Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 353 Everyone is guided!

Netizens from all over the world are attracted by the news posted by celebrities in their own countries.

Then, as if someone was guiding them, netizens around the world soon discovered that there were celebrities in other countries doing the same thing.


They are also thanking the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This appears to be global.

It also makes people more curious.

This kind of curiosity can no longer be suppressed, and I even want to find out in a hurry.

At this time, someone on the Internet suddenly pointed out something even more surprising.

That is, these celebrities seem to be fat.

Yes, these celebrities are fat.

This coincidence is even more curious.

A group of fat people from all over the world thanked the Xuanfeng Alliance for their names. No one would think this was a coincidence, right?

Moreover, this curiosity is increasing day by day, even making them itchy with curiosity.

But those celebrities soon became anxious.

Because they suddenly find themselves running out of nutrients.


Grace has been in a much better mood recently.

It can be said to be very enjoyable.

You can record your weight loss data every day.

Lose weight every day.

She was in a good mood and opened the safe.

But I found that there was only one nutritional supplement in it.

This made the smile on her face suddenly freeze.

How could it be used so quickly?

Her weight loss has not been completely successful yet.

This is how to do?

After experiencing the effect of Xuanfeng Nutritional Potion, you can imagine how bad she felt when she was suddenly faced with this situation.

Grace immediately asked her assistant: "Kelly, how long until the Xuanfeng Alliance product launch?"

Kelly immediately said: "My boss, the Xuanfeng Alliance allows everyone to experience it for a week. It will take a week to experience it. They haven't notified the specific time of the press conference yet."

"Kelly, please go and inquire for me right away. The invitation letter has the phone number of the Xuanfeng Alliance." Grace said with urging.

Kelly nodded, took the invitation, and contacted the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After a while, Kelly came over with regret: "My boss, there is very bad news. The people from the Xuanfeng Alliance said that they have not yet done advertising and promotion of the product, at least until the product has gained a certain popularity among the public. A press conference will be held.”

Grace frowned: "How long do we have to wait? I only have one nutritional potion left."

Kelly said helplessly: "Then I don't know. It should be popular enough, right? After all, for a new product, enough people must know about it."

"That means you're not sure? What should I do?" Grace frowned.

Then, she immediately said to Kelly: "Kelly, help me make a video. I want to advertise this nutritional supplement. It can always add a lot of popularity to it."

As he said this, Glass had already handed the phone to Kelly. It was obvious that she had been completely led away.

Because this is Lu Feng's purpose.

He knew that those celebrities would definitely be tempted to continue losing weight after knowing the effects of this potion.

And he happened to only give the other party a little bit, the amount of product that could keep them in check.

Then they will be impatient.

Finally, with a little guidance, the other party will take the initiative to help promote it.

This is a form of psychological control.

He still learns from domestic game manufacturers.

You need to know the krypton gold games of domestic game manufacturers. Why are many materials and equipment created in the first 70% or the first few stages are very simple, but at the last moment they increase the difficulty or require certain materials for you? Can I buy it in the mall only by recharging ingots or talismans?

It is this psychology that is exploited.

Because you have already reached this level and are just a little short of it. If you don't succeed, you will feel very unwilling and will have a strong impulse to spend money.

He does the same thing to these fat celebrities.

Looking at Grace's appearance, you can see how useful this method is.

Not long after, Grace posted a video to talk about it.

Many fans clicked in out of curiosity and were surprised.

Because Grace lost weight.

Really, she has lost a lot of weight.

They still remembered the video that Grace had taken before. She still had some fat on her body and was as big as a bucket.

But now, she has lost a lot of weight visibly to the naked eye. At least she is out of the ranks of buckets. She is barely plump, but just a little bit super plump.

This made many old fans excited, as if they were dreaming back to the period when Grace had a hot figure and sweet appearance.

During that period, many of them had done some fantasy things with her in their dreams, right?

That kind of thing has to be said, but it cannot be said.

Now Grace seems to have successfully lost weight.

Doesn’t that mean that the original Grace is coming back soon?

What’s even more surprising is that Grace’s last video seemed to have been taken a week ago.

She actually lost a ring of fat visible to the naked eye in this week.

What price did Grace pay?

How much hardship did you endure to achieve this?

When these fans watched the entire video content, their faces suddenly showed a look of disbelief.

She finally knew why Grace thanked the Xuanfeng Alliance before.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gris. As you can see, I have lost a lot of weight now compared to before.

And this is just my weight loss effect in one week. The reason why I can achieve such effect in just one week is thanks to a new nutritional supplement product for weight loss produced by Xuanfeng Alliance.

I drank these nutritional supplements this week, and I did not do any exercise or undergo any surgery.

Now everyone can see that the effect is like this. I believe that with enough Xuanfeng nutrients, the original Grace will be back soon. "

The words Xuanfeng Nutritional Potion suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

This is why Grace is grateful to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because the Xuanfeng Alliance has come up with such a magical nutritional potion for weight loss.

Moreover, seeing Grace's current condition, we can also know how effective this nutritional medicine is.

It wasn't just Grace who posted the video. Many fat celebrities, like Grace, were upset and took the initiative to help promote it.

Fans of these people were also shocked, and they also knew the reason why they thanked Xuanfeng Alliance before.

Xuanfeng Alliance actually produced such a miraculous weight loss product.

These celebrities are those whose appetites have been whetted by nutritional medicines and have a rather impatient temper.

It can be seen that after these people posted to help with the promotion, other people also approached the Xuanfeng Alliance to inquire about it, and were naturally guided. Therefore, they also followed these people and posted the promotion in order to purchase this nutritional supplement as early as possible.

To them, this publicity is just a matter of sending a video with the snap of a finger.

The result of this is that in a short period of time, Xuanfeng Nutritional Potion became popular all over the world, and almost all fat people knew about this product.

Countless people started asking around where they could buy this product.

This also amazed and shocked those weight loss and health care product companies.

After they knew the effect of the Xuanfeng nutritional potion, they planned to cooperate with the Xuanfeng Alliance. They even made a lot of plans, including publicity plans, hoping to impress the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now, they have thrown all their publicity plans into the trash can.

Under this kind of propaganda, their plans are too childish.

Moreover, this Xuanfeng Alliance directly guided people around the world. Suddenly, no one knew about Xuanfeng Nutritional Potion.

They even analyzed and studied this method, but they all found that although it seemed simple, all the news on the Internet was too coincidental.

This is not something that celebrities can do together. It seems that there is a hidden force that controls the entire network. At critical moments, it comes out to guide, and it is guided in all countries at the same time, and everything is aligned into a line, with perfect control steps.

How strong is the network control required to do this kind of thing all over the world?

The Xuanfeng Alliance's ability in this area is a bit scary.

Another company would definitely not be able to do this, or at least not be this perfect.


Xuanfeng Alliance.

Wind Manor.

Yasna and Lu Feng were already sitting on the tea table, watching the news playing on the screen in front of them.

They naturally have perfect control over what happens on the international Internet. After all, they are the ones guiding it.

Asuna now admires the governor a little, but he blushes because of his former petty family anger.

To reach this level of global popularity, it is completely worth giving away 10 billion Xuanfeng Coin products.

In this regard, he will have to learn from the Governor in the future.

Lu Feng also asked Yasna at this time: "It's almost the same now. Have you responded to all the invitations sent out?"

Yasna nodded and said: "We sent out 240 invitations, and 240 of them responded to us. Sellers of weight-loss health products also responded and expressed their intention to cooperate with us."

"Moreover, in addition to the people we invited, there are also many people who have come to us to inquire about the situation. It seems that they also know about the invitation letter and want to participate."

“The largest number of them are from shopping malls, supermarkets, and e-commerce companies around the world.”

After Yas finished reporting, he also picked up a cup of tea and drank it.

Qingfeng tea leaves still have an attractive aroma.

Now he kind of likes this way of talking about things at the tea table.

Lu Feng smiled and said: "We can also pay attention to these channels. We can't completely focus on the companies we invited. In addition, let's send the time for the product launch conference to those celebrities. After all, they are also helping us for free." Isn’t it publicized?”

"Okay, Governor." Asna nodded, and after returning, he also immediately had people pass the news to those celebrities.

Naturally, Grace received the news quickly. After knowing the confirmed time, she jumped up with excitement: "I knew it would be useful to help promote it. Wouldn't this be a success?"

He looked so full of accomplishment that he had no idea that he had been being used.

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