Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 354: This young man from Dragon Country is not simple, right?

In the game world, the East Suburb Fortress is still developing in an orderly manner.

Teams can be seen patrolling around the entire fortress.

Everyone in the team is strong and healthy, wearing the Qingfeng Base uniform and holding uniform weapons.

Such standardization is completely different from the survivors of other bases.

These soldiers naturally cherish their identity as members of the Qingfeng Base. No one in the Qingfeng Base has ever been hungry.

There is also order here that other survivor bases do not have.

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The word order is rare and precious in the end times.

If they have not encountered it before, the survivors may sneer at the word order. How can there be order in the end times?

But after really encountering it, they will cherish it even more.

Chen Lin is like this.

As the captain of the Salvation Army team, he puts the faith of himself and his team members on the boss.

And so far, I am not wrong. The boss may really be the only one who can end this chaotic era.

His philosophy, his strength, his style of doing things, his mystery... everything meets the requirements.

As long as he has a strong enough force.

As Chen Lin was thinking, the communicator in his hand started to beep. Seeing the wave number of the communicator, he frowned slightly and left the East Suburb Fortress mysteriously.

On the other side.

Lu Feng also appeared in the lobby of the East Suburb Fortress.

When Lin Jiao saw him appear, she came over as soon as possible and reported: "Boss, the East Suburb Fortress has recently recruited 15 more people with abilities. In recent times, it seems that the number of people with abilities has increased, but their strength is not too strong."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded.

He knew the reason.

In the game world, not only the zombies and mutants are getting stronger, but also more and more people will awaken their abilities.

Otherwise, humans will not be able to exist until the later stage.

Lin Jiao continued, "In addition, when Chen Lin led people out to look for the zombie tide, although the zombie tide was not found, a technical drawing of a high-powered anti-aircraft gun was found in an armed department. I plan to build a production line for this anti-aircraft gun."

"Well, you are responsible for this matter." Lu Feng nodded, and then instructed Lin Jiao: "Find an open place and have someone guard it. I have also obtained a batch of materials that can transform the acidity of the land."

Lin Jiao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Transforming land materials means more land for planting.

Although they, the managers of the East Suburb Fortress, also secretly made some tricks and hid some land, in order to deal with the Li family, the previously transformed land was reported to the East City Alliance.

So, as more and more survivors are recruited by the Qingfeng Base, the food pressure will soon become very great.

Lin Jiao immediately led Lu Feng to a place, and at the same time called Guo Lin, asking him to take people to guard the surrounding area and not let anyone approach.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also quit the game with an idea and appeared in a warehouse of the Xuanfeng Alliance, where he could see the materials full of warehouses.

These are all the materials he asked Baguda to purchase to transform the acidic soil.

Although Baguda didn't know the function of these things and why he hoarded them, he also knew that he shouldn't ask questions and just do it.

Lu Feng also started to move them.

The warehouses around had long been designated as restricted areas, and Honglizard even sent a team of people to guard them, so as not to be afraid of people suddenly appearing.

It took some time for Lu Feng to move all the materials in the warehouse into the game. .

Lin Jiao looked at the pile of materials to transform the soil acidity, and her pretty face was naturally full of joy. These can completely transform a large piece of land.

After this land is planted, Qingfeng Base will not have to worry about food problems.

Moreover, they can also operate it, harvest the mature ones first, and replace them with the newly planted ones.

No one from the East City Alliance will dare to come to check anything.

"Take these for the time being, and there will be more later." Lu Feng said and quit the game.

The hexagonal zombie tide will soon appear, and Tianhai City will soon be in chaos. At that time, it will be time for Qingfeng Base to recruit survivors to strengthen itself.

Even more, if the forces of the East City Alliance are to be swallowed up in the end, the number of survivors will be very terrifying.

If the survivors are to be treated equally at that time, even if they are guaranteed not to starve, the land of the East Suburb Fortress is definitely not enough.

Just look at the slums of the East City Alliance and you will know that some people secretly exchange children and kill them for food.

That is definitely a very tragic thing.

After sending all the materials for soil transformation into the game, Lu Feng also returned to the Wind Manor.

Black Snake is now a bit like his personal assistant and secretary, and has been on standby in the manor for a long time.

"Governor, what are your plans today?" Black Snake also tried his best to make himself more like an assistant.

But for him, the transition from a gangster to an assistant to the governor is not so fast.

But he always has to work hard. Those who don't know how to change when opportunities are in front of them will be eliminated sooner or later.

He doesn't want to be an eliminated person.

"No arrangements for the time being., Wang Kai will bring someone here later." Lu Feng smiled and said.

"Okay." Black Snake replied.

The five-star hotel in Wind City was recently completed and its owner is a Chinese from Longguo.

Originally, he was a person who seized opportunities and decisively joined the Xuanfeng Alliance. He contracted the hotel at a very low price. Moreover, because the tourism industry in the Wind City was developing well, the hotel's business was also very good. It can be regarded as a typical example of a turnaround in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

As soon as he got up in the morning, Wang Kai went to another room and knocked on the door. A young man opened the door.

"Mr. Wang," the young man greeted very politely.

"Mr. Liu Hai is polite. Let's go to see the governor." Wang Kai said with a smile.

"Please lead the way, Mr. Wang." Liu Hai nodded.

For this interview, he got up early in the morning to prepare. He had already packed up and could leave at any time.

"Let's go." Wang Kai personally brought the young man here.

The other party was the person in charge of the international seaport that the Xuanfeng Alliance wanted to find.

Although the other party was young, he was discussed by the senior executives of their Qingfeng Network Company. They felt that he had the strongest ability, the greatest sense of excuse, and the most suitable for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

He recommended the person to Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu also confirmed it.

Moreover, this matter was personally instructed by Mr. Lu, so he naturally attached great importance to it and brought people here personally.

When Wang Kai went downstairs, the people from the Xuanfeng Alliance branch of Qingfeng Network Company had already been waiting at the door of the hotel in a luxury car.

After he and Liu Hai got in the car, they drove directly to the Wind Manor.

Outside the manor, they were naturally stopped by the guards.

Wang Kai made a phone call, and after a while, the door was opened and they were let in.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hai became more and more curious.

He guessed that Mr. Wang of Qingfeng Network Company must have an extraordinary relationship with the Xuanfeng Alliance.

However, he did not expect that a phone call would open the door of the Wind Manor.

Although few people have seen the mysterious governor of the Wind Manor, everyone knows that the Wind Manor is the other party's residence.

Even tourists who come to the Xuanfeng Alliance for tourism and want to get close to the Wind Manor will be severely warned by the guards with weapons.

Naturally, there were some idiots who thought that they were just trying to scare them and didn't dare to shoot, after all, they were from Longguo, so they acted recklessly.

Some people paid the price for this, and were shot in the leg and sent to the hospital.

For this matter, the other party even reported it to the domestic official, hoping that the official would make a decision for them and at least let the Xuanfeng Alliance pay a few million, so that they couldn't be beaten in vain.

But the final result was that the official severely warned the other party and issued a notice "Don't lose face in the international arena when traveling abroad."

The idiot who was still thinking about paying millions is still talked about on the domestic Internet.

After all, I have seen people who try to scam people, but I have never seen people who try to scam a country.

I can only say that his courage is super commendable.

The car stopped at the parking lot of Fengzhi Manor.

Liu Hai also walked towards the lobby of Fengzhi Manor with Wang Kai with curiosity.

The guards at the door of the lobby did not stop him, and he was obviously told.

Wang Kai followed him into the lobby, but was surprised to find that there were only two young people from Longguo sitting inside.

One of the older ones was making tea.

The two young men must be extraordinary to be able to make tea in the Wind Manor, right?

The outside world said that the governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance was very close to the Dragon people, and now it seems to be true.

Then he found that Mr. Wang beside him had respectfully walked towards the young man: "Mr. Lu is here, please test him in person."

This scene made Liu Hai stunned and shocked.

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