Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 356 People cannot be so stupid as to not see the situation clearly!

"Boss Wang, go take care of your own business first. I still have some things to deal with." Lu Feng also said to Wang Kai immediately.

Wang Kai naturally knew that as the leader of the Xuanfeng Alliance, Boss Lu must be very busy sometimes, and the things he was busy with were usually big things.

So, seeing him say that, he stood up and said goodbye and left.

Lu Feng then asked Xiao Zhi: "Is this news true?"

"Master, it is confirmed. I have been monitoring them and found that several forces are already preparing weapons. I believe they will take action soon."

While Xiao Zhi was talking, the screen in front of Lu Feng also lit up.

Video images began to appear on it. It was the scene shot by Xiao Zhi's invasion of various forces in Myanmar*, and it also had a recording of the communication conversation.

"I am also ready to take action. I have been unhappy with that guy for a long time."

"Even if Saye and Chai Caida died, it's not that guy's turn to make decisions."


"Hahaha, I didn't dare to do it before Saye died, so what am I afraid of now?"


"I have won the support of several businessmen, and the weapons have been purchased, don't worry!"

The communication dialogues are telling the information of the upcoming rebellion.

Moreover, it is not just one force that wants to rebel, but many forces that want to rebel at the same time.

They plan to divide up Myanmar's power and form their own warlord forces.

This is also a common thing in such a chaotic area.

It won't be long before Myanmar will be completely chaotic.

At that time, many things can be done.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng smiled and ordered Xiao Zhi: "Give me a comprehensive monitoring of all the conditions of Myanmar. When they are in chaos, I want to know it first."

"Okay, master." Xiao Zhi nodded.

At this time, Yang Ming walked in.

Lu Feng smiled and greeted the other party: "Cousin, what's the situation?"

The cousin is in charge of the transformed ability users around him.

Usually at this time, they are practicing with those ability transformation warriors.

Come over and say something might happen.

Yang Ming asked back: "Didn't Auntie ask us to go to the Fruit City for dinner today?"

"I almost forgot about it." Lu Feng smiled awkwardly: "Let's go, let's go to the Fruit City to take a look, Mom can't sit still."

After Mom was taken to the Xuanfeng Alliance, even though she lived in a big manor, had someone to serve her every day, and had everything she needed, the old lady couldn't sit still, and would rather move out and find something to do.

She took Yang Qingxue's mother Chen Fen out to open the largest fruit city in Feng City.

The money was still paid by Yang Qingxue.

Because Lin Shuang was afraid that Lu Feng would not agree, she found Yang Qingxue.

Lu Feng also beat Yang Qingxue severely with a stick for not discussing this matter with him.

After that, he let Mom and the others do it.

Yang Ming's parents were also called in to join the partnership. Moreover, the fruit city is very large and the income is very high. In addition, tourism is popular, so they can make a lot of money.

Of course, for them, it is not important whether they make money now.

After all, the money given by their son and daughter every month is very high, and coupled with Lu Feng's special status in the Xuanfeng Alliance, their status is also transcendent.

The most important thing is that they want to do something.

After all, not everyone is willing to be an old man who eats and waits for death.

In the case of no pressure in life and no worries, if there is no pursuit, then it is really a salted fish.

Lin Shuang's pursuit is to sell fruits.

But people's pursuits are not big or small, right?

Soon Qin Lin and Yang Ming arrived at the central and prosperous street of Fengzhidu.

Lin Shuang's fruit city is in the best position of the street, with a big hotel next to it, and the Fengzhidu Police Station is just opposite.

When Lu Feng and Yang Ming came in, they were entertaining guests.

And there are many guests in the fruit city, which is very lively.

Although they have hired employees, they still like to help in person.

"Why come so early? It's still early for dinner, and I don't have time to take care of you." Lin Shuang saw the two and just said one sentence and went to entertain guests again.

Lin Shuang and Yang Ming could only walk to the bar awkwardly, and would help if someone came to ask.

After a while, a few men from Longguo came in.

Except for the middle-aged man in the lead, the others all had tattoos on their bodies, and they were not good people at first glance.

Lu Feng turned his head and frowned.

Wouldn't it be that something bloody happened when he came to see his mother?

A middle-aged man came to the bar and asked: "Excuse me, who is the owner of this fruit city?"

"What do you want?" Lu Feng looked at the other party and asked.

The middle-aged man immediately explained: "It's a bit of a waste to open a fruit city in this location. This is the best shop near this street. I plan to sublease the fruit city and then open a nightclub here."

"Of course, as compensation, I will give a large amount of compensation, and I will also find a store in other places on this street for the fruit city."

The middle-aged man was still expectant when he spoke.

This location is too good.

Besides, he was a nightclub in China.

Coming to the Xuanfeng Alliance, I unexpectedly discovered the market gap of the Xuanfeng Alliance's nightclub, and the consumption is very high.

Although it is a little different from China, China needs female models, but here only male models are needed.

Now there is only one nightclub in the entire Wind City, which is owned by Qingfeng Entertainment Company. It is almost full every day, and the consumption is terribly high.

Can you imagine that a group of beauties from the Xuanfeng Alliance will give away 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 yuan in spending money with a wave of their hands?

Are they more generous than those male guests who go to bars in China?

It's incredible.

This is much more profitable than running a nightclub in China.

So, they are in a hurry to find a place to run a nightclub.

This Fruit City is undoubtedly the best place.

So, after making the decision, they came here to ask.

Lu Feng now understood the purpose of these people

It is naturally impossible for him to sublet the place to the other party, after all, this is the place built by his mother.

As long as his mother is happy, other things are not important at all.

But he also knows that people like the other party will not give up easily.

So, he also took out his mobile phone and called Chen Hao.

Chen Bo was transferred to the Boya District as a senior executive, and the position of the director of the Wind City Police Station was vacant.

Then, Chen Hao was transferred here.

This was not done by Lu Feng.

It was done by Chen Hao himself.

After all, the other party's father-in-law is the director of the Finance Department of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After becoming the director, he can continue to rise in the legal system.

So, he just asked his father-in-law to do it.

Lu Feng naturally had no opinion on these things.

The key is that such things did not bother him, which also shows that the people who came from China with him have been integrated into the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Or the locals of the Xuanfeng Alliance have also accepted this aspect.

This is a good thing.

He called Chen Hao over, and there was nothing to do, just to tell Chen Hao something to avoid being disturbed by his mother in the future.

"Mr. Lu, what do you want?"

"Come to my mother's fruit shop."

"Okay, come right away, Lin Chao (Chapter 270) and I will have dinner next to it."

Lu Feng hung up the phone.

The middle-aged man and his group looked at Lu Feng in astonishment. They only asked about renting a shop, so why did the other party call?

Call a lawyer to sign a contract?

But in just a moment, he saw a group of people wearing Xuanfeng Alliance police uniforms appear outside the fruit city.

Everyone else stayed outside, and only one person came in.

The middle-aged man recognized the other person. Wasn't he the Chen Hao who reached the pinnacle of his life?

He was originally a gangster, married the daughter of the Minister of Finance of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and became the warden of the prison.

Recently, he also became the chief of the police station in the Wind City.

This is simply the idol of many Dragon people, and it is also envied by everyone.

But there is no doubt that the other party has a lot of power in the Wind City, and it must be very simple to kill someone.

When the middle-aged man saw the other party coming in, he even thought about going up to say hello and show his face, so that he would be remembered, and it would be easier to work in the nightclub in the Wind City in the future.

Chen Hao directly ignored the middle-aged man and went straight to Lu Feng: "Boss Lu, what's wrong?"

Lu Feng didn't even look at the middle-aged man, and ordered Chen Hao: "My mother, please take care of this fruit city. Come and sit more when you are free. If anyone disturbs them, just take care of it."

"Okay, Boss Lu." Chen Hao replied with a smile. Even if Boss Lu didn't say it, he would do it.

Even if he has nothing to do, he has to come to buy some fruit and show his face.

If there are really people who are crazy and come here to cause trouble, he has plenty of ways to deal with them.

The middle-aged man next to him looked a little ugly, and the faces of the other people also changed.

Although the two people talked briefly and did not mention them, people cannot be so stupid as to not understand the situation.

The middle-aged man immediately led people away in embarrassment, and was even more shocked in his heart.

The Chen Hao just now was obviously very respectful to Mr. Lu, and the other party called him immediately.

The power behind this fruit seller is extremely terrifying.

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