Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 357 Fat people from all over the world gather in Xuanfeng Alliance!

In the following time, the Xuanfeng Alliance was quite lively and once again became the focus of the international community.

Because more and more international celebrities began to appear in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

These international celebrities were all fat, and they were the fat celebrities who thanked the Xuanfeng Alliance and promoted the Xuanfeng nutritional medicine.

This also attracted the attention of countless people to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Especially those who were obese.

Losing weight has always been a painful thing.

Especially for those who would gain weight even if they drank cold water.


It was impossible to lose weight at all.

Some people chose to have surgery out of helplessness.

But surgery is always accompanied by many risks and sequelae.

Moreover, not everyone has the conditions to do this surgery, not to mention the economic problems, there are also problems such as working hours.

They had paid attention to the Xuanfeng Alliance long before.

After all, the news released by those fat celebrities clearly proved that the nutritional medicine of the Xuanfeng Alliance was very effective.

At least everyone lost a lot of weight.

The key is that it only took a week to achieve this effect, so naturally countless fat people paid attention to it and wanted to know more about the Xuanfeng Alliance Nutritional Medicine.

But when they asked about the Xuanfeng Nutritional Medicine, they found that it had not been released at all, and they had no way to explore it. They wanted to buy it but had no source.

They could only wait.

They had been paying attention to this news, so they immediately knew that the Xuanfeng Alliance had invited those fat celebrities to go to the Xuanfeng Alliance to participate in the nutrition medicine press conference.

Now more and more fat celebrities have gone to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Does that mean that the Xuanfeng Alliance is about to release the nutrition medicine?

In this case, can I buy the nutrition medicine immediately?

Indeed, the Xuanfeng Alliance Nutritional Medicine Press Conference is coming soon.

At this time, the Xuanfeng Alliance released a piece of news that made all the fat people excited.

When the Xuanfeng Alliance Nutritional Medicine Press Conference is held, 100,000 boxes of nutrition medicine will be sold on site, and 1,000 places will be drawn on site to experience the nutrition medicine weight loss course for free. The press conference will be held at the New Seaport Beach Tourist Area in Bo Asia. 》

This news is bound to shock people and cause a fat storm internationally.

This is indeed the case.


Chen Lu has been unable to eat or drink recently, and has been holding her mobile phone to check the news about the nutritional medicine of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

She is a fat person because her father is the boss of a large company. She has lived a rich life since she was a child and has eaten well. She did not have the concept of restraint when she was a child, which led to her body developing in width when she grew up.

Later, she even got fatter by drinking water.

This made her very distressed.

Although her family told her that it was okay to be a little fat? Her family was rich and it was easy to find an excellent man.

She did have several handsome boyfriends. She was a face control, but these boyfriends liked her and other women at the same time.

In other words, they liked her money and other women at the same time, and used the money she gave to spend on the women they liked.

She really couldn't accept such a relationship.

She knew that all this was due to her fat body.

She should have been a white, rich and beautiful woman, but because of this body of meat, she became a free ATM for others to support their girlfriends.

She wanted to change this situation, but there was no effective way to lose weight. She even tried liposuction, but it happened again soon.

Her situation was a bit like that of the international singer Grace, so after she accidentally saw the promotion released by Grace, she kept an eye on the news of Xuanfeng Alliance.

If the products of Xuanfeng Alliance were really so effective, they would definitely save her.

When she saw the news released by Xuanfeng Alliance on her mobile phone, she jumped up directly from the bed. The bed seemed to bear an unbearable weight and made a strong creaking sound.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone to log in to the ticket purchase website and bought a ticket to Xuanfeng Alliance International Airport.

Not only Chen Lu, as the news of Xuanfeng Alliance came out, countless fat people in the world were excited. In a short period of time, airlines that had routes with Xuanfeng Alliance or routes around Xuanfeng Alliance were confused.

The tickets were inexplicably sold out in a short period of time, and when the registration time came, those tourists were all fat and big.

The flight attendants looked worried.

Can the plane withstand it?

Even the flight attendants reported it carefully.

In a short period of time, after those fat celebrities, fat people from various countries came to Xuanfeng Alliance like a tide.

Wind Manor.

At the tea table, Baguda, Lu Feng, and Yasna were all sitting, and Liu Hai, who was applying for the position of the head of the international seaport operation of Xuanfeng Alliance, was standing next to them.

On the screen in front, the situation of Xuanfeng Alliance Airport was broadcast. Most of the people coming out of the airport were fat.

They all wanted to buy products at the Xuanfeng Alliance Nutrition Medicine Conference or wanted to be one of the 1,000 free weight loss treatment experiencers.

Now ordinary people who want to come to Xuanfeng Alliance have to compete with fat people for tickets.

As more and more fat people come out of Xuanfeng Alliance Airport, it will become a spectacular sight.

Liu Hai next to him introduced: "Now the transfers and buses to Poya District are all full. Many fat people will be stranded in the Wind City, which will also promote the prosperity of the Wind City."

"Moreover, the beach scenic area at the New Harbor has begun to open for business. Many fat people who have arrived in Poya have arrived at the beach scenic area immediately and generated a lot of consumption."

"The super cruise ship ordered by Deputy Governor Baguda has also arrived and has been opened for viewing. It has also welcomed a lot of people to visit. The guest rooms, restaurants, supermarkets... various functions on the cruise ship have also begun to operate."

Baguda and Yasna nodded from time to time after hearing Liu Hai's report.

Because the information released by the Xuanfeng Alliance after those celebrities came was all Liu Hai's idea, and the current Xuanfeng Alliance, Fatty Chao, was also the work of the other party.

For this, both Baguda and Yasna were very satisfied.

Lu Feng's brows furrowed slightly, and he heard Xiaozhi read another message: "Master, we found another spy. He has already checked into the hotel, and he is also a fat man who came here."

Hearing this, Lu Feng was very confused. What does it mean?

This time many spies came. The key point is that all of them are fat, and one of them weighed 300 pounds. Such people should be spies.

Are you just teasing him?

At the end of Liu Hai's words, he also invited the three of them: "Governor, the two deputy governors, we can now go to the new seaport to see it live."

Baguda and Yasna looked at Lu Feng eagerly.

"Then let's go!" Lu Feng nodded, not wanting to spoil the fun of the two of them.

Therefore, the four of them walked out of the manor hall together, and asked Black Snake to arrange a helicopter directly, and then flew to Poya District.

After a long journey, the four of them first stayed in Poya District for one night, and then went to the New Harbor Beach Scenic Area together.

As soon as they arrived at the scenic spot, Baguda and Yasna were immediately attracted by the scenic spot. It was hard to believe that Liu Hai and his team had built it within half a month.

The 15-kilometer-long coast has a natural bathing beach surrounded by various beautiful floating facilities.

Moreover, the beach here has obviously been specially treated by Liu Hai, so the sand is soft, the tide is flat, the beach is wide, the water is clear, and the wind is cool and dust-free.

There is also a lush ornamental forest belt on the shore, all of which are mature trees that cost a lot of money.

Tucked away in the shade of green trees, summer is like spring, and cool is exactly how to describe this entire beach area.

This definitely meets the standards of coastal tourism in today's world.

Ocean, beach, air, sunshine and green, plus sea bathing, rows of deck chairs and parasols, and sunbathing and sand bathing functions.

There are also various simple play facilities, such as wave boards, jet skis, sailboats, pontoons, water trapezes... everything is available.

The most important thing is naturally the beach coffee area, rest area, tourist area, viewing area and other functional areas.

Flower arrays, simple buildings, sea-viewing pavilions, fountains, sculptures... the decorations are even more attractive.

Baguda and Asna have never seen this kind of beach resort.

Lu Feng has seen it. It is like moving some well-known beach scenic spots in China, but also adding many Xuanfeng Alliance features.

The most important thing is the coast here, which is far away from the noisy markets and industrial areas. The sea water is free from any pollution. The sea and sky are just one line, natural and green.

This is the advantage.

Why are there so many tourists in seaside cities, but not as much as Asia and Hawaii? It is because of these natural conditions.

"Governor, this beach scenic spot is really well developed."

"Yeah, I can't believe this happened in half a month."

This is also a compliment to bangs.

Lu Feng also looked at Liu Hai and praised: "Well done, please work hard in the future."

"Don't worry, Governor, I won't embarrass you." Liu Hai immediately promised, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had passed and would have a lot to do in the future.

The last sentence is because he is also from the Dragon Kingdom, and it was the governor who hired him from the Dragon Kingdom. If he doesn't do a good job, he will not be the only one who loses face.

Just when Lu Feng and his party were looking at the beach in the scenic area, there was also an inconspicuous boat stopping on the sea in the distance, and there were people on it looking at the beach area with binoculars.

"Are we really going to take action then?"

"Why not? This is a natural opportunity."

"That's right, if we finish this job, we can retire directly."

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