Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 340 Do we really regret that we are so strong?

Boya Central Building is where Yasna and Boya bigwigs work.

Because it is in a chaotic area, a guard team is stationed around the central building all year round for protection.

But at this time, the survivors of the guard team have been gathered together, squatting trembling, raising their hands to surrender.

They all looked at the soldiers around them in fear.

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Are these people really from the Xuanfeng Alliance?

When did the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance become so terrifying? The other party was obviously the same as them.

These soldiers are not something they can resist at all. Their reaction, shooting, speed, strength... all aspects are definitely better than special forces.

They were almost suppressed and had no power to fight back.

One by one, their companions fell to the ground and died. Except for the injured, no one on the other side died. .

They even heard that the injured were teased and laughed at, saying that they were injured in the face of these trash.


Could it be that these people still want to crush them without injury?

So hurtful!

But they have no temper at all.

As for the residents of Boya in the surrounding blocks, they had already hidden in panic.

They knew that those who attacked the central building must be the warriors of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

They really came to seek revenge.

But surprisingly, apart from being afraid of being affected by the battle, they did not have any hatred for the invaders of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Because they understood the Xuanfeng Alliance. After all, it was their people who went to the Xuanfeng Alliance first and committed unforgivable crimes and massacred so many people.

You should know that this kind of massacre has also happened in their Boya, and more than once.

Whether it was the massacre caused by internal rebellion or external forces, there is no doubt that one thing is certain, which caused them sadness, fear, and endless pain.

Therefore, they deeply understand the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now Mr. Yasna, who once told them with passion that he would end the chaos in Boya and bring peace and happiness to everyone, actually made people do the things they hate and hate the most.

They were deeply puzzled by this, and even distrusted Yasna and those big men.

What made them feel even more ridiculous was that it was their people who started the fight first, but after the other side fought back, their people had no power to resist at all.

Especially when they saw the guards in the central building being easily crushed, they were the most elite soldiers in Boya.

The residents who saw this scene were all dumbfounded.

Outside the central building.

Propaganda voices rang out from the loudspeakers in the hands of the Xuanfeng Alliance soldiers:

"Don't worry, everyone in Boya, we will not harm civilians, we are just here to ask for an explanation for our compatriots who died."

"We in the Xuanfeng Alliance love peace and reject war like everyone else, but for the victims, we have to come here."

"Everyone is in this chaotic land, and everyone has suffered from suffering. Everyone should be able to understand us."


Every piece of propaganda was carefully selected. This is a great method borrowed from the Dragon Country, first taking a stand, and then putting oneself in the position of empathy with the other party, winning recognition and understanding.

In addition, no one was harmed, and the purpose was self-evident, which was to let everyone know that those big figures in Boya were wrong. We are righteous, and our Xuanfeng Alliance is with everyone.

In short, it is to win favor and prepare for the next purpose.

Perhaps it is because of this that after the soldiers of the Xuanfeng Alliance took control of the central building, the residents of the surrounding streets did not panic too much, but began to spread what happened here through videos.

In particular, the most elite soldiers of Boya were easily crushed by the soldiers of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and 0 deaths were solved.

These scenes were uploaded to the Boya website, shocking all the people of Boya.

They had only one thought, the soldiers of the Xuanfeng Alliance were so strong, no wonder they could attack the Boya center so quickly and control the central building.

Then, the words promoted by the Xuanfeng Alliance also spread on the Boya website. For a time, it seemed that an inexplicable emotion was growing in the hearts of the people of Boya.

At this time, the central building was full of gloom.

Yasna was controlled, and the important figures of Boya were detained in a conference room.

As for the other guards and ordinary officials, they were all killed.

Those terrifying warriors left no one alive.

He knew that the other party was keeping it secret and did not want to expose their inhuman strength.

This also made his face look extremely ugly.

The other party did not kill them now, there must be a purpose.

If they could not meet the other party's purpose, then they would definitely die.

"I want to see your leader." Yasna forced himself to calm down and said to those people.

But he found that these people did not want to pay attention to him at all. Instead, he saw a black man walked in with something like a chain in his hand.

It seemed that these people had such chains around their necks.

Before Yasna thought more, the black man had grabbed his collar and put the chain around his neck.

Yasna wanted to resist, but found that his strength was like a baby in front of the other party, and he was put on that kind of chain without any resistance.

Then, several other big men in Boya were also put on electronic chains by Swat, and no one could resist.

After doing all this, Swat coldly said to Yas and his men: "Wait."

If the Governor had not wanted to keep these people in Boya, they could easily kill them all.

However, he and others would strictly follow the Governor's orders, so he also stood aside and waited quietly.

This put great psychological pressure on Yas and his men.


Xuanfeng Alliance.

The helicopter that Lu Feng was riding fell into the Wind Manor.

Baguda had already been waiting here with some important people in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This included Chen Bo.

Although he was only the chief of the police station in the Wind City, he was in charge of the public security of the entire city. More importantly, he was arranged by the Governor.

Therefore, the other party was also called in as an exception, and the next deputy director of the Wind City Law Committee would also be him.

The reason why Baguda and these people gathered here was naturally because of the war. After all, their people had already invaded Boya, and the series of events that would follow would be a big deal for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Therefore, they naturally had to discuss with the governor as soon as possible. If the other party had any instructions, they could also execute them as soon as possible.

Moreover, once the war started, no one knew when it would end. It might be a long process. After all, their goal was the entire Boya and the natural harbor.

Once it dragged on for a long time, the losses in all aspects had to be coordinated.

The governor didn't like to go to the administrative center to work, so they could only come to the Wind Manor.

When Lu Feng got off the helicopter after it stopped, Baguda immediately led people to greet him:

"Your Excellency the Governor!"

"Your Excellency the Governor!"

"Your Excellency the Governor!"


One by one, they stood in front of Lu Feng with respectful faces.

In fact, none of these people had ever seen Lu Feng twice. They were only brought to the Wind Manor by Baguda when they were in office and met the governor.

But this did not hinder their respect for the governor at all.

It is precisely because of the governor's planning that the Xuanfeng Alliance has achieved its current great development, and has those world-leading products, and the people's living standards and conditions have improved.

It can be said that the Xuanfeng Alliance is developing and improving rapidly in all aspects, and everything is due to the governor.

"Go in and talk!" Lu Feng also ordered Baguda and the others. He knew from Xiaozhi that Swat and the others had successfully beheaded.

Then the next step is the most important step, which may require the joint efforts of Baguda and the others.

Baguda followed Lu Feng into the manor and asked with concern: "Governor, how is the situation now? How long will this battle take? We are also coordinating supplies and other support here."

Others also looked at Lu Feng, waiting for answers curiously, and they were all concerned about this matter.

Hearing this, Lu Feng immediately said: "The battle is about to end. Our people have controlled the opponent's central building. The big figures including Yasna are also in our hands. Now what you have to do is how to talk to Yasna and those people to take down Boya."

This immediately made Baguda and the others look incredible.

Or it was a bit unbelievable.

Didn’t the Dalai Lama just lead his men out?

When did their soldiers become so powerful?

Obviously, even those within the Xuanfeng Alliance didn’t know how much magical power the Xuanfeng Alliance now possessed.

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