Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 347 The Governor is Too Young!

"Mr. Yasna? Mr. Baguda of Xuanfeng Alliance's car is coming."

A man walked in from outside and reported to Yasna.

"Let's go, let's go meet this person." Yasna adjusted his expression and walked out with his people.

Outside the central building, several cars stopped.

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Baguda got out of the car.

Lu Feng naturally couldn't show up to sign the agreement with Boya

So, this matter was also handed over to Baguda.

Behind Baguda was the general Dalai Lama and several senior officials of Xuanfeng Alliance.

After Baguda led people out of the car, he naturally saw the Boya people gathered outside, and the banners and flags they held in their hands.

This made him smile.

As he expected.

The people on Boya's side had no way to refuse Xuanfeng Alliance.

When he got out of the car, he saw Yasna and his people walking out of the building.

"Mr. Baguda, welcome." Yasna hurried forward to greet him.

"Mr. Yasna, it's nice to meet you. I have known you for a long time." Baguda also smiled and shook hands with Yasna.

"Mr. Baguda, let's go in first and finish what we should do." Yasna was less nervous when he saw Baguda's courtesy, and then led Baguda into the central building.

The officials on Yasna's side had already arranged a signing conference room in the central building.

At the same time, reporters from Boya and Xuanfeng Alliance were also invited to the conference room.

Similarly, there were also reporters from Longguo and some other countries.

After all, Xuanfeng Alliance has a great reputation internationally recently, and the news about Boya and Xuanfeng Alliance this time has also caused a big wave internationally.

Now that Boya has joined the Xuanfeng Alliance, it is impossible not to attract some attention.

Therefore, these reporters applied to come here, and naturally got the consent of the Xuanfeng Alliance to witness this historical moment together.

Under the attention of these reporters, Baguda and Yasna walked in together.

Moreover, Baguda was holding Yasna's arm intimately. Since the two families had become one, they naturally had to show intimacy.

Behind the two were naturally officials from Boya and Xuanfeng Alliance.

They also smiled and walked inside inviting each other.


The two sides came to the back of a ceremony platform inside, and the people from both sides stood on the left and right respectively.

At this moment, the reporters began to shoot them crazily.

Seeing this, both sides also smiled and made gestures to cooperate.

It was not until a moment later that Baguda spoke: "First of all, we welcome journalists from all countries to attend this signing ceremony."

"As you all know, some unpleasant things happened between Boya and our Xuanfeng Alliance some time ago, and this incident also attracted international attention."

"However, no matter how unpleasant things are, they will always pass. Now, after our discussion, we both know each other's shortcomings and find that we can complement each other."

"Therefore, in order to prevent unpleasant things from happening again in the future, we have also conducted serious consultations and finally decided that Boya will join the Xuanfeng Alliance to develop together and create brilliance together."

"In addition, thank you to the journalists from all countries for coming to witness this time."

After Baguda spoke, it was Yasna's turn to speak.

Then it was the Dalai Lama.

Then it was the turn of an official from Boya.

And so on and so forth.

Almost everyone on both sides took turns to speak a few words.

The content was naturally words of hope that both sides would work together to create a better future.

After all this, the two sides officially began to sign the document.

Baguda was the first to sign the document.

Then it was Boya.

Then officials from both sides signed on it one after another.

When the last person wrote his name, it meant that the document came into effect.

After that, there was no more Boya, only the Xuanfeng Alliance Boya Asia.

After the document was signed, it was also necessary to express gratitude to the reporters from various countries who came, give them a grand reception, and give them a generous red envelope when appropriate.

I hope that when they go back to broadcast, they can sincerely give blessings to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Baguda stayed in Boya for a while to deal with the follow-up matters.

A week later, he arrived at Yasna's office and said with a smile: "Mr. Yasna, let's go. His Excellency the Governor is still waiting for you in the Wind City. He is also looking forward to seeing you."

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Baguda along the way?" Yasna said.

Boya joined the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After that, he and several officials will be recruited to the headquarters of the Xuanfeng Alliance, which is also within the terms.

And Boya Asia will have a governor and relevant officials re-sent by the Xuanfeng Alliance to manage and implement the projects promised by the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Naturally, Boya's troops will also selectively lay off personnel.

The remaining people will also be disbanded and incorporated into the Xuanfeng Alliance's team, and then the Xuanfeng Alliance will send troops to garrison Boya Asia.

This is also stipulated in the terms. As the defeated party and the party at fault, they do not have many choices.

Moreover, even if there is a choice, he feels that he dare not make a contradictory choice.

The thing on his neck is called an electronic bracelet, which is exactly the same as the one worn on Baguda's neck.

He already knew the function of this thing.

Even though Baguda repeatedly emphasized that the governor would not use this to threaten them, and even taught him the experience of getting along with the governor.

But now he only dared to listen, not believe it.

He didn't want to offend the governor because of something, and finally get his head moved.

After all, the terms have been signed now, and the people of Boya are even celebrating the factories and ports that are about to be built. They have begun to not care about or forget their identity as Boya.

So, if the Xuanfeng Alliance gave him an accidental death or death from illness at this time, the Eurasian people would probably only discuss him, and then the matter would be over.

Soon, no one here remembered him, Yasna.

So, he would not be stupid enough to listen to everything Baguda said.

He would make his own judgment after meeting the governor.

Soon, Yasna and Baguda left the central building.

The officials of the Xuanfeng Alliance and several senior officials of Boya were already waiting outside.

Those senior officials of Boya were also somewhat confused.

No one knew what the future would be like when they went to the Wind City.

Baguda glanced at those people.

They had already given plans for these people.

Only two people might be demoted and assigned to a less busy department.

The other three would be assigned important positions.

After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance lacked talents, especially those in the official field.

The abilities of the others were good, and there was no stain. The key was that they had a good reputation during their tenure in Boya.

In this case, they would naturally choose to continue using them.

After all, they all wore electronic bracelets, and they were not afraid of any bad intentions. As long as they could contribute to the people without selfishness, it would be fine.


Baguda took everyone on the car and went back to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After a long journey, Baguda led people back to the Xuanfeng Alliance and arranged Yasna and his party in a newly built five-star hotel.

"Yasna, you should rest in the hotel today and adjust your condition. I will take you to meet the Governor tomorrow." Baguda said and left with people.

After Yasna settled in the hotel, he looked at the luxurious facilities, spacious beds, and large bathtubs, and his face was full of emotion.

Five-star hotels, he had only stayed there when he was studying in Western countries.

Now seeing that Xuanfeng Alliance already has such a hotel, it is inevitable to be very emotional.

This is not because he is ignorant or anything, but for Boya, a 5-star hotel is too far away.

Poor places do not have the conditions to build a five-star hotel.

From this, it can also be seen that the Xuanfeng Alliance has really developed very well under the leadership of the young governor.

Walking to the window and looking out, the spacious streets, the busy traffic, and the pedestrians are really prosperous.

At least in this entire area, whether it is Boya, Myanmar, or Taiguo... there is no place that can be compared with this Wind City.

On the first night in the Wind City, Yasna fell asleep with emotion.

On the second day, he got up early and made preparations, and took care of himself meticulously to meet the young governor. He didn't want himself. Look too embarrassed.

Baguda arrived at the hotel soon, picked up Yasna and went to Wind Manor.

Yasna didn't have a deep impression of Wind City. When he entered, the young governor was in his mind.

The other party was too young, but it also showed that the other party was very skilled and a very scary person.

But when he entered the lobby of Wind Manor and really saw the young governor, he was even more shocked. The other party looked younger in person than in the video.

Inexplicably, looking at this person, he couldn't help but feel a huge sense of pressure.

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