Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 346 How did the Xuanfeng Alliance do it?

The helicopter took off again.

The pilot looked at the Burmese soldiers running away in panic below, his face full of a sense of accomplishment.

Although he was still just driving the helicopter in this operation and did not contribute a bit of strength, he personally brought the Governor General here.

Who else can have such a sense of participation?


The helicopter returned to the Xuanfeng Alliance and landed in the Wind City.

Baguda had been waiting for a long time.

He might be able to guess what the Governor General was going to do.


After all, he also knew that the Governor General had special powers.

He had doubts when Saye was suddenly killed before.

So, he naturally waited for news at the Wind Manor.

Seeing the helicopter landing, Lu Feng came down and he immediately came forward: "Governor, have you solved it?"

"Myanmar* is no longer a problem." Lu Feng nodded, and then said to Baguda: "Now you should consider signing with Boya to join the Xuanfeng Alliance, especially how to appease their people."

Hearing this, Baguda immediately said: "Governor, this is actually not difficult, but you need the help of the hacker behind you to let the other party invade Boya's network and broadcast the current environment of our Xuanfeng Alliance and the people's income to everyone."

"Also, we are going to open factories and build seaports in Boya, especially the recruitment and salary issues should be emphasized, and try to let all Boya people know, as long as this is done."

His words are very confident.

Because Boya and their Cambodia* are in exactly the same situation, the people are in hardship, the region is in chaos, everyone is not living a satisfactory life, and even longs for someone to save them.

Therefore, at this time, what he said was posted on the Boya network. After the Boya people saw it, countless people would take the initiative to promote Boya to join the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The source of this confidence is naturally the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because the best example is here.

"Got it, you go and do your own thing first." Lu Feng nodded.

In fact, he also thought of using this method.

Baguda always has a better grasp of the psychology of the people in this area. The other party also said that this method can be used, which is absolutely feasible.

So after Baguda left, he immediately told Xiaozhi: "Do as Baguda said."

"Okay, master." Xiaozhi replied immediately.

Once an artificial intelligence takes action, its efficiency is very high.

Not long after, the network on the Boya side caused a huge wave.

As the news that Boya announced its peaceful joining of the Xuanfeng Alliance spread, the people of Boya were somewhat confused.

After all, this kind of thing was their first experience.

This is the case with Tota.

He has lived in Boya all his life and has never thought that one day he would join other countries and become a citizen of other countries.

Therefore, he has been checking the latest news online these days.

No matter what the final outcome is, there must be news on the Internet first.

In this way, he can also know the result as quickly as possible.

After all, this is related to the future identity of himself and his family.

"Hey!" Tota logged on to the Internet and was suddenly attracted by a piece of news.

"Hello everyone! I am Chaiya. As everyone knows, Boya is about to join the Fengxuan Alliance, so I went to the Xuanfeng Alliance specifically to check the current situation of the Xuanfeng Alliance for everyone."

"But after arriving here, I can hardly believe it. Look at the wide roads and newly built buildings around. Is this really a place as poor as we used to be?"

"Moreover, it is hard for you to believe that the Xuanfeng Alliance has developed tourism here and has welcomed countless foreign tourists. Look at this lively situation."

Chaiya's figure did not appear in the video, but Tota knew that this was Chaiya's voice.

Because Chaiya is a very famous star in their Boya.

Now Chaiya actually went to the Xuanfeng Alliance to film the current situation of the Xuanfeng Alliance for everyone in order to join the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The streets and buildings of the Xuanfeng Alliance really appeared in the video.

As Chaiya said, the wide roads and newly built high-rise buildings are incredible.

Is this really the Xuanfeng Alliance?

You know, the predecessor of the Xuanfeng Alliance, Cambodia*, was as poor and backward as them.

How backward is it in the video now?

No wonder there are rumors that the Xuanfeng Alliance has established the Xuanfeng Bank and built factories, and the economy has developed very prosperously.

It really shows civilization everywhere.

When Tota saw the scene of the Xuanfeng Alliance in the video, an idea emerged.

If Boya can develop like this, maybe it would be a good thing for Boya to join the Xuanfeng Alliance?

At the same time, for a while, on Boya’s network, I don’t know how many people saw Chaiya’s video, and then they had the same idea.

Only one person was confused, that is Chaiya himself.

He also saw this video.

But he is now in his villa, and he has never been out of Boya. How could he shoot this video and upload it to the Internet?

He knew that someone must be impersonating him, but he didn’t dare to clarify it at all, because this video obviously has a guiding role, wanting Boya’s people to know the prosperity of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

It is not necessary to think about which side did it. He would not be stupid enough to seek death.

On the Internet, Chaiya's video did not end.

That 'Chaiya' continued: "By the way, there is one thing that everyone must be very concerned about, that is, the income of the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance. I said that you may find it hard to believe that the income of the people in the Xuanfeng Alliance is more than ten times that of our Boya people on average, and in some industries, especially the planting industry, the income of the people can reach 20 times that of our Boya people."

"Everyone also knows that Xuanfeng Mask and Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine are very popular and popular all over the world. Their factory production requires a lot of raw materials, and the planting capacity of the Xuanfeng Alliance cannot meet the production..."

The content of the video made Tota completely unable to calm down. Why did the income of people who were as poor as them increase tenfold before?

He grows crops, why do other people's income from farming is 20 times his?

He is unwilling to think about it.

But then, he couldn't help but think of one thing, what if Boya joined the Xuanfeng Alliance? Will his income be so much?

This idea was uncontrollably generated in all parts of Boya, and, as if it would be contagious, it became more and more widespread.

At this time, several more videos were spread on the Boya Internet, that is, after Boya joined the Xuanfeng Alliance, the Xuanfeng Alliance would build an international seaport in Boya, and would also open factories for Xuanfeng Huimeng Wine and Xuanfeng Mask, and would recruit a large number of workers in Boya with extremely high wages.

At this time, the people of Boya could not hold back. With the baptism of the previous Caiya video, countless people envied the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now they are suddenly full of confidence in the Xuanfeng Alliance, and feel that the Xuanfeng Alliance will definitely bring them changes.

"No, I must go to the central city to witness the joining ceremony before I can rest assured." Tota stood up at the first time.

He is a farmer. If the Xuanfeng Alliance opens a factory in Boya and purchases raw materials, he can grow those materials, and then his income can increase 20 times.

That kind of day was unimaginable before, but now it is possible.

Under Xiaozhi's control, these things fermented thoroughly in Boya.

Until the day of the signing ceremony between Boya and the Xuanfeng Alliance.

In the office of the Boya Center Building, Yasna stood up with a complicated expression. He was about to join the Xuanfeng Alliance, and everything was still so unbelievable.

Once Baguda of the Xuanfeng Alliance arrived, the two sides signed the regulations, and everything was settled.

"Mr. Yasna, there are a lot of people outside the building." The secretary came in and reported.

Yasna walked to the window and saw that more and more people were gathered outside, and even more people were coming from a distance.

But these people were holding similar banners and flags in their hands, either welcoming the Xuanfeng Alliance or celebrating joining the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This was also something that shocked him.

You know, they Boya are going to join the Xuanfeng Alliance, and there will be no Boya in the future.

But how did the Xuanfeng Alliance make the Boya people not only have no resistance, but also eager to join quickly?

This method is really not comparable to them.

"Hey!" Yasna finally sighed heavily, and then his face became very relaxed.

After all, now the people are demanding to join the Xuanfeng Alliance, so he won't feel any guilt if he signs the signature.

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