Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 339 Is that all?

While Cai Caida was thinking about it, the helicopter had already landed.

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This attracted the attention of all the soldiers, and they all looked over.

They all know this person's status.

Although they also knew that this person had nothing to do with Mr. Thayer, the arrival of the other party always calmed them down.

Su Luoye ran towards Chai Caida immediately: "Sir, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon."

Cai Caida looked at the corpses and said: "Suluoye, I didn't expect that you are a person who does big things despite being silent. But don't worry, I have passed the death of Thayer to Boa. People will know it was you."

"???" Su Luoye was stunned for a moment. This person actually thought it was him. He hurriedly reiterated: "Mr. Guesseda, Mr. Thayer was really assassinated by a group of wild beasts."

He knew that this person definitely didn't believe it, so he immediately took out a shooting instrument and handed it to Cai Caida.

This is a shooting device carried on a military vehicle, which happened to record the scene when those wild beasts pounced on and killed Mr. Thayer.

Chai Caida took the instrument and played the video captured on the instrument.

When he saw the picture played on the instrument, he was stunned. In the video, he saw huge beasts jumping out and colliding with their army.

The key is that these beasts are so terrifying and have caused so many casualties.

And how could three different beasts get mixed up together? They also joined forces to kill their warriors, and in the end even Thayer was killed by a giant snake.

If this matter were kept outside, no one would believe it.

Things are a bit ridiculous.

But this is true.

"Mr. Cai Caida, there is something abnormal about these beasts." Su Luoye said with a frown.

Chai Caida immediately said: "Forget about these beasts, we have already announced to the outside world that it was Boa's people who assassinated Thayer. That was Boa's people who did it. Do you understand?"

Shi Luoye was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and nodded after a moment to show that he understood.

He probably knew the purpose of guessing it.

Chai Caida then ordered: "Gather all the officers, explain this matter, and then bring them to see me."

Maru Ye immediately went to deal with it and began to summon the officers under Thayer.

If Thayer was still alive under normal circumstances, it would definitely take some effort to summon these officers to surrender to Chai Caida.

But it's different now. Thayer is already dead and was killed by those wild beasts. It's no one's fault.

It couldn't be that someone controlled those beasts and killed Thayer, right?

Therefore, they have no way to hate those beasts, they cannot hate them, and they cannot take revenge. Therefore, they have no hatred when Guaicai Da appears at this time.

Plus they also need to think about the future.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the officers to come with Siluo Ye to see Cai Caida.

Chai Zaida looked at the officers and said directly: "Thaye is dead. Now I take over everything. Your positions and treatment remain unchanged. What you have to do now is to invade Poya with me and then occupy it."

"As long as we get Bo Ya, our business will be able to develop rapidly. By then, everyone will be a hero, and their salary will be improved across the board."

After hearing these words, the officers felt relieved and expressed their willingness to follow Chai Caida's orders.

Caicaida also nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and shouted: "Suluoye, give the order to go down, move forward at full speed, and move towards Boa with all your strength."

Shi Luoye immediately nodded and passed on his fate.

In an instant, these Burmese warriors regrouped and moved quickly in the direction of Poya.

Chaizida also entered the command car that Thayer had been in before.

He also asked Siluo Ye and two more important officers to sit in to win over people's hearts.

But before arriving in Poya, Chai Zaida received a call from his secretary.

He immediately pressed the answer button and heard the secretary's urgent voice: "Mr. Cai Caida, we may not be able to enter Poya. Something unexpected happened?"

Caicaida was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "What's going on?"

The secretary reported: "Mr. Chai Caida, just now, the latest news came out that people from the Xuanfeng Alliance have taken control of the center of Poya, and all official people including Yasna have been controlled. Now the two sides have ceased fighting. , is under peace negotiation (According to regulations, it can only be written like this, and the invasion cannot be too detailed.)"

"What? How is this possible?" Cai Caida's face suddenly changed, showing a look of disbelief.

Even Shu Luoye and the two officers had shocked expressions on their faces.

According to the comparison of strength, Xuanfeng Alliance cannot do such a thing at all, and they do not have the strength. Even they do not have the strength to control everything about Poya in such a short time and force Poya to negotiate.

"Mr. Cai Caida, what should we do now?" Shi Luoye asked.

The other two people also frowned.

Because the name of their entry into Poya was to support the Xuanfeng Alliance. Now that the Xuanfeng Alliance has taken care of Poya and is in the process of negotiating, what excuse do they have?

If they go in again, the situation will be a little tricky.

Chai Caida was obviously not a person who gave up easily. He gritted his teeth and said, "Keep moving forward. After we invade, we will tell the public that we don't know about this yet."

"When others react, we can take advantage of the situation and ask them to join the negotiation. Then we will have a way to force Boya and Xuanfeng Alliance at the same time."

The three of them nodded and could only do what Cai Caida said.

After all, the other party is much better than them in this regard.

The news that Xuanfeng Alliance controlled Boya Center also spread quickly, and this news spread all over the world like a hurricane.

The inhumane things that Boya did to Xuanfeng Alliance before also attracted the attention of countless people, and those corpses are still shocking now.

Boya dared to do such a thing, and everyone thought that Boya had some strength, or at least made preparations, right?

Who knew that you hit someone first, and they just fought back, and you couldn't do it?

You have to know how long it has been since Xuanfeng Alliance reacted to controlling Boya Center and forcing Boya to negotiate?

You Boya showed your fangs and pretended, who knew that this was it?

However, the international community also believed that this was a battle between small forces in a small place, and there was nothing strange about it. They could only think about it in this way, but they had no idea what kind of strange power Boya was defeated by.

Yasna had the most say in this matter, and he had not yet recovered from the fear.

Especially when he saw the figures guarding them around, his eyes were even more stagnant.

He had never thought that there was such a power that ordinary people could not understand in the world. They were like superpowers in the movie.

That terrifying speed, and the appearance of each of them being transformed into an orc.

Originally, he thought that the guards around and the guards in this building would have no problem blocking some people who attacked and beheaded.

But who knew that the guards in the building were defeated in a short time, and the guards outside were also attacked and directly dragged.

In this case, they could only surrender to these people.

At this moment, the fear on Yasna's face had not been relieved.

Why did the Xuanfeng Alliance have such a terrifying power? He had never even heard of it.

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