Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 330 No more hackers can break in?

When Red Lizard heard Lu Feng's order, he immediately found Dalai and gave him the order.

"It's time to start. That's great." Dalai was immediately excited.

He was still a little belligerent. After knowing that Boya was planning to attack their Xuanfeng Alliance, he wanted to teach him a lesson.

The Xuanfeng Alliance finally had the current situation. If the other party dared to attack, they deserved to die.

Dalai also secretly summoned all the regular soldiers of the Xuanfeng Alliance as quickly as possible.


At the same time.

Red Lizard continued to send people to keep an eye on Boya.

But Boya seemed to be waiting for something and had not taken action.

Until a few days later.

A cargo ship blocked a port in Boya.

Teams of soldiers had already been on guard all around, and Yasna also arrived here.

On the cargo ship were the weapons that the American people promised to provide him.

This batch of weapons was also the key to their rise in Boya.

When Yasna and Boya's general arrived at the port, a group of white and black soldiers walked down from the freighter.

One of them walked directly to Yasna and said, "Mr. Yasna, the freighter is what you need. Good luck."

Yasna did not hesitate and immediately called Boya's soldiers to the freighter to pick up the goods.

In an instant, boxes were lifted off the freighter. After those boxes were opened, they were full of weapons.

Moreover, these weapons were very new, not obsolete old goods, but very advanced, stronger than the weapons they had at Boya at this stage.

This shows that the other party did not fool him, and this time they really worked hard to provide them with help.

With these weapons, they can lead the Xuanfeng Alliance in weapons.

"Send the weapons, and after upgrading the equipment, act as quickly as possible." Yasna immediately gave the order.

He was afraid that Boya's actions would attract the attention of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After all, he had gathered so many soldiers.

If this batch of weapons had not arrived yet, he would have definitely asked people to act long ago.

This kind of thing can only be done with swift and resolute actions without giving the other party time to react.

"Yes, sir!" A general next to him nodded immediately.

In an instant, under his command, Boya's soldiers quickly changed their equipment and gathered in the direction of the border, gathering at a place on the border.

In the mountains and forests not far from there, several figures have been watching here.

"Boya is going to take action like this, and he has gathered so many people."

"How dare they?"

"Report quickly!"

Several people discussed, and one of them took out the phone and dialed it to notify the direction of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Not long after.

Red Lizard hurriedly took Dalai to the Wind Manor, and reported to Lu Feng when he saw him: "Your Excellency the Governor, Boya may take action. They have gathered a lot of soldiers at the border, located in the Willin Mountains."

Almost when these people reported, an LCD screen in the hall lit up, and then a planet appeared in front of them.

Obviously, it was a picture of the earth taken by a satellite.

Then, the picture quickly moved closer to a place.

The map began to zoom in, becoming more and more detailed.

The last location that appeared was the Weilin Mountains.

The scene and roads in the mountains were fully displayed, and even the black mass gathered on the ground could be seen clearly.

The black mass was caused by the gathering of Boya soldiers.

The scene on the screen surprised Hong Xi and Dalai.

They naturally saw that it was a satellite picture.

But their Xuanfeng Alliance did not have a satellite at all. More importantly, they just reported the name of a place, and it was played on the screen.

They knew that this must be the credit of the hacker behind the governor.

But this hacker is too powerful, right?

"Master, this is a satellite of the United States." Xiaozhi's voice also sounded in Lu Feng's ears: "They don't know that this satellite is controlled by me, and there is one thing to report, that is, the other party is also using this satellite to watch the Weilin Mountains."

"???" Lu Feng frowned when he heard this.

There are also people in the United States who use this satellite to watch this place.

In other words, the other party also knows the situation in Boya, otherwise, the other party would not be bored to call the satellite and just check here, right?

He suddenly understood how a small place like Boya could have the courage to invade them.

It turned out that someone was backing them up.

But what was the purpose of the other party supporting Boya? Even if Boya defeated them, they would only want those product technologies.

A big country like the United States could not do this for these technologies, right?

For Xiaozhi?

Xuanfeng Bank?

Lu Feng made some guesses.

Then, he immediately ordered Hong Lizard: "Hong Lizard, according to the direction they gathered, the people of Boya may be going to enter the Xuanfeng Alliance in those three places. Let people monitor them with all their strength. I will inform you of the specific location at that time, and then withdraw the people as quickly as possible."

Since they were forced to fight back, they had to let the other party run rampant for a while, and then destroy them with lightning speed.

At that time, no one would be able to speak for them or interfere.

"Okay, Governor!" Red Lizard nodded immediately, and then hurriedly took Dalai out to make preparations.

Time passed.

In the valley of the Willlin Mountains.

Boya's warriors have fully assembled. A car drove over and Yasna got off.

Because the other party has the hacker god, he is afraid of being monitored by the other party, so he dare not use communication equipment now, and he comes to give orders in person.

The other party must not be informed of Boya's actions, and then fail.

After Yasna arrived, Boya's warriors became serious, standing silently one by one, waiting for orders.

"Let's go, for Boya!" Yasna gave an order.

"For Boya!"

"For Boya!"


Shouts were also heard from the soldiers, and then one by one they got on the military vehicle next to them, went out of the border, and headed towards the direction of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

At the same time, in Boya, several white people were also looking at a special instrument in front of them, which was playing the video taken by the satellite.

The video was exactly what was happening over there at Yasna. They saw Boya's warriors taking action.

"Boya's people have taken action, so we should take action too."

"Yes, the Xuanfeng Alliance will definitely be in chaos by then, and it's a good opportunity for us."

"This time we must solve the problem of the Hacker God. Before, with this threat, we didn't dare to act openly."

"Now it's good. This time we can solve the problem at once, whether it's the Hacker God or the Xuanfeng Bank."

"That Hacker God would never have thought that this time we directly used a satellite for monitoring."


Then, several white people walked out and started to take action, leaving only one person to monitor the satellite images.

The person who stayed behind was also carefully observing the situation of the satellite and had to be cautious.

Although this satellite has their strongest network defense system, because of the powerful function of the supercomputer, no hacker can invade without the equipment that can keep up, but it never hurts to be cautious.

However, the inspection was as expected, and there was no problem at all.

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