Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 358 Pirates are targeting us! The pirates want to retire!

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

"Let's go to the Boya District and see how they are doing." After Lu Feng took people around, he also said to Baguda and Yasna.

The two nodded in unison.

Since they are here, they naturally have to take a look.

Baguda wants to see how capable they are and whether they have done a good job. After all, he recommended them and he doesn't want to lose face.

Yasna wants to see whether those people are doing their best to manage the Boya District.

Even if he has completely trusted the Xuanfeng Alliance, he still has special feelings for his hometown.

In addition, this press conference is on the super cruise ship, so the defense work must be done well.

After all, the people who come are international celebrities. Once something happens, no matter how good their products are, the reputation of the Xuanfeng Alliance will be ruined.

Not only Lu Feng and his friends are watching this beach scenic area, many fat people who come to the Xuanfeng Alliance have already poured in here.

After all, this is the place where the press conference is held.

Chen Lu was like this.

As soon as she arrived at Xuanfeng Alliance, she came here as soon as possible.

Before coming here, she had read the information of this beach tourist area. In the information, this beach was very deserted.

Before Boya joined Xuanfeng Alliance, this place had not been developed at all.

Many experts questioned whether it was inappropriate for Xuanfeng Alliance to hold the press conference here.

But when she came here, she felt that those experts were talking nonsense. What was inappropriate here? This beach scenic area was built so beautifully, and it was not worse than those seaside beach scenic areas in China.

Moreover, the natural environment here is better, obviously better than those beach scenic areas in China.

After Chen Lu crossed the beach, she went to the temporary port and boarded the super luxury cruise ship of Xuanfeng Alliance.

This world-class super cruise ship is not something that those beach tourist attractions in China can provide.

Her family is considered rich, but she was still shocked when she got on this super cruise ship.

It is so luxurious that it doesn’t look like a cruise ship, but a building.

Buffet restaurant, lounge, swimming pool, gym, internet cafe, shop, infirmary, dance hall, bar, shopping mall...

In addition, there is a luxurious banquet hall in the middle that can accommodate more than 5,000 people and an 18-story deck.

Who can imagine how shocking this super cruise ship is?

This is really not available in any scenic spot in China.

In addition, it is decorated with gold and jade, and even the accommodation is of 5-star hotel standard, and there is also a super amusement park.

It's simply amazing.

The key is that the cruise ship also plays video prompts. Once the number of tourists reaches a certain proportion, it will go on a sea cruise.

You can lie in the cruise hotel room while experiencing the vast ocean, and even play in the water park open on the side of the cruise.

This is even more difficult to refuse.

Chen Lu looked at the receipt of 3,000 Dragon Country Currency per night in her hand, but she thought it was definitely worth it.

Tourists could not enter the luxurious banquet hall of the cruise ship because the staff were still setting up the press conference site.

This attracted the attention of all the tourists on the cruise ship, and they all ran over and watched around the railing.

They circled around one by one, and there were layers of fat people, which put a lot of pressure on the staff who were setting up the venue.

But in this atmosphere, the venue of the press conference was quickly set up.

It also means that the Xuanfeng Alliance Nutritional Medicine Product Press Conference is about to begin.

The small boat on the sea far away from Boya Harbor appeared again, and from time to time they looked at the super luxury cruise ship in the distance with a telescope.

One of them was still on the phone, reporting: "Leader Nesk, you can rest assured, keep watching, there is no situation above, okay, if there is any situation, I will report it in time, after all, this time it is related to whether we can all retire."

There are bandits on land and pirates on the sea, and in this area, there is a very terrifying pirate organization called the Sal Pirate Organization.

These pirates seem to be the remnants of the former Sori pirates. Because they robbed well-known international merchant ships, took the ransom, and killed the hostages, they were wanted internationally, and were later encircled and suppressed by the navy led by the United States. Only one group escaped and dared not wander in those oceans.

The rich man who was killed was the boss of the consortium of the United States. He was really bold.

Moreover, it must be admitted that the pirates who escaped had some ability, which made the United States Navy suffer a lot. In the end, they were dragged and had no choice but to let it go.

The latter pirates also changed their name to the Sar Pirate Organization, which was even more mysterious.

Moreover, they only robbed the merchant ships of the country led by the United States to encircle them, but avoided the merchant ships of some countries in the Dragon Country.

But I didn't expect that the other party would now target the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Nax was a very idealistic pirate. It was also accidental that he became a pirate.

Because he was forced to flee on the sea by his enemies, and he was unlucky to meet a group of vicious pirates.

It was also under this coincidence that he created the notorious Sori Pirates.

But that was not his original intention. He had his own rules. It was just that too many pirates joined later, and those guys were inflated, and he could no longer control them.

Therefore, he took the initiative to give up his position to that unlucky guy, and then secretly planned the case that shocked the world and killed the big boss of the American financial group.

That guy could not imagine that the person who cut his throat was the little navy lieutenant he had once wanted to crush to death.

The other party's wealth easily framed him. No one in the military believed him, and even stepped on him to please the other party.

Because the other party's consortium was too powerful.

In the end, the Sori pirates he pushed out took the blame, and those inflated guys became scapegoats.

He was not exposed from beginning to end, and rushed out with those who were still willing to listen to him.

Moreover, he knew the morality of those navy, and he used some tricks casually to make them helpless. If they had the same weapons and equipment, he even wanted to kill them and give them a more tragic price.

Unfortunately, due to the huge gap in equipment, he could only talk about this with his subordinates, and then they regarded it as bragging.

He had the obligation to lead these subordinates who followed him to survive well, and they could no longer live in the way of pirates.

After eliminating those damned ones, these people not only had strong combat effectiveness, but if they could, they would be more reluctant to be pirates.

Therefore, this operation is crucial. As long as it succeeds, everyone will have enough ransom to retire. Then they can find a small country where they can argue about immunity and become naturalized, and live a carefree life. .

Thinking of this, Nex looked at the pirates around the conference room, and then pointed to the screen in front of him: "Remember these people's information for me.

Grace, Holden, Bob, Fair...

These bastards are all celebrities from the United States who have encircled our country. This time we have to thank the Xuanfeng Alliance for gathering them and giving us such a great opportunity.

Take them away, don't leave any behind, don't touch the others, and don't think about replacing them with others. Take these people out and leave immediately. Whoever violates this and prevents all of us from retiring, I will personally deal with him."

This immediately made the others nod in agreement.

A strong man with a scar on his face frowned and said, "Chief, I'm afraid that the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance will hinder them. At that time, they will definitely arrange a lot of guards."

Nex smiled and said, "I already have a way to deal with them. I have plenty of ways to deal with such small countries and small forces."

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