Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 341: On the skill of deception! Success

Chapter 341: On the skill of deception! Success!

When Lu Feng led people into the hall of the manor, Xiao Zhi suddenly said: "Master, Myanmar's people have entered the Boya area, you must speed up."

After receiving this news, Lu Feng immediately asked Baguda and others to sit down.

When Myanmar blamed Boya for Sayer's death, he knew that Myanmar had not given up the idea of ​​attacking Boya.

But this is not important. Now that they have control of the situation, Myanmar will become the best chess piece to help them put huge pressure on Boya.

After Lu Feng sat down, he also discussed with Baguda and told him about Myanmar's affairs. At the same time, he also discussed with him how to conquer Boya.

After all, to conquer Boya, it is not enough to persuade them verbally. The people must join willingly, so that they can completely become their own people.

After that.

Under Xiao Zhi's control, the LCD screen in the hall also lit up.

At the same time, in Boya, in the meeting room where Yas and others were guarded.

Yasna and the others also looked at the multimedia LCD screen in front of them in astonishment.

When the image appeared on the LCD screen, they were shocked when they saw the scene on the opposite side.

Many people appeared on the opposite side, and they were obviously the top leaders of the Xuanfeng Alliance, because they recognized Baguda.

This person has been too famous in this area recently. After all, the products released by the Xuanfeng Alliance are all popular in the world, and it is this person who is promoting and holding press conferences.

It is because of those products that they took action against the Xuanfeng Alliance and got to the point now.

But what shocked them was that Baguda actually stood respectfully beside a young man, and even the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance did the same.

Who is this young man?

Yasna suddenly realized something very shocking. Could it be that this young man is the mysterious governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance?

After the establishment of the Xuanfeng Alliance, all matters were handled by Baguda, the deputy governor, and the forces in the surrounding areas were very curious about who the governor of the other side was.

Who dared to believe that the governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance was such a young man?

When Baguda saw the scene on the screen, he knew that it must be the work of the hacker behind the governor, otherwise, such a video conversation would not suddenly appear between the LCD screens.

But how the other party operated was obviously not something he could figure out.

"Governor, should I go talk now?" Baguda also asked Lu Feng at this time.

"Yes." Lu Feng nodded.

He had no experience in communicating with people like Yasna.

This kind of thing should be handled by people like Baguda who are good at it.

In fact, he could also kill Yasna's people directly and occupy Boya by force.

But in that case, he was sure that people with ulterior motives like Myanmar* might turn around and condemn their Xuanfeng Alliance, and say that they would support Boya and help Boya get revenge.

Even the United States, which was unhappy with their Xuanfeng Alliance, might come out and say that they had occupied Boya too much.

That would be troublesome.

For such people, they could not be given a chance, so they could only keep Yasna and let him announce that Boya had peacefully joined the Xuanfeng Alliance, and not give anyone a chance.

At that time, Boya admired the rapidly developing Xuanfeng Alliance and joined voluntarily. You who have ulterior motives should shut up.

Although everyone can guess what happened, it is not revealed on the surface. What can the other party do if they guess it? Guessing cannot be used as evidence.

After getting the nod, Baguda also walked to the LCD screen and saw Yasna across from him: "Mr. Yasna, I have been friends with you for a long time. I heard that you and I have the same ideal of leading our hometown to prosperity. We should become true confidants."

"I just didn't expect that I succeeded in making the people rich, but Mr. Yasna took up the butcher knife against us and killed so many of us."

When saying this, Baguda was trying hard to make himself look normal.

After all, he knew what happened to those corpses.

Now the situation is that the governor had people kill Boya's people, and turned around to make everyone think it was Boya's fault. The key is that Boya is now taking the blame, and the other party doesn't even have the opportunity to explore.

I can only say that the governor's operation is really amazing.

Yasna was indeed unaware of the situation from beginning to end, and immediately said in annoyance: "I didn't ask Duolongna to do this, he acted on his own initiative."

Speaking of this, Yasna gritted his teeth. If Duolongna hadn't done that, the current situation might not be so bad.

Baguda took advantage of the situation and said: "So, we have executed Duolongna. As for Mr. Yasna, we believe that you are a person who really cares about the people, but you seem to have been using the wrong method. Look at me, I found the right way and made the people rich."

Yasna was very unconvinced when he heard this and said: "That's not your credit. Everyone knows that it was the young governor behind the scenes who created everything."

Baguda smiled and said: "But the way I found is to follow the governor. Look, how well the people of the Xuanfeng Alliance are living now? The income is at least 10 times that of before."

"So, Yasna, do you want to follow the governor with me? I believe that the governor will also make the people of Boya rich."

"Uh..." Yasna was stunned when he heard this.

The other party was waiting for him.

For a moment, he looked at Baguda with an expression of "How can you do this?" in his eyes.

He could see that the Xuanfeng Alliance was going to swallow Boya.

But in the blink of an eye, his face became very ugly. At this time, he didn't seem to have many choices.

After all, if he didn't make a choice, he would die. The other party had already done this and should occupy by force.

He knew very well that Boya's warriors could not resist the other party. The other party was too terrifying.

If he agreed...

Thinking of this, he fell into deep thought again. Indeed, he and Baguda wanted to benefit the people in his hometown and lead everyone to wealth.

In the absence of choice, if he could...

When the thought came to his mind, Yas was shocked. He didn't know why he subconsciously had this idea.

Looking at the smiling Baguda, he understood that it was all guided by Baguda's words before.

Damn it, he was led by the other party's words.

He was not so slow before, but in this situation, the pressure was on him, and he had no choice. He had fallen into a psychological trap.

Yasna gritted his teeth and looked at Baguda: "Mr. Baguda, can you tell me how you convinced yourself to join the Xuanfeng Alliance? Have you forgotten Cambodia? Have you forgotten this name?"

He obviously wanted to fight back.

Baguda smiled and said: "Yasna, you are obsessed. To be honest, it is just a name, not as important as the welfare of the people. As long as the people are happy and the people really agree, that is the most important thing."

"You can come to the Xuanfeng Alliance and ask them by the way, do you want to be a citizen of the Xuanfeng Alliance or a Cambodian."

"There is no doubt that they will answer the Xuanfeng Alliance, so people are the most important. I just want this area to get better and the people I love to change. Other things are not important."

Yasna was stunned by these words. For a while, it was difficult to refute. In fact, he felt that Baguda was great at this moment, and he seemed to be shining.

Baguda was secretly relieved at this time. Fortunately, he recited all the words prepared by the governor.

However, these words still made him a little excited, because that was what he thought in his heart, and these words expressed it.

Seeing that Yasna's momentum was completely suppressed by him and he was silent, Baguda also added fuel to the fire and said: "Yasna, I have a very bad news for you, that is, the people of Myanmar have entered Boya, and they have already attacked Boya."

Almost as he spoke, the LCD screen in front of Yasna was split into two halves, the general half was still on the side of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and the other half was on a place in Boya, where a battle broke out.

Sure enough, it was the people of Myanmar, who took advantage of the fire to rob, and he could naturally guess what Myanmar was thinking.

It's really damned.

It's all because of Dorondo, if he hadn't done that kind of thing, how could he be so passive.

Baguda's voice sounded again: "You have no choice now. The final result is nothing more than Myanmar* or Xuanfeng Alliance."

Yas was caught in a dilemma for a while. After a moment, he asked in a frustrated tone: "What will your Xuanfeng Alliance do to Boya? I need a guarantee."

This made Baguda and Lu Feng look at each other.

It's done.

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