeng Alliance. It seems that someone has promoted how good the Xuanfeng Alliance is, how easy it is to find a job, and how high the salary is on the Internet."

"Perhaps because of this, those people compared it with the current situation in Myanmar and chose to flee to the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"Moreover, people are still escaping from the border and heading to the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"Damn it." Duoduoli couldn't sit still after hearing the news. He got up and ordered: "Let's go to the border. We can't let anyone leave again. Moreover, this must be the Xuanfeng Alliance. We must let them give an explanation."

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