Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 345 Don’t come over here!

Chai Caida was shocked.

It seemed to be a huge gray wolf in front of him.

But the size of the gray wolf was too scary.

He had never seen a gray wolf of this size in Myanmar.

Moreover, it seemed to be the kind of gray wolf that assassinated Sayer in the video.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously took two steps back.

The officer next to him was shocked: "It's them, they appeared again, and they killed Mr. Sayer."


Because he was a witness to the Corona Pass incident at the beginning.

He also organized two battalions of soldiers to form an array and killed several such giant beasts.

So, he recognized it at a glance.

But he also knew more about the horror of these beasts. Without a formation to shoot together, they could not do anything to the other party.

Seeing the giant gray wolf looking over, he was so scared that he picked up his pistol and shot at the giant gray wolf frantically.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~

He fired all the bullets in his gun at the giant fire wolf in one breath.

But as he expected, the gray wolf did not fall down, but roared at him, staring at him with fierce eyes.

"Damn it." The officer cursed in panic, turned around and ran away in fear.

He actually attracted the attention of the mutant gray wolf, and it chased him fiercely.

In an instant, the officer's miserable howl sounded.

How could his speed match that of a mutant gray wolf?

Cai Caida's face had completely changed.

In the video that Luoye took out before, he saw the scene of Sayer being killed by those beasts.

Now this beast has appeared again.

Moreover, it seems to be coming for him?

Cai Caida guessed it.

He widened his eyes in horror and rushed inside in a hurry, intending to escape from the other side.

On the other side, there was a guard team he personally selected to protect his safety.

Moreover, these beasts were definitely controlled by humans.

They want to kill Sayer and him at the same time. It must be the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because in this case, only Boya and the Xuanfeng Alliance would do this to him.

Boya is impossible. Even if the other party has such power, it will not be defeated by the Xuanfeng Alliance so quickly, and it will simply agree to join the Xuanfeng Alliance.

So, it can only be the Xuanfeng Alliance.

But how does the other party control these terrifying beasts?

You know, these beasts are not afraid of bullets.

He saw with his own eyes that the officer shot all the bullets in the pistol at the gray wolf.

The gray wolf was as if nothing had happened.

The Xuanfeng Alliance has a secret that they don't know.

After returning, he must get this secret. If he can also control such a terrifying beast, then he doesn't need to find excuses or be afraid of anything when dealing with any surrounding forces in the future.

Cai Caida thought that he had already fled to the other side, and bursts of sharp and dense gunshots suddenly rang in his ears.

Then, he saw the guards he had selected were forming a formation, raising their guns in their hands, and shooting at the huge beasts rushing in front of them.

But after being hit, the beasts only tilted their bodies, but did not fall down or stop charging.

Obviously, the number of these guards was not enough, and the density of firepower could not achieve the effect of suppression, and could not pose a fatal threat to these huge beasts.

There was also a roar behind him, which made Cai Caida even more panicked.

He was now facing a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

There were such giant beasts on both sides.

There was no place to run forward or backward.

He came here in vain, and these beasts knew his position.

So, they surrounded him like this.

Thinking of this, Cai Caida felt his scalp tingling inexplicably, and even his back was wet with a layer of cold sweat.

A group of beasts!

Even if they were raised by the Xuanfeng Alliance, they themselves could not do such a thing.

After all, the intelligence of beasts is limited. How could they understand to surround and attack like this?

But how could he get out like this?

There was no way to join the main force.

Just at the moment when Cai Caida lost consciousness, a series of miserable howls sounded one after another.

The guards he selected were broken out of formation.

In an instant, the giant beasts were like wolves entering a flock of sheep, slaughtering the guards crazily.

Then, they were defeated, and the guards fled in a panic, unable to organize a counterattack.

A farm.

The ground was full of the bodies of Burmese soldiers.

Their necks were either cut open by sharp daggers and lost their lives, or their bones were broken when their bodies were blown away, which was extremely tragic.

A giant snake stood in the center, and Lu Feng stood on the head of the giant snake, looking at a place in the farm.

That was exactly the location of Cai Caida provided by Xiaozhi, and the opponent's command equipment and communications were all there.

Now those mutant beasts attack there, and Cai Caida will definitely appear.

Soon Lu Feng found Cai Caida.

This guy was obviously attacked from both sides, and there was no place to escape. He actually ran to a small building on the farm and hid.

That seems to be a toilet, right?

This guy actually hid in the toilet.

He really knows how to find a place.

"Go ahead? Deal with that guy." Lu Feng said to the giant snake under his feet, and then he jumped down and landed on the ground.

The giant snake rushed directly to the location where Chai Caida was.

At this time, Chai Caida's face was extremely ugly.

He endured the stench in the toilet and did not dare to go out at all.

The gunshots outside became sparse, and the screams gradually decreased.

This showed that there were not many people in the guards he selected to resist.

Sure enough, through the crack of the toilet door, it was clear that there were not many soldiers outside.

They were cleaned up by those huge beasts without any ability to fight back.

Suddenly, Chai Caida saw a horrifying scene.

I saw a terrifying giant snake directly breaking through the wall and rushing in.

The giant snake was so huge that the wall of the farm was like a thin layer of paper to it, and it collapsed at the touch.

The giant snake that killed Saye in the video given by Luoye was already very huge.

But that one was nothing compared to the one in front of him.

He obviously didn't know that these two were actually the same mutant beast, but it had already been promoted to the mutant snake king, and had grown a giant horn on its head.

The next moment, Cai Caida trembled all over, and fear filled his eyes, because the giant snake actually swam straight towards the toilet where he was hiding.

Don't come over, don't come over.

Cai Caida prayed and shouted in his heart.

But the giant snake had already arrived in front of the toilet in a blink of an eye, swinging its thick tail.

Cai Caida heard a cracking sound, and felt the wooden board shatter and hit him. Then, he looked at the pair of scarlet eyes staring at him with a suffocating face.

He actually saw a hint of surprise in the eyes of the giant snake. Was the other party surprised because it found him?

Before Cai Caida could think more, the thick snake tail had already hit Cai Caida's body fiercely. Under that huge force, he didn't even have the chance to make a scream before his death. His whole body was bent and broken, and hit the toilet fiercely, and then there was no breath.

The giant snake seemed to have completed its mission, hissed twice happily, and then rushed out of the farm without looking back.

The mutant beasts also roared one after another, and then withdrew at the same time.

Not long after, the Burmese army came to support, but when they entered the farm, they were all shocked to see the scene inside.

Then, a panic spread, because after Mr. Sayer, Mr. Chaichaida also died, and most of the officers gathered around Mr. Chaichaida on the farm died.

Adjutant Luoye was also missing.

It can be said that the command system of their army was completely paralyzed, so what should they do?

"Retreat, there is no way to continue."

"What if the support of Xuanfeng Alliance and Boya arrives."


As the panic spread, the Burmese soldiers began to flee in the direction of Burma like a tide.

Obviously, they did not have much desire to take on multiple responsibilities, nor did they have the so-called soldier spirit, and they had no loyalty to Chaichaida at all.

Therefore, after Cai Caida died, no one suppressed them. They thought about the possible consequences and decisively made the most favorable choice for themselves.

Some soldiers even fought against each other in order to seize military vehicles that could travel long distances.

Lu Feng naturally paid attention to this and was completely relieved.

This time, the problem was completely solved.

If there was chaos in Myanmar, they could find a way to absorb the people of the other side.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng suddenly laughed. Why if? Wouldn't it be better to let the chaos in Myanmar happen?

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