Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 344 Are they raised by the Xuanfeng Alliance?

Inside the farm.

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Myanmar patrol soldiers patrolled back and forth.

Chai Caida, Sara Ye and a group of Burmese military officers were drawing routes on an electronic map and discussing.

Calculating the time, the city in front of us should be captured soon.

It is already the limit for such sporadic resistance to last for so long.

Sure enough, a soldier hurried in after a moment and reported: "Mr. Cai Caida, the latest report has been sent. We have completely captured the city, and we can enter it now."

"Great," Chai Caida said excitedly, and then ordered to Suruo Yeye: "Notify everyone to enter the city, and then prepare to set off for the central city of Poya and capture it in one fell swoop."

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right away." Su Luoye responded and walked outside.

He had just given the order. While all the soldiers were gathering, a patrol leader ran over and said, "There seems to be a special situation. A helicopter landed not far from the farm."

"I sent people to check, but they lost contact when they entered the forest. I suspect there is something over there. Do you want to organize people to go and check?"

Shi Luoye frowned slightly when he heard this.

The sudden appearance of a helicopter in such a place is indeed suspicious.

What's more important is that their people have lost contact, and even a fool knows what might have happened.

"We must send someone over to check. After we enter this city, nothing will happen behind our backs." Siluo Ye directly gave the order and decided to take people over to check in person before he could rest assured.

He knew very well how risky Mr. Caizaida's decision was this time.

If Poya cannot be taken down in one fell swoop and Poya and the Tornado Alliance have time to react, then they will be in great trouble.

Because their action this time is a serious violation of international treaties.

Therefore, no unexpected situation can be allowed to occur.

Siluo Ye directly summoned a team and followed the patrol leader outside the farm.


Several military vehicles drove to a mountain forest.

at this time.

In the mountain forest, a helicopter has stopped.

The red lizard and the pilot followed Lu Feng closely, looking nervously at the huge beasts around them.

They didn't dare to make a sound.

They were still very shocked when they saw these beasts again.

Especially the giant snake, which is full of oppression.

They found that it was bigger than last time, and the scales on its body were thicker, glowing with a sharp coldness.

Especially, there was a horn growing out of his head.

A snake's head cannot have horns, which means it is no longer just a snake.

There were already some corpses lying around.

These were all Burmese soldiers. After entering, they died instantly under the claws of those wild beasts.

Lu Feng walked up to the giant snake and pressed the holographic computer on his wrist that was used as a carrier for Xiaozhi.

Everyone is curious about the Hacker God of the Xuanfeng Alliance, but who knows that the Hacker God is on his wrist?

Who can believe that that thing that looks like a watch is actually a super computer.

After a moment, the holographic computer on Lu Feng's wrist shot out a holographic virtual light curtain, and a figure appeared on it.

If you had guessed here, you would definitely be surprised to find that this is him.

With Xiaozhi, all kinds of networks and communications cannot avoid it. Now, it is natural to know who on the Burmese side invaded Poya instead of Thayer.

It is this guy named Chai Caida, and the other party is the most powerful person in Burma. Thaye is troublesome, but Chai Caida is a big trouble.

However, after solving Cai Caida, Myanmar is no longer in trouble, and even Myanmar himself will be in big trouble.

The three most powerful people, Thayer and Chai Zaida, are all dead. If the remaining one cannot be suppressed, then the struggle for power will surely begin.

You know, Myanmar itself is a chaotic area. Previously, the northern region was divided by warlords and wars broke out frequently.

It is conceivable that Thayer and Chai Zaida were suppressed.

Maybe if their Xuanfeng Alliance works, they can attract many people from Myanmar.

After all, the biggest problem of the Xuanfeng Alliance is insufficient population.

As for whether the people being absorbed can make them feel at ease, there is no need to worry at all.

For people living in such a chaotic area, when a person's life becomes several times, or even 10 times, better than before, do you think there are still people who want to go back and live the old life?

That's impossible, unless the man has a hole in his head.

"Remember his appearance, rush into the farm, and kill him." Lu Feng directly ordered the giant snake.

The giant snake has advanced to the level of the mutant beast king, and its intelligence is even higher.

Under the shocked eyes of the red lizard and the helicopter pilot, it actually nodded towards Lu Feng.


"Ho ho ho!"


Several mutant hyenas roared, indicating that someone was coming.

Outside the forest, several military vehicles stopped.

When Luo Ye got out of the car, he was stunned for a moment: "????"

Because he also heard those beast roars.

This immediately reminded him of a very bad scene.

Mr. Thayer was actually killed by a group of wild beasts under the protection of their army.

Suddenly, Shi Luoye's expression changed drastically: "Isn't it possible?"

He thought of something.

They are all wild beasts, they are all mountains and forests, and they are all exploration warriors who have lost contact.


"Retreat quickly!" The more Shi Luoye thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

If that were the case, the number of people brought by his military vehicles might not be enough for those guys to fill their teeth.

"???" The person in charge of the patrol looked at Shi Luoye with doubts on his face.

They are all here, and they are leaving like this?

Isn't their purpose to explore the situation inside?

Who just said that you can't leave any hidden dangers for yourself and you must make sure that there is nothing going on behind the scenes?

Now you can't even get in, so you have to retreat immediately?

Does this person have schizophrenia?

At this moment, a series of beast roars came from the forest.

Hearing the beast's roar, Shi Luoye's face turned even more ugly. It was them.

He would never forget this beast's roar.

The next moment, I saw huge beasts pounced out of the mountain forest.

At this time, the patrol leader's eyes widened in shock. He remembered something. Mr. Thayer was killed by a group of wild beasts before.

Although he was squeezed in at the very back of the mountain road and did not see the situation at that time, those beasts also slaughtered many of their companions. The claw marks and bites on each corpse were shocking.

Now these beasts?

Their size is indeed that huge.

Now he understood that the reason why Shi Luoye wanted to retreat was because of them.

The surrounding Burmese soldiers were even more confused. Naturally, they had heard the news that Mr. Thayer was killed by a wild beast. Some of them even witnessed such tragic battle conditions with their own eyes. So the moment they saw these beasts rushing out, there was no trace of color on their faces. There was almost no hesitation. They scrambled to escape.

Unfortunately, it was too late at this time.

How can humans be faster than mutant beasts?

Before they could get back to the car, they were already blocked by the mutant beasts. They could only anxiously pick up their weapons and shoot wildly at the mutant beasts.

It is a pity that there is no way to cause damage to these mutated beasts without forming a cluster of attacks. Even in panic, these Burmese soldiers, whose marksmanship is not very good, even failed to hit and were mutated. Hyenas and mutated gray wolves have evaded attacks.

Immediately afterwards, there were screams and screams.

I saw each warrior being thrown to the ground by those huge beasts, and then died before their claws in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the drivers on the military vehicles did not dare to stop. They did not even care about the Burmese soldiers. These beasts were useless even for bullets.

Su Luoye was well prepared and fled early in the morning. He directly grabbed a military vehicle and climbed into it.

As for the person in charge of the patrol, when he reacted, he had no chance to escape and was directly killed by a mutated gray wolf.

After the military vehicle fled some distance away, Shi Luoye breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could finish his breath, his eyes widened in shock, and he saw a huge figure slamming into his military vehicle.

It was a giant snake, even thicker than this military vehicle.

How could there be such a big snake?

This was Siluo Ye's first thought. Then, he felt that the whole car was overturned. He jumped out of the car and escaped, but after rolling twice, he got up and saw another car. The military vehicle had rolled over towards him and pressed against him head on.

Is this giant snake raised by the Xuanfeng Alliance?

The moment he was crushed to death by the military vehicle, this thought came to Silo Ye's mind.

Otherwise, both times are too coincidental.

Soon, the surrounding area became calm, and all the soldiers brought out by Shi Luoye were killed by these mutant beasts.

Then, they slowly ran towards the location of the farm. Lu Feng had already appeared on the giant snake's head and said: "Xiao Zhi, send me the location you guessed."

Among the farms.

Chai Caida was already ready to take people into the city, and then went straight to the central city of Boa.

"Where is Su Luoye? Where has he gone?"

Ke Guaida's angry voice soon sounded.

Because he has contacted Shi Luoye several times and has not received an answer in the communicator. Has this guy started not to take him seriously?

"Go and find Shi Luoye." Cai Caida could only angrily order the military on the side.

The officer did not dare to hesitate and immediately went out to look for Shi Luoye. But just as he was going out, there were sudden screams and a burst of gunfire in the farm.

There seemed to be a fight.

"Damn, what happened again?" Chai Caida was already angry because Su Luoye didn't respond. Now he heard the chaos in the farm and became even more angry.

"Maybe it's Boa's resistance." The officer could only guess.

"Aren't you talking about solving...what the hell is this?" Chai Caida was saying, and suddenly he looked at the huge beast that jumped in with horror.

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