Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 355 He is indeed a talent! He takes pleasure in other people's misfortunes!

Liu Hai was very surprised.

The only person who could make Mr. Wang so respectful was the boss behind Qingfeng Network Company, right?


Obviously, this person is the one.

But what does Mr. Wang mean?

This young man wants to interview him?

Liu Hai suddenly thought of something very incredible.

The other party is also the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance.

"Sit down." Lu Feng also invited Liu Hai.

Liu Hai just reacted and hurriedly responded, and followed Wang Kai to sit at the tea table.

Black Snake also immediately poured a cup of tea for the two of them and politely pushed it over.

"Thank you, Brother Snake." Wang Kai said very politely.

Although this person was not released by Mr. Lu to take care of things like Yang Ming and Chen Bo, the other party followed Mr. Lu, just like the emperor's personal guard, and his status was also transcendent.

"Thank you, Brother Snake." Liu Hai didn't know Black Snake's identity, but he could still parrot.

It is always right to address Mr. Wang as Mr. Wang, at least it is polite.

"Mr. Liu, let me introduce you to Mr. Lu, the governor of Xuanfeng Alliance, and he is going to interview you today." Wang Kai also introduced Lu Feng's identity to Liu Hai.

Even though he had already guessed it, Liu Hai was still shocked when he heard Wang Kai's introduction.

No wonder the relationship between Xuanfeng Alliance and the country is extraordinary.

Because their governor is from Longguo.

What shocked him even more was the other party's age, which was much younger than him, but he was actually the head of a country.

This is really terrifying.

Before this, he always thought that he was very good, and there were very few people of the same age who could compare with him.

But now he knows how arrogant he is. It's not that there are no people of his age who can compare with him, but he is not qualified to contact them.

Now that he has contacted them, he instantly feels that he is nothing.

This is probably the importance of circles that people often talk about.

In what kind of circle, you will know people of what level.

The circle determines your upper limit of level.

Maybe you have achieved great success in your circle, and your status is superior, and even no one in your circle can compare with you, but it may be that you cannot get in touch with higher circles.

Lu Feng did not have such an interview experience.

However, he did not want to ask too many professional questions, but directly said: "Mr. Liu Hai, right? You should have checked the information of our Xuanfeng Alliance's natural seaport before you came. Tell me what you think."

Liu Hai did check it, nodded, and said: "I did read the relevant information, but I have a suggestion that can be implemented immediately."

That is, the Xuanfeng Alliance is now making changes to the comprehensive development plan of the natural seaport.

I checked the relevant information of the seaport and think that it can be built in a modern semi-developmental way. "

"Semi-developmental construction?" This is the first time Lu Feng has heard this term: "Tell me about it."

Liu Hai explained: "Mr. Governor, semi-developmental construction is also used in many modern new facilities, that is, first build half with all your strength, and then build the other half after this half is completed. The first half built can be put into use, so that it can be promoted and generate income as soon as possible. "

"The Xuanfeng Alliance's natural harbor has another huge advantage, that is, a sandy beach and a hard rock beach can be used."

"It is entirely possible to build a beach tourism project here while developing the harbor."

"On the beach, watching the sea, blowing the wind, setting up fashionable tents, arranging colorful lights, and all kinds of water recreational facilities... singing and dancing..."

Liu Hai said 30 adjectives in one breath, which immediately made people imagine a beautiful beach scene.

At this time, he said again: "This beach tourism construction method has been carried out on the beaches of many cities in China, and this kind of simple style of beach tourism is also very popular among domestic people. The key is that the construction speed is very fast, all of which use the original ecological advantages, and are more demanding on design, without many requirements for hard facilities. "

After listening to him, Lu Feng probably understood what he meant, because he had seen such a beach in China.

There is one in Tianzhou City, and it is very popular.

Nowadays, people seem to dislike going to noisy places to play. Instead, this kind of simple and quiet, beautiful beach is more likely to attract people to sit.

"You should do this thing first. "Lu Feng did not ask anything else.

After all, no matter how much a person's ability is said, it may be bragging.

No matter how good the past qualifications are, who knows if there is any trick in it?

So it is better to let Liu Hai do one thing and see the results.

"Don't worry, Governor. I will do it well." Liu Hai knew. This person gave him a chance, so what will happen next? He must perform well.

Then he said: "Governor, I have another tip that can make the natural harbor famous first."

When Lu Feng heard his words, he immediately said: "Tell me."

Liu Hai explained: "Governor, didn't the Xuanfeng Alliance just launch a nutritional potion for weight loss? It is very popular on the Internet in various countries."

"I guessed right, there should be a product launch conference next, and if all those celebrities come, it should be grand. "

"If that's the case, why don't we hold the press conference at the natural harbor? As far as I know, the Xuanfeng Alliance has ordered a super luxury cruise ship, which can be used as the venue for the press conference."

"At that time, the cruise ship can dock at the hard rock beach of the natural harbor, and I will transform it to be suitable for cruise ships to dock."

"Moreover, if you give me half a month and all parties cooperate with me, I can create a simple tourist beach."

Lu Feng looked at Liu Hai in surprise.

The other party is well prepared.

Even the super luxury cruise ship ordered by the Xuanfeng Alliance for the harbor is known.

This cruise ship was ordered together with other cargo ships, and the original intention was to develop seaside tourism.

Liu Hai's idea is just right.

The other party is a good talent.

Lu Feng looked at Liu Hai and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Liu Hai nodded, and then repeated, "But the same thing, you must fully cooperate with me."

Lu Feng smiled when he heard Liu Hai's confident words: "Okay, I will let Black Snake help you with the arrangements and fully cooperate with you. No one dares to do anything when he comes forward. Now you can go find Baguda."

Black Snake also stood up with a smile and said to Liu Hai, "Please take care of me."

"Sergey brother." Liu Hai also responded immediately. He was already very comfortable calling him Snake brother, and it was obvious that he had a strong ability to adapt.

Then, Black Snake also took Liu Hai out of the manor hall.

Seeing this, Wang Kai took the initiative to sit at the tea-making position to make tea.

Now it's just him and Mr. Lu. He can't let Mr. Lu make tea for him, right?

Lu Feng also looked at Wang Kai and said, "It seems that you have brought me a good talent this time."

Wang Kai prepared a pot of tea and said to Lu Feng respectfully, "This is what I should do. After all, Mr. Lu has given me so much support. I can't repay this favor, so I can only do my best."

"Thank you for your hard work in China. You have done a good job at Qingfeng Network Company." Lu Feng smiled and did not forget to praise him.

As a hands-off boss, the burden of Qingfeng Network Company really fell on Wang Kai.

While the two were chatting, Lu Feng heard a message from Xiao Zhi, which surprised him and made him stand up. There was even a hint of gloating on his face.

Before, Myanmar* wanted to attack Boya, but after he killed Saye and Chaichaida, he guessed that Myanmar*'s No. 2 figure would definitely not be able to suppress the people left by Saye and Chaichaida.

At that time, Myanmar* would basically fall into one ending, that is, rebellion and civil strife.

So, he kept asking Xiao Zhi to pay attention to the situation on Myanmar*'s side.

Unexpectedly, Myanmar actually rebelled, and it happened so soon, not long after Saye and Chay Tsedda died.

But it would be better if the other side was in chaos.

If the other side was not in chaos, how could the Xuanfeng Alliance have the opportunity to take in the displaced and helpless people in Myanmar?

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